So it begins

28 1 0

Luke P.O.V.



I woke up to the smell of heaven, someone must be cooking!


I slammed myself back on the bed with my hand on my head. What the fuck happened last night? I don't remember a thing, I've never gotten this hammered before, and this hangover was a bitch. All I remember is..


Damn that guy, just randomly coming into the house like a knight and shining armor and snatching Dani up like some macho fuck that has no boundaries. I understand that they used to go out, but still, I don't like him and probably never will.


Well looks like Dani's up.

I climbed down the bunk bed and peeked down at her, she's so cute when she's in pain. Is that bad? I don't care, she's always so cute! I can't help it. Don't judge.

"Luke, please, go in the bathroom cabinet and get some advil or something, I feel as if the Devil fucked my brains out." She said rubbing her throbbing headache.

Well she's the queen so I might as well.

I walked towards the bathroom to see Michael passed out next to the toilet which was covered in puke. Jesus Christ help me.

I flushed the toilet and Lysol'd the shit out of the place. Afterwards I grabbed some advil and took the medicine as directed. As for Michael, well he'll be okay.

I walked to the room and tossed the bottle towards her.

"Here. I'll go downstairs and give you a glass of water." I sad turning to leave.

"No need. Ill just chew it." She said taking out two capsules and throwing them in her mouth.

Wow she's tough, that shit tastes...well like shit. Every time I look at her, I feel as if I'm looking at a queen, she's the queen, I'm the peasant. Even though we are close physically, I feel as if we are a thousand miles away mentally. I feel as if I don't know her, I really want to. I want her to know me to. If I could just make and effort...

"What are you staring at?" She asked now sitting up.

"Hey, I have a question." I said thinking about my words carefully.


"Well..... What do you look for.....In a man?" I said not looking at the ground afraid of the reaction I would get.


Every second of silence tore me down, why do I-

"Well ,I guess they have to be able to handle me, be pretty attractive, like anime, also have a little bad side that keeps  me guessing. Those are the major points I guess." She said leaving for the kitchen.

Then an idea popped up.

I ran to the bathroom with the only friend that would probably support my decision. Michael.

"Get up shithead. I have an idea." 

Ally P.O.V.

I feel.... warm......comfortable... is this a dream?

I opened my eyes to see my normal ceiling with a poster of Robert Downey Jr. Looking at me. Collecting my thoughts I tried to think about my actions of the day before, we got drunk, did drugs and- 


The fuck?

I turned to my right to see a wild Jake Bass an inch and a half away from my face, he was.... shirtless.

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