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Dani P.O.V.


I haven't heard that name slip through my lips in a long time. I never dared to say his name aloud, I felt if I repeated his name, he would be a memory, something that was mine, but never truly. Now here he was, standing in front of me, looking into my eyes, something that couldn't be done through an e-mail.

Yet, I couldn't run to him, hug him, kiss his cheek, I couldn't, he didn't feel like he was mine, and I didn't feel like I was his. His green eyes, changed somehow. They are different than what I saw a few years ago.  This moment was bittersweet, I dreamt of it but now that it's finally here, I can't enjoy it. Something seems.....Off.

"Happy Birthday." He approached me as his words tickled my ears like silk. All I could do was stand there. His presence could make me stop dead in my tracts. It's..... Dangerous.

He slowly put his left hand behind me head and crossed his right arm around my torso. We each basked in each others scent. Something we missed. It felt like hours before he finally let go.

"I missed you." Was all he said before pecking me on the cheek.  He turned around to introduce himself to the boys and gave Kathryn a huge hug before he sat down on the couch. All the while I felt someone staring at me. I turned around to meet Luke's gaze. It was something I have never seen before, something I never thought he would posses. Is it. Jealousy?

I quickly shook my head and thought about something that had been on my mind for awhile.

"How was the mission Austin?" I asked sitting on the couch.

He plopped himself down next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"I did what I was supposed to do. I snuck into the gang incognito and did my job. I got ahold of some top information that Big Daddy could use to his advantage.  The Blackbirds have nothing to hide now." He said very proudly.

Ah, yes. The Blackbirds. Our rival gang for awhile, precisely 7 years we have been fighting these guys, it's kinda like survival of the fittest, the best gang wins. So far we had been falling behind them a little, but now thanks to Austin we know them inside and out.

"How did they treat you there?" Kathryn asked drinking her Brisk on the other side of the couch with Mikey and Caitlin.

"Well I had to pass the initiation process, other than that, they didn't expect a thing. They were blind." He said smiling wickedly.

"By the way, where's Allycat?" He asked tilting his head. It was funny hearing Ashton explain that she was captured by a homosexual wearing booty shorts. Allycat. He always teased her with that name and if she were here she would go apeshit. Man, maybe I did miss her, a little.

Luke P.O.V

'They were blind' blah blah blah......WHO GIVES A FUCK?! This man, NO this kid. Just came marching in here like he owns the place and FUCKS up all the chances I had with DANI-


What did I just say?


Oh God...I think I'm-

"Hey Luke! This dude seems pretty legit!" Mikey said nudging my arm whilst drinking his 5th beer. I could tell he hadn't been taking Niall's death very well and as been drowning himself in alcohol almost every hour but still. I will kick his ass.

"Shut the fuck up." I said turning away from his foul, drunk smelling breath.

"Somebody's jealous!" He said pinching my cheek. Kathryn just looked at us and cracked up. No help at all.

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