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Alexis POV

I kept sitting around in class waiting for Maria, I'm a little worried because she's never late she's usually super organised. I looked off at all the other students in my pastoral class this year, a lot of people in here I know but never talked to but then I saw Eric. I don't talk to Eric often in fact I don't think anyone does besides his girlfriend Eliza, never the less Maria will be over the moon to be in the same PC as Eric. 

Just as the teacher was about to do roll call Maria nearly broke the door open!

Speak of the devil

"IM HERE IM SORRY IM LATE" she yelled just before going silent after she realised how loud she was.
The teacher broke the silence "and so you are, you may take your seat Maria"
She didn't answer she just nodded and awkwardly made her way over to the seat next to me as teacher started roll call.
"Way to make an entrance" I said smirking                               

"Please don't" she replied, she looked like she wanted a million hands to facepalm her all at once.

I watched as she frantically looked around the room for other familiar faces, then her faced shone a bright smile when she looked to the side of the class and saw Eric. I swear she gets so weird around that guy, she somehow gets even more clumsy then she already is and hers eyes unnaturally sparkle as if she was some sort of Alien of supernatural creature.

Maria's POV

ERIC'S IN MY CLASS ERIC'S IN MY CLASS ERIC'S IN MY CLASS ERIC'S IN MY CLASS OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG COULD THIS DAY GET ANY BETTER!!!... processing what I just thought I quickly looked around for...someone...else...I paused, Eliza isn't in my class THAT MEANS I HAVE ERIC ALL TO MYSELF!!! HAHAHAHA!!! I looked over to Alexis but she just stared at me disturbed.

"Whats wrong" I whispered

"What did you just do to change your expression into you looking like you just murdered someone" She replied hesitantly.

I realised how my face had shifted to look like I was possessed by a demon, meh what can I say I'm in the class with my nemesis boyfriend whom I have a major crush on COULD ANYONE REALLY BLAME ME RIGHT NOW!

"MARIA!" I heard the teacher call out viscously 

"UH Y-YES MISS" I responded quickly

"ugh miss Maria, you're already late could you please pay attention in class" she looked very disappointed

"Yes miss" I looked down and clenched the end of my skirt in shame.


I felt everyone ambush past me out of the classroom, I kept being pushed left and right like PEOPLE DON'T KNOW HOW TO MIND THERE OWN BUSINESS (sorry I got way to into that, personal problems am i right? or am i right?)

I sighed and walked over to my new locker, Alexis was a few lockers away from me, I'm ok with that, she's a model and she's always surrounded by other students admiring her and I don't need any male groupies near my locker sorry Alexis but it's your own problem for being perfect. Just as I was thinking that I heard the sound of a million desperate guys by her locker.

"Hey Maria! I was wondering if you want to hang out later" I heard one say, I looked at him and he winked at her...ugh.

"SO Maria you still single? because you know I'm open just for you and trust me that's not the only wish I can grant you" Said another, I can tell he made that one up one the spot.

"Hey Maria~ you're looking extra fine today, love the dress then again you just look gorgeous no matter what you wear as long as you're wearing a smile" I heard the other one say sweetly.

Maria Maria Maria, I sighed, why can't someone talk to me like that, someone like Eric...Eric~...

I heard a voice behind me "Alexis seems to be as popular as ever"

I nod and reply "Yeah, I wish I could be like that, then again i don't want a bunch of fanboys concentrating on my every move"

"Couldn't of said that better myself" he said

I chuckled, but then it took me a moment to realise that Alexis is the only one I talk to at school, I look over at her again but she was still over there...who am I talking to? I turn around cautiously, I smile but that smile instantly changed to anxiety.

...I turned around...and right behind me was...E-eric..

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