Love song

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A/N- enjoy this chapter! I enjoyed writting it!

PIc: TJ( :


"Rebecca wake up, sleeping beauty." I heard a voice saying.

I turned a little bit and pulled the covers over my head. I was not ready to get out of this bed. I hadn't fallen asleep till about 2am and for someone to be waking me up. I knew it was 6:30 am.

"Wake up!" The voice said again jumping on the bed.

My bed was shaking and I was ready to get up cause I was not going back to sleep anytime soon. I sat up and opened my eyes to see Louis sitting on the edge of my bed. What a nice site to see in the morning. His hair was all messed up and he was still in his boxers.

"Look who’s awake." He said in a sexy morning voice.

 I looked at the clock and I was right it was 6:30am...mother fucker.

"Let's get ready for school." He said slapping the bed then getting up. I groaned and rolled over to look outside.

 It was raining. Damn. Other than that my morning was actually really normal. I got ready ate then I and Louis went to school. I have to say the ride with Louis was even better. He told jokes and It felt good as a friend thing not as a lover things..Maybe my feelings were just temporary.

"Thanks a lot for this." Louis said grabbing my hand off the wheel and holding it.

 Nope my feelings were still there. This was an amazing feeling. I wanted it to last forever but sadly it didn't, only a second. Boo! I smiled at him as a "you’re welcome" we got to school and I found Courtney and Liz. Well they ran up to me to say hey to Louis. I could tell Liz was in total flirt mode. She batted her eyes, twirled her hair and was making sure her boobs were visible. It made me super jealous. I love Liz but right now I wanted nothing more than to punch her okay I could think of one thing I'd rather do and it started with an L and ended with an S.

Damn these thoughts. I hated feeling this way. I pushed them aside and focused on what was happing In reality. Louis left to see his boyfriend. Wow reality slapped me like a bitch. I talked to Liz and Courtney about how Louis was living with me and stuff while we walked to class. Louis walked in and threw his book on the table. His face showed that he was furious. I wanted to ask him what was wrong but the teacher walked in. It made me mad that he was mad. Maybe when we broke up for our projects I could talk to him.

"Okay class. So the assignment is done. I'm transferring schools at the end of this week and the new teacher doesn't want to do that so this week you guys will just be studying old French words till The new teacher comes." The teacher explained.

So much for that plan, fucking teacher. I could tell today was going to be a bad day. We finished that class and Louis didn't say a word to me. Yep horrible day..

~Louis' P.o.v~   Today was a horrible day for me. Let’s start from the beginning, shall we? First I got out of Rebecca's car to go talk to my boyfriend hoping everything would be fine and he jumps on me for coming to school with her. Then my project with Rebecca got canceled so we can't work on that together. I went to poetry class and she didn't show up. I also have to write a dumb poem to present at the coffee house. Now I'm in the gym waiting for Justin to come talk to me. He is very mad at me and it made me very mad.

 "I really don't have much time Louis but we do need to talk." Justin said walking through the door.

"Okay." I said not really paying attention to him.

"This isn't working.. I know you like her. It hurts to think I'm the one keeping you from her. I love you but I know you don't love me. Just go be with her. I'll find someone else." He said not looking at me.

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