The Past, The Present, No Future

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Ally P.O.V

I walked towards Dani's room not bothering to knock on the door. She would only shoo me away and I wanted to avoid that.

"Soul?" I asked as I walked in. We have had these nicknames for each other ever since we started watching Soul Eater together.

"Black Star?" She replied looking up from her book. It was the City of Bones, she could read that same series a million times and never get bored. It truly amazes me.

"Well we are having a bonding session downstairs if you want to join us." I don't wanna pressure her to come, but I want her to enjoy the company of outsiders, all we have had is each other.

"I don't want to come." Dani quickly replied.


"I said no." She shot back.

Trying not to aggravate her even further " Listen Soul, it is so not cool if you stay here and stay depressed! Get over it and lets have fun!" I said in my best black star impression jumping in front of her. I watched as she smiled and put her book down.

"You're right black star" She said as we high fived.

"Oh and one more thing." She added.



"Yessss mom." I turned to my room shuffling through my clothes, I found my gorillaz t-shirt and some sweatpants.

Kathryn P.O.V

I watched Dani and Ally come into the living both happy as ever. Looks like they had their pep talk.

The group was sitting in a circle it started with me next to Mikey, Luke, Ashton, Calum, Caitlin (STILL HOLDING CALUM'S HAND) Dani, and Ally leaning on my shoulder. She took off that lingerie, Ashton looked pretty disappointed. I giggled.

"What's up?" She said looking at me.

"Oh, nothing." I replied. Suddenly her face brightened, this only meant one thing.

"Where are my manners! I haven't offered you guys anything!" She said as she darted out of the room.

"What does she mean by that?" Mikey whispered in my ear. All the boys were wondering the same thing. Only Dani and I knew.

"You'll see." I whispered back,

A few minutes later all cam back with two coolers. One with alcohol, the other with the ''good stuff.'' I smiled, I always liked what Ally grew, so did most people in the city, she ran one of the biggest drug cartels in the country! The boys immediately looked at the contents, surprised, like they have never seen it before.

"What's wrong?" Ally asked.

"Sorry, but we don't do drugs." Luke commented.

Ally looked like those words were never seen in her vocabulary before. She was offended if people ever denied her of her product. She treated her plants like her own children. One time I caught her talking to them. Of course I didn't get caught spying on her, I will probably use it against her in the future sometime however.

"Well at least take a drink." She handed everyone a beer and they seemed to have no problem with their alcohol. Ally began her drug preparation not used to the stares she was getting.

"What's the problem?" She asked obviously seeing no problems in her actions.

"Well, we have drunk, but we have never actually tried drugs." Ashton explained.

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