Chapter 13: Seeing Her Again...

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Mikey's pov

     After we ate pizza, Ruby and Sapphire were hanging out for what looks like a couple of hours. It's cool that they want to get to know each other more. "So Leo, when are we going to go back to the farm house, it would be really cool if Sapphire can meet everyone in person!" I said trying to convince Leo. "Before we jump to any conclusions, we have to ask her and Ruby." Leo said back to me. "Yay!! Ruby, Sapphire, can you both please come here!" I said almost yelling.

      The came over. "What's up Mikey." Sapphire said to me with a friendly smirk. "Well, Mikey why don't you ask." Leo said to me. "Ok!! Sapphire, would you like to meet our brothers and friends!!" I said in excitement. "Oh my gosh YES, I would love to!!" Sapphire said jumping up and down with a huge smile. "Ok well then, would you like to leave now?" Leo asked Sapphire. "Sure." Sapphire said.

We all walked to the door and I opened it. But when I opened it, I saw Camethana and her ninja group. "Well, I guess I found Mikey, Leo and Ruby. Oh, and even my old daughter Sapphire." Camethana said with an evil smirk. "What do you want Camethana!" I said taking out my nunchucks. Leo toke out his katanas. "You all know what I want, Get them!" Camethana yelled. The. The ninja group started attacking us.

"Dudes!! I should totally call the ninja group, um, the black shadow clan!!"(黒い影の一族) I yelled while fighting. "That is a good name." Leo said while blocking a strong attack. "Don't underestimate me bro, I am awesome at naming stuff!" I said.

Ruby's pov

When the now called 'black shadow clan' attacked I stayed near Sapphire, for 2 reasons, 1 because I didn't want to lose her again and 2 because I had to protect her because I assumed she couldn't fight. Then While the clan was fighting the guys, Camethana started coming towards us. "What do you want from us!!" Screamed Sapphire beside me. "I want Ruby, and you Sapphire. You two will have no choice but to join me." Camethana said.

     "We will never join you!" I screamed. Camethana then grabbed us by our wrists. "LET GO!!" I yelled trying to escape her grip. I looked behind me and I saw Mikey and Leo still fighting. "Leo!" I yelled. "Mikey!" Sapphire yelled as well. They then noticed us in Camethana's grip. We were almost to the door. Leo and Mikey then fought harder. Then the whole clan was on the ground. That was their chance. They both came towards us. Leo got in front of Camethana to block her path.

       "Sorry, but we aren't going to let you leave with them." Leo said crossing his arms. Then Leo clicked a button on his T-Phone, I think it was to alert the others to come and help. "You have no choice." Camethana said. She then shoved Sapphire and I down on the floor. She then raised a hand over us. Then, I felt pain. Sapphire and I were screaming in pain. "Ahhhh!!" We both screamed while holding our selfs. "Stop!!" Mikey said in horror. Leo then kicked Camethana in the back. She fell forward in pain, but she then gets back up and still holding her hand at us, which made the pain hurt more. We then heard the window brake I looked up with tears in my eyes.

Standing there was Donnie and Raph next to the broken window. Thank God I thought. "AHHHH!" Sapphire and I screamed in pain. Then the pain stopped for a minute. I looked up to see all of the guys fighting Camethana. "S-Sap-phire." I said in pain. She looked at me with tears in her eyes from the pain as well. Sapphire then held my hand. "I-It's g-going t-to be o-okay." She said to me. Then I looked up one more time to see Camethana on the floor and the guys running towards us. "Ruby, Sapphire." That was what I heard last before everything went black.


*Camera on*

Mikey: Hey dudes and dudettes, Mikey here and Natalie is busy doing I don't know what

Donnie: Mikey, Natalie is getting pizza for us, remember

Mikey: Oh yeeaahh, I forgot :P

Raph: MIKEY *Comes in*

Mikey: Yeah Raph

Raph: Mikey, you put a pizza stain on my magazine!!

Mikey: So...

Raph: So this toke 3 years to collect, 3 years!!

Mikey: Oops sorry

Raph: I'm going to kill you!! *chases Mikey*

Mikey: AHH *Runs away*

Donnie: -_- Anyways, Goodbye readers

*Camera off*

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