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*Le timeskip number 2, recess*

Maria POV

After second period ended we walked out to the stairs where we ate last time with Eric, but he wasn't there, he's probably being held back for more work poor guy life must be so hard for him that he can't keep up with his own work, if only I was there with him, I could help in study in the library or maybe even his house no even better MY house! we could go into my room and study at my desk and Eric would gentle put his hand over mine and say Maria, thank you for doing this for me, it means more to me then you know and then our eyes would meet and he'd say you know...I really like spending time with you, your not like other girls, your kind, smart, and not to mention your beautiful and I'd look at him, deep into his icey blue eyes Eric thats so very kind of you to say but, are you sure you should be saying that to me? you have Eliza and she's way prettier then I am and ever will be And then he'd say oh please that's not true and you know it! Eliza is rude and annoying I never wanted to be her boyfriend but I'm afraid of what she would do if we broke up, Maria I'd much prefer you as my girlfriend, oh eric... AND THEN OUR LIPS WILL MEET AN-

"Maaaaaary! earth to Maria!"Alexis yelled waving her hand in front of my face

"OH! sorry I just dozed off there heheh" I scratched my head awkwardly 

"I know, your lucky Eric isn't hear or he would have heard all that" she pointed


"yeah, ANYWAY" she rolled her eyes and sat me down "I want to talk to you about that thing"

"oh yeah, about Eric right?"

"yes...well you see...yesterday when I was on the bus I heard some people in the row in front of me talking about a big crater that hit down the road your bus goes, I got worried so I got off to check it out but I got sidetracked and heard a giant explosion nearby me I turned the corner and I saw Eric stand up in a cover of smoke, for a moment I thought he got hurt but then I started hearing him talk to someone, it was weird, I couldn't hear or see anyone, like he was just talking to himself...weird huh"

Eric talking to himself? thats off it doesn't sound like him...unless...What if Eric has always felt so alone like he has no one that truly understands the pain he goes through of being so alone that he made imaginary friends that he talks to in his spare time when no one is around so he doesn't look weird but Alexis caught him in the act and told me and now his secret is revealed! oh that poor boy I feel so bad for him, I could never see how alone he was and a bet Eliza wasn't helping him in the slightest, someone who isn't anything like him yet claims to be his girlfriend is so wrong!

Alexis caught me in a daze and rolled her eyes at me like she knew what I was thinking even though I wasn't talking aloud this time...I just laughed awkwardly. In the end Eric never did show up so I guess he sat somewhere else, ugh probably with Eliza.

*Le Timeskip to end of the day cuz I'm lazy*

My bus isn't coming again so I'm assuming my bus route is still under construction on being repaired. But this time Jake is picking me up so I guess I'll just hang by the school statue until he comes *sigh* I'm bored, usually in my spare time I draw but today I have nothing so I guess I'm...just going to...sit here...and do...nothing...ARGH I'M BORED! 

"You're bored to huh?" I heard a deep voice behind me, I turned around to see Eric about to put his headphones back in


"uuuh, Maria?" he said

"OH! uh, y-yeah! m-m-my b-bus isn't c-coming again s-s-so Imma just stay here heheheh"

"...right" there was an awkward silence between us

"s-so um what are you still doing here? N-not that I don't want you to be around cause p-personally I don't mind either way b-but if you are I'm not lonely and oh god I'm rambling aren't I whoops silly me" I.AM.AN.IDIOT! IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT!

"heheh, I'm just sticking around until my friend picks me up, you?" he chuckled AH its so cute! 

"o-oh yeah s-same here o-only its my brother n-not my friend" I saw his mouth ever so subtly curve up a bit, thats the closest I ever seen to him smiling

"Hey I've been meaning to ask you something..." that smile dropped

"hm? what is it?" he leaned in a bit

"w-well it's kind of a dumb question, I'm a little worried on how you'll think of me when I tell you"

"it takes a lot more then one question to level with MY weirdness Eric, ask away" 

"w-well...the truth is...Maria...I really like you..."

"WHA?! b-b-but wait really?! but what about Eliza and why me of all girls?!"

"you're different to other girls, I like you, and the list goes on as to why, Eliza always drags me aside from others but I never knew how to actual feel love until I met you...d-do you like me back?"

"Eric...I've loved you for so long I thought you'd never ask, and I was to nervous to ask myself...I love you" we leaned in AND THEN WE KISSED AND UH-

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