Chapter 5: Mr. Steal Your Girl

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Psycho Harry and Assassin Harry continued to look at me with furrowed brows and bewildered expressions on their faces, the both of them still holding my wrists as I shrunk back against the wall.

"Arlight you can stop staring- jeez, I was just kidding when I blurted out threesome damn." I mumbled, snorting slightly to myself as I stared at the floor with wide eyes to avoid their gazes.

Shit I was like, half kidding.

Deciding to take advantage of their dazed states I brought my leg up and kicked the gun out of Assassin Harry's hand, ready to go all bad ass and catch it mid air only to realize that my wrists were still secured by both Harrys as we watched the weapon fall and clatter to the floor a few feet away.

"Thanks pumpkin." Psycho Harry smirked, glancing towards me before letting me go and tackling Assassin Harry to the floor who fell with a grunt, his jaw locked and his green eyes blazing with anger as I scrambled for the gun.

"It's Liza! Now both of you are going to listen to me cause I'm the captain now!" I announced, practically hypervenilating as I held the gun that was visibly shaking in my hands causing both Harrys to freeze in place as they turned to me.

Assassin Harry was the one who smirked, running his tongue along the inside of his cheek, revealing the indent of his dimples as his green eyes flickered up and down my body before he brought his arms up in a mock surrender.

"Ovviamente. Mettere la pistola bambina, prima di farti del male." He said in fluent Italian, his voice deep and husky and judging by the small scoff he made I knew what he was saying was an insult.

"You get any of that?" I asked, looking over at Psycho Harry who had the same confused expression on his face as he shrugged in response.

"I think I heard him say fart..." Psycho Harry trailed off making Assassin Harry clench his jaw in anger, closing his eyes and taking in a slow breath before he opened them once again and glared at me.

"I said," Assassin Harry said, switching back to English as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Of course. Put the gun down little girl, before you hurt yourself." He repeated in a low gravelly tone as my grip on the weapon tightened.

"Shut up you... you Italian speaking British hunk if that even made sense! I have a gun and I don't know how to use it so one of us will probably leave with a bullet in their foot but know this- just because you're a psycho killer," I rambled, pointing at Psychotic Harry with a gun making him click his tongue and wink at me before I pointed at Assassin Harry.

"And just because you know how to assassinate people I am the boss! You two are my bitches and I got two more bitches in a car in the parking lot so get moving!" I yelled, watching in awe when the two Harrys exchanged looks before they followed my instructions, placing their large hands behind their heads as I ushered them out of the house.

"That's the point. I was assigned to protect you Liza, you're the daughter of my boss." Assassin Harry growled out as I smirked and nudged him with the weapon.

"Save it for your fanfiction." I said, making him send me a confused look before he walked out.

"God I'm so awesome, totally would date myself." I mumbled under my breath, holding the gun to my chest like in those movies when the spy has to check the perimeters before I exited the house.

Holy fuck I was holding a gun.

Don't shoot yourself Liza, don't shoot yourself.

One of the things that was really scaring me was the fact that even though the fanfictions Harrys were now coming into the real word, a few factors and things that only happen in fanfictions were affecting the normal people around me.

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