chapter 4

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When i got off the stage i could barley see anything because of how bright the lights were. My left foot slipped when i was walking down the steps cqusting me to hit my butt. "Ouch!"

I looked over to my right and i could just barley see underneath the make shift dressing room only five feet away from me. It was Jazmine's. I could tell because of the matching dance bags we got with our names on them that we got in England for Nationals.

"What is she doing?!" I thought to my self. "She's on stage next!" I got up and dusted off my pants trying to get the dirt off my butt.

As soon as i walked in my jaw seemed like it hit the floor. My heart dropped to my stomacg and i couldn't breathe. Tears filled my eyes as i excepted what was happening. Logan was all over her. Make out city!

I closed the curtain as fast as i could trying not to be noticed. I felt the tears start flowing down my face. If they wanted to hurt me then they did a pretty good job destroying my heart. I felt like my whole life was over.

I ran as far as i could trying to make it not as noticeable that i was crying at the same time. I sttod in a large croud and looked around. When i finally notices that i jusr went in a complete circle and ended up at the stage again, i just sat dowm on the floor with my legs crossed not caring who judged me.

I had to remind my self multiple times that it was not my night to make a huge scean.

I watched Jaz's performance with completely noticeable messed up make-up. I clapped for her anyways because despite what happened she did an ama zing job.

After 20 minutes of sitting by myself on the floor, I notices Logan walking towards me. I got up quicker then i actually thought i could.

My hands formed fists and i sware i could feel steam coming out of my ears. He looked at me like he was so innocent. "Hey babe, you alright?" It took all my might not to punch min in the face. "Yeah, 'babe', everything is perfect." I put finger quotes around the word babe. He can obviously tell now that I'm mad and im perfectly ok with that. "ooh and here let me get the lipstick that I'm not even wearing off of your neck. I'm sorry about that. Not! I cant belive you would be that crule!" By now there were tears running from my eyes like a waterfall. "wait! Before you leave..i got you something."

Not even looking to see who was next to me i grabbed the smoothie from their hand and dumped it all over Logan's head. People were staring at me and i could hear some people whispering behind me. "Have fun with my best friend!" I yelled at him before throwing the empty cup at his body.

I turned around running into somebody and looked down from embarassment. I looked up and saw him.

He was tall and lean. Every peice of his curly brown hair fell into place so perfectly. His breathtaking hazel eyes gave my tummy butterflies. His face was shapped so perfect and lips were so full and big.

While i was examining him i didn't even noticed that he was talking to me. "Umm...hello?" He waved his hand infront of my face awaking me from my tarnce.

I shook my head. "I'm sorry, what?" He just looked at the ground with his hands in his pockets and giggled a little before looking up again. "I said, that was nice what you did with my smoothie." My vision was clearing so i could see again amd things weren't blurry anymore. Wait?! Austin Mahone?!?!

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