Facebook Drama Mamma

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A/N~ Hey guys! i know it's late but i felt like this chapter wasn't good so I've been trying to fix it && It's still not the best but I didn't want you guys waiting months for it. so here it is! Sorry it kind of sucks ): 


I woke up to a pounding on the wall of my bedroom. I didn’t feel Louis move next to me so I knew he wasn’t up. I didn’t know how that pounding echoed through my room. I looked at the clock and it was already time for school. I got up to find the pounding and make it stop. I walked in the hallway and didn’t hear it anymore. I went back in my room and Louis was still asleep. The pounding got louder and I followed it to the wall that separates Alvin and my room. I walked to Alvin’s door scared to open it. I knocked and he didn’t say anything so I inched my way in hoping it was just him. I walked in on him…… hitting his fist against the wall.

 “What the hell?” I asked looking at him.

“I was too tired to walk to your room to wake you guys up.” He said rolling over on his bed.

I walked out with the middle finger up.  It was a shitty way to wake up. Seriously let someone bang on your wall at 6am see how happy you are.  It still didn’t bother Louis he was still passed out. I woke him up and we got ready for school. I walked in the bathroom where Louis was getting dressed. I saw him in a muscle shirt. I smiled a little bit until he threw a jacket on over it.

“Babe, why don’t you just wear the muscle shirt?” I asked standing behind him with my hands around his waist and my head in his back.

“The scars..”  He mumbled putting his head down and his hand over mine.

He turned around to me and I saw how scared and sad he looked.

I wrapped my arms back around him again and placed my head on his peck.

“The scars make you who you are. Sure they show that you were lost but they also show that you were found. Show everyone that you were found babe, show everyone how strong you are, and show everyone that you have a story. And I promise you I’ll be there for it all. I’ll be behind you the whole time. I won’t let you go through this alone.” I said looking up at him. His eyes were closed and I could tell how broken he felt right now.

“I just can’t.”  He mumbled so low i could barely hear him.  

“You don’t always have to be so strong you know, with me be as weak as you want.” I said remembering the time he told me the same thing.

 Just then he let it go and started crying. We just stood there in embrace while Louis cried. I didn’t say anything. I knew there wasn’t really much to say. When Louis was done crying, he backed up from me. I looked at him with a confused look. He did what I never thought he would ever do. He slipped off the jacket. He looked up and smiled at me. I walked over to kiss him. He picked me up and we shared a very passionate kiss.  The rest of the morning went normal. The whole day at school Louis kept his jacket off. I kept to my word and stayed with him through it expect for of course the classes we didn’t have together but I was there when we walked through the halls and nobody dared to say a word. Louis got through the school day fine. He even seemed to be happier at the end of the day. 

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