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Everything was pitch black...all I could hear was Maria screaming...but I couldn't tell if she was in trouble but I also heard the monster...but the monster was the one that sounded in trouble...I want to get up and help but I can't...all I can do is sit and listen...Maria...maria...no...no!...

"MARIA!" I gasp!

I wake up and look around hesitantly for Maria before actually realising we weren't in the woods anymore...we were back home in Maria's room, or rather I was. Maria was no where to be seen, I walk downstairs, it looks like Jake is about to leave. I look at the time...its 9:45...that means Maria must have gone to school. I sigh in relief...but wait...SHE LEFT WITHOUT ME?! W-WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO ALL DAY?! I guess since Jake is about to leave and Sam is already at school that means I'm in no real threat of being noticed unless this place gets robbed. Man today's going to be boring

Maria POV

I do feel bad about leaving Leo at home alone, but since no one is around he's smart enough to not get himself noticed...I suppose me and Leo should have some form of communication, I thought about getting him a phone but last time I checked they don't cell working phones for living dolls. I chuckle to myself at my own joke

"Mary?" Alexis whispers tapping my shoulder

"hm? sorry I just dozed off again, did I miss something" I whisper looking at the board 

"no, anyway are you ok? you seem a little out of it"

"oh, I just didn't sleep well heheh" yeah it's because I went to an alternate world were a blue radioactive monster tried to kill me and my doll sized flying friend, just imagine that for a conversation

"why? did something happen?"

"no just bad luck I guess I-I don't know" I said awkwardly scratching my head

We kept pretending to pay attention in class but in all honestly the whole monster counter thing wasn't what was on my mind...it was how am I supposed to talk to Eric after what happened yesterday. The thought stayed in my mind through the whole 2 periods and now recess. I sighed.

Alexis dragged me over to the stairs again and looked me straight in the eye

"Ok Mary clearly something is bothering you I know its not just tiredness" 

"D-don't worry about it ok? I'm fine I promise"

"No you're not and I'm going to be the one feeling guilty if I don't find out so if not for you then could you tell me whats wrong for me?" She fluttered her eyelashes at me

"...I won't go into detail cause it's personal but, yesterday while I was waiting for Jake to pick me up, I finally got the chance to talk to Eric...alone"


"No...it was tempting but I couldn't, not so soon...anyway the thing is while we were talking 'something' happened, I won't say what but it was something that made me look weird without a proper explanation on what it was, I had to get out of the situation and I just ran...I felt like that was a selfish move to have something weird happen then without an excuse I just ran off...how do I approach him now..."

"You don't have to, I'll just approach you" I heard someone say behind me. I turn around and BAM ERIC WAS THERE! OH GOD H-HOW MUCH DID HE HEAR! NO NO NOOO IF HE WAS CONFUSED BEFORE HE MUST THINK I'M A TOTAL WEIRDO NOW!!!

"since it's personal I won't ask what was in your bag but you shouldn't feel scared about approaching me, trust me I've had weirder encounters then that" he smiles...I may faint

"r-really? like what? I can't imagine a situation weirder then having to run away after thinking there was something moving in my bag" I hesitate awkwardly

"nah it's fine, I'd probably do the same" he said biting into the apple he had for lunch

Alexis just looked confused as heck but she didn't say anything after seeing how happy I looked

"Maybe you can tell me another time" Eric said while chewing

I lightly blush "heheh maybe" We talked all recess and on the way to the lockers then Eric left to go to his next class

"ok where did you learn to grow a pair? I've never seen you act so normal around that guy" Alexis smirked nudging my arm

"heheh I guess the moment was right" I smiled blushing a bit

"Well I'm proud of ya, at this rate he's sure to fall for you soon! he doesn't even talk like to anyone not even Eliza, I'm kinda jealous of that little skill of yours" she said poking my cheek and I giggled. We walked to class but stopped in the hallway before it.

"crap I forgot my science book, you go on without me brb" Alexis said running off

"K, I'll see you insi-" I turned around to continue walking but Eliza was blocking my path at the end of the hall. She glared at me intensely 

"...um...hey Eliza...can I just walk-" just as I was about to slip past he she grabbed me by my jacket and threw me to the ground.

"o-ow! what the- huh?" She stepped over me keeping her death glare locked onto me

"What do you think you're doing" she said in a serious tone

"...Whaddya mean by that"

"Don't play dumb with me you've been talking playfully around MY Eric!" She said grabbing me by my jacket

"I-I don't see a problem here I-I was just talking to him, he invited me to sit with him"

"BULLSHIT HE DID!" She let go of my jacket and started pulling on my hair

"look you little bitch I'm the ONLY one allowed to talk to Eric because he's mine and no one else so mind your own business and maybe find a guy that ACTUALLY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT YOUR WORTHLESS LIFE" She tugged on my hair harder then threw my down again and stormed off like nothing happened 

I picked up all my books and got up rubbing my head, then Alexis came around the corner with her books

"Hey! I'm back I thought you were going to go to class without me don't tell me you just sat here waiting the whole ti-" she paused as she looked up and down at me

"hey are you ok?" she said walking over to me

"I'm fine...lets just go to class" I said walking off

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