A Way of Life

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This is a fan based 5SOS story. I do not own them. This story reflects on the life of troubled teens finding their way through their ways of life. These teens include Ally (me) Kathryn, Danielle and Caitlin, three of my best friends. This story is rated R for a reason, this includes prostitution, drug usage, and foul language, don't like than don't read. Again this is fan made and we do NOT live in the ways described in this story. Enjoy~~~~~~

I believe people are put on Earth for a reason, in my case, it was to be a drug dealer. I was always like this, my father was a drug dealer scumbag like me now. I guess I'm just carrying on the family business. I, amongst my other friends Dani and Kathryn, work for our pimp "Big Daddy" (I'll leave his description and real identity to your imagination). He provides us with shelter and a roof to live under while we give him something in return. I give him the "good stuff" Kathryn gives him her body, and Dani gives him protection and guns. We live in the "ghetto" of the Bronx, a place where no one would complain of the yelling, gunshots, and odd smell emitted from our drugs. We do not receive an education or other leisure's of a normal life, we aren't gifted like the others around us. But this kind of life does get to your head, we have a bunch of money, no responsibility, and all the free time in he world, unless it calls for "Business." but currently, we do not have any business at the moment, that's why we are playing xbox.

"Dammit Ally you killed me again" Kathryn yelled throwing her controller on the ground.

"Shut up slut." I lashed back

"Will you guys shut the fuck up and play the game!" Dani yelled.

This call was answered by me sniping Dani through the head.

"FUCK YOU ALLY!" she screamed throwing her controller through the T.V.

If I wasn't stoned I would have tried to walk away and get back to my planting, but I couldn't process what was happening. She pulled me by my collar to reach her own height.

"You better sleep with one eye open tonight stoner, ILL FUCK YOU UP." Dani yelled in my face.

This was a usual occurrence in our household, me getting my ass beat by Dani and Kathryn trying to defend me. All I wanted to do was play a game with my friends, but with THESE friends it was impossible.

"Dani please put her down, she hardly has any idea where she is." Kathryn pleaded. Dani threw me on the ground and turned to buy a new television off of the computer mumbling nonsense about my face. I have to admit, I am ordinary looking compared to my friends. I have medium length brown hair, slightly tanned skin, brown eyes, and average height. I am average. Big Daddy always says otherwise about his "girls." I just end up flipping him off and going to take a nap. I look simply average compared to my friends. Danielle is beautifully tan, tall, big brown eyes and long brown hair. She's really strong and confident and guys like that about her. Kathryn is about my height with beautifully long hair with the underside dyed purple, porcelain white skin, and a great body, that's what makes her job easy. My friends are beautiful in their own ways, and I could care less about how I look, I don't get out much. My thoughts were interrupted when the door slammed open. I looked to see Big Daddy, I admired this man, he took us all in and is amazingly friendly towards us, until you get on his bad side, which I do a lot sadly. I can't help it, I like to fuck around a lot.

"Listen baby girls, I found a new kitten today and she wants to join our little gang, explain to her the "rules" to joining our gang. Love ya." And just like that he left as quickly as he came.

I  watched as another girl walked in, she was also very pretty. She had tanned skin with brown hair and blonde highlights with huge blueish green eyes. She was slightly taller than me and looked, well, clean.

" You're too pretty to be in a gang, I would leave while you still have the chance." Kathryn said warning the girl of the horrible initiation she would have to go through.

"You know she can't turn back now Kathyrn, she knows where we do our business, we would have to kill her." I looked at the girl, she didn't seemed fazed at all. Interesting.

"I CALL TO SHOOT HER FIRST." Dani exclaimed. She gets too excited, over these things, it scares me.

"I'm not turning back." The new girl said with a stern face.

"What's your name?" Kathryn asked.

"It wont matter when she's dead." Dani said nonchalantly.

"Listen up girly girl, we have had plenty of others like you that wouldn't go through the initiation, we are just not getting our hopes up that's all." I replied.

"I will do anything you ask, I swear I'm not turning back. By the way, my name is Caitlin." She replied her face still impassible.

"Alright girly girl, we will explain the rules to this initiation, first we have to see how much you can withstand, I'll be doing the beating up part." I explained, Kathryn would be too soft and Dani would be too hard.

"And afterwards you have to kill someone, any human being." Kathryn finished.

"I'll do it." Caitlin replied without a second thought.

"Why do you even want to be in a gang?" Dani asked, curious to find her answer.

"I have something to prove." She replied.

Without another word I tripped her to the ground and beat her as hard as I could, if I showed mercy, she would be shown as weak, we can't have any weaklings. At times like this my mind shuts off, I feel like a robot unable to show any emotion. Soon, my knuckles started hurting and I was getting tired of this stupid initiation. Surprisingly she was still alive and breathing, step one, check.

After a few minutes of Kathryn healing the girl she got back up and was determined to get the next step to her initiation done. I liked her, she had a lot of spunk, but could she really kill another person?

"Here's a gun, do your job, make it clean, no witnesses, and you will be in our gang in no time.' Dani replied with a smile. She has a lot of faith in this girl, I can tell.

"Okay, do I get extra points if I kill more than one person?" She asked. This surprised all of us. She looked innocent, I guess we were wrong.

"Well, Big Daddy will favors you more.Unless your like Kathryn, she's the favorite around here." I pointed at my blonde friend. She really does know how to please him.

"Alright." the girl replied and left. She was really determined, we could all see that.

I went back to check on my plants while Dani went to polish her guns, Kathryn said she was going shopping and would be back in a bit. All we could do now is wait. If she wasn't back within 10 hours we would assume that she ratted us out to the police or backed out. Then we would move hoping not to get caught by the cops, and yes that has happened before.

Well Caitlin, what will you do now?

This is my first chapter, Next chapter will be Caitlin's P.O.V and a few others. Lets just say there will be some surprise guests ;) That's it for now!!

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