The Reason Behind The Scars

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A/N- Here is the second chapter like I promised! :)


"Do I really have to tell you?” Louis asked looking down at me.

 It was Sunday morning; we had spent all weekend being lazy in bed. It was a fun time. Right now Louis was telling me about how he was in a school play when he was in middle school. I was trying to get him to tell me what role he played. Now is when I wished i went to the same middle school as him.

“Yes, I want to know.” I said giving him puppy dog eyes.

 “Fine…I was in The Little Mermaid play and I was Ariel.” He finally said shaking his head.

“Oh my god, no way! Why weren’t you Eric?” I asked trying to stifle my laughter.

“Because Eric didn’t have any singing parts and I have a beautiful singing voice.” He said with a cocky smile.

“Oh do you? Sing for me baby.” I said smiling at him as he got up to sing.

He sang Part of your world. His voice was deeper now than it was in middle school I’m sure so it sounded manlier. He still had a great singing voice. Since I was a Disney freak and the little mermaid happened to be my favorite I joined in. We sounded good together. I never sang for anybody but for Louis I didn’t hold anything back.

“Wow, we could’ve been in a play together.” Louis said when the song was over.

“Yeah, since your voice is deeper I think you sound enough like a man to play Eric now.” I joked looking at him.

“Oh now you’re going to get it.” Louis said coming towards me.

 I tried to get off the bed and  run but he already wrapped his arms around my waist. He tossed me on the bed and came towards me. He started tickling me until I couldn’t breathe. He finally stopped but stayed lying on top of me. I caught my breath. I looked in Louis’ eyes and then reached out for his hand. I held it and felt his wrist. I looked into his eyes but he turned away.

“Why?” I asked still holding his hand.

He rolled off of me and laid facing up next to me. We stayed silent for a while and I felt stupid for asking. He never asked about my scars. But then again mine weren’t so noticeable. He rolled over to me.

“There is a reason I had to move here. There is a reason I don’t drive. There is a reason I can’t live at home.” Louis said avoiding looking in my eyes.

I placed my hand over his for comfort.

“It all started when I was almost 15. It was a sunny Saturday evening in California. Dad was teaching me to drive because he wouldn’t be home to do it later. He was going to the army soon. Well while we were driving my mom was playing with my brother, Landon.” Louis started but he had to stop because he was tearing up. I rubbed his hand and he smiled a little. “Landon was my twin brother. I was older by only a few minutes. He was my best friend. Well while dad was teaching me to back up I forgot to check my mirror and I backed up right over Landon. I didn’t realize what I had done till I heard my mom’s blood high pitched scream. Dad jumped out to check on him. In my mirror I saw my dad drop to his knees and he started crying. I ran out to see for myself and there Landon was under the 2 back tires. I yelled at him to get up but he never did.... We took him to the hospital as soon as possible to see if anything could be done but sadly nothing could bring him back. It messed me up. I mean I was a little boy who had killed my twin. Of course I was a mess. We buried him on our birthday. My parents tried to have another child but they had no luck. My father never left for the army because he was broken. My mother became addict to drugs and of course they took it out on me. We moved here for a fresh start and to get away from all the painful memories. Needless to say when we got here they wanted nothing to do with me still. I tell people they didn’t want me because I’m gay but in reality it’s because I’m a horrible son. The only escape I had was to cut myself I felt like I deserved it. I sometimes still find myself wanting to reach for the razor blade.” He finished whipping a tear from his eyes.

I had no words I didn’t know what to say. Would what you say? I did the only thing I thought to do. I just held him and let him cry on my shoulder. We stayed silent. I’m sure Louis heard all the “I’m sorrys” from everyone else who had heard his story. We just sat there in silence for what felt like hours.  Just as I was about to say something to Louis Alvin came in the room.

“Hey, I didn’t realize you were still here.” He said looking at Louis.

Louis took his head away from my shoulder and looked at Alvin like nothing was wrong. It was impressive how he could do that. 

They started talking about Louis staying tonight and how they should play some video games. I didn’t mind sharing Louis with Alvin I knew he didn’t have any friends due to him being in the army. I actually loved that they got along. If Louis was going to be a big part of my life it’s great to know that my big brother would approve. They left to go play video games. I stayed behind and got on my laptop to see when I would have boxing practice again. Liam made me wait till my stiches were taken out and I was healed. I pretty much was healed and my stiches were out. I did get yelled at by the doctor because I was very active during my healing process.  Tomorrow I could go back to boxing if I felt up to it but I probably wouldn’t because Louis and Alvin were going to be here. We all had plans to hang out.

 A couple hours later when I was laying down almost asleep Louis walked in my room.  He didn’t say anything he just took off his shirt and got in bed wrapping his arms around me. I heard him whisper "Goodnight babe" followed by him snoring away. I couldn’t help but look back and smile at him sleeping.

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