SomeTHING save me

11 0 4

Alexis POV

Maria must be hallucinating, love does weird things I guess.
After we finished our recess we went to class, we had Food tech or something I dunno I never pay attention to this stuff. Maria looked dead, I know a first day back at school can make you feel like crap and all but I thought she'd be all over me like an insane groupie talking her mouth off about how she got to sit with Eric.
"Hey what's up? You look like your soul was robbed"
"Do you even remember what our next class is? It's food tech, with Eliza"
Aww crud I forgot she was in our class but I guess forgetting about Eliza can be considered both a good and a bad thing, after all she's the bipolar bitch. We both dragged ourselves into class and got a seat I the second row, and of coarse Eliza was sitting in the back of the class probably so no one can see her typing her next evil plot to ruin someone's life on her laptop. The teacher came in and I was officially scared.  He looked like a pirate that had spent all his money at the pub straight after he escaped from an asylum.
"Alright ya pieces of meat, I'm Mr Redbucket and I'll be your teach for tha year" he yelled in a husky voice. Who the hell hired this guy.

I'm lazy so time skip to the end of school

Maria POV

I waved as I watched Alexis get on her bus then headed home, usually I catch my own bus but I guess it must've broken down or something so looks like I'll be walking. While walking I noticed a road block, there was a huge crater in the ground and there were policemen everywhere! I wanted to ask what happened but the area was so crowded I couldn't get to anyone. I heard a conversation nearby.

"What happened here?!" I heard a woman speak

"I'm not sure, apparently nearby residents just heard an explosion an came out to a massive crater in the ground or at least that's as much as I've heard"

No one was injured but what could have possibly caused an undetected explosion right in the middle of a residential area?! Well I guess that explains why my bus didn't show up...darn, I'll have to find another route but I don't know the area as well as I thought I did, I could try heading down Lovegood ST but as nice of a name it is I've been hearing a lot of gang activity going on...But thats unlikely, either way its the fastest way home now and I need to take it.

I walked into the street, it was midday and everyone was inside so the street felt kinda eery.

"Why is this place so's only 4:31 in the afternoon..." I looked around but the place was a ghost town...did...something happen here?

I felt someone tap my shoulder which made me jump back only to bump into someone else

"KYA! wh-where did yo-" The man in front of me quickly cut me off

"Well well well, now what do we have here?" He smirked, he was terrifying, he had scars everywhere on his face and arms, he had one big scratch down his left eye that was being covered by his eyepatch, his clothes where ripped and had dried out blood stains.

"It's not often a cutie like yourself comes around here" The other one spoke

"U-um well my usual route got blocked off so this was the fastest way, but look i really have to get home s-so I'll just uh" I tried walking past but they quickly wrapped their arm around my stomach, swung my body to the side and pinned me to the wall.


"You certainly have a pretty face" I felt him slide his hand up the side of my waist

"I could mess it up real nicely" he grinned, he covered my mouth and I muffled screams, just the mere look of his face made me want to hide. Is this the end? Am I going to die?! Am I going to get raped?! Please I just want someone to come out and save me ANYONE! No wonder people are inside I shouldn't of gone this way I have to get out of here but there's no way I can. I started crying as I noticed him lifting his fist to my eye level ready to knock me out with full force. 

I looked away in fear but...In the corner of my eye I saw it...I was facing the ocean and in the sky I saw it again...That little red glow! It was getting closer and closer by the millisecond! The man noticed I wasn't even paying attention anymore he looked away to see what had me distracted...

...but before I knew it...That red glow struck him like a bullet right threw and out the side of his temple...The glow struck the ground making a cater just like the one on the roadblock...the mans body fell to the ground while his friend dropped his weapon without hesitation and ran off. I was scared stiff my eyes wondered over the mans body pointing directly to the crater...

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