Alexis and Maria

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Maria POV

"AND THEN A-AND THEN Maria walked me in the back of my head! and everything went black and then I woke up!" Jake yelled

he was freaking out

"Jake, I'm sure whatever you saw was just a dream" I said calmly 

"B-but! it felt so real! plus part of the chicken is gone! explain that!"

"you want me to explain why part of the chicken is gone?" I gave him a blatant look

"yea do you know? THAT THING WAS REAL, just wait until my co-workers hear about this!"

"oh I'm sure they'd like to hear all about the tiny flying demonic creatures that took part of our chicken" I smirked but he just glared at me, yes i was lying but i had no reason to show I believed him ESPECIALLY considering the fact I had to knock him out before he killed Leo!

"I fink, if you gawt knocked out duwing teh night den you need some sweep jake" Sam jumped in his seat, I just laughed while Jake sighed.

"I should get going, don't want to be late again" I got my bag and thought to myself "huh, I wonder if Leo will be ok on his own" I bite my nail

"who is Leo" Sam said behind me

GAH NO! I DIDN'T THINK HE'S HEAR THAT! "I uh he's um well he's a-a-a friend of mine YEAH! hahaha" Leo is going to kill me

Sam just looked at me blankly 

"WELL I better go haha bye!" I ran out the door wiping the sweat off my face, that was to close.

*Le Timeskip to school*

Alexis POV

I swear what am I going to do with that girl, she's known to be one of the smartest girls in school? yeah right the dam girl can't even get to her first class on time! and the worst part is that it leaves me with NO ONE to talk tooooo!

well, no one in my class that is...I mean I guess I have classes where I can talk to Eric if he was enough for a conversation, i don't get what Mary sees in that guy. He's so weird...which reminds me I have to tell Mary about that thing I saw him doing.

I saw her walk into the class, ITS ABOUT TIME! I waved her over and she smiled as she sat next to me.

"Did I miss anything?" she whispered

"Nothing important" I replied

"you'd say that even if I miss the whole lesson, nothing in this school is important to you" she pouted

I placed my finger on the side of my lip sarcastically "hmmm, I've got a well paying job, money, I'm already aware of what college I'm going to...remind me why any of this stuff should matter to me"

"well I'm glad to see your life is going great" she folded her arms

I hold my breath trying not to laugh while the teacher is talking "oh come on, I don't see anything wrong with your life" See I don't need school I know I'm smart, I mean just look at Maria, she's pretty, adorable, intelligent, kind, did I mention cute, talented, healthy, not to mention she has a loving fami-...loving BROTHERS! yeah thats what I meant! even so, I saw her quietly frown and mumble something

"If only you knew the half of it" she mumbled

"what?" I she can be REAL quiet when she wants to

"nothing, I wish my life was as easy as you make it sound" she said turning back to me...I get the feeling she's hiding something, if it comes up again I'll ask her...wait...ask her...THATS RIGHT THE THING!

"hey I got to tell you something" 

"Your already telling my something" she lightly smirked, i just gave her and obvious look"

"seriously, well then I'll be a little more specific, I need to tell you something, about Eric" i flutter my eyes innocently as her's widened

"what is it?" she leaned in as if it was a top secret mission

"keep your voice down, it's not even anything good, its...weird" I shrugged but looking at her I realise there's no point in saying that, she wouldn't care how creepy it was she would still want to know...stalker much?

"ok, this mourning I woke up SUPER early so I-" but THANKS TEACHER for interrupting me

"Alexis! whats the answer to question three!" the teacher yelled, I looked at the board...I don't even remember what topic we're on

"uh it's uuh" I felt Maria nudge my arm and i glimpsed at her book where she had wrote the answer for me THANK YOU GOD!

"fooorty three?" I questioned

"Well, yes thats IS the answer to the question but I was referring to the next step" the teacher said, he turned to another student who looked half asleep and did the same thing. I smiled at Maria, I take back what I said, its not what I'm going to do with that girl, its what would I do WITHOUT her!

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