The Little Mermaid Kiss

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Hey guys! heads up my next chapter will be late my pregnant sister is visiting && I'm spending time with her buut i hope you enjoy this chapter! it's the chapter ive been dying to write && i hope you've been dying to read it!( : anyway enjoy lovelys! ( :

Pic: Liam

Dedication: Cause i know tonight wasn't the best but hold your head up baby girl it gets better.. i pinky promise. love ya bestie!( : <3

~Chell( :

finally reached me but before I could say or do anything his lips crashed on mine like a wave crashes on the shore. First I was in such shock then a little bit into the kiss relief fell over me and I fell into the kiss and him. I basically melted in his arms which were wrapped around my waist. I let my hands get lost in his hair.

I could feel him lift me off the ground and at that moment I didn’t want to be anywhere else but here even though I could hear everyone whispering. The kiss kind of reminded me of in “The Little Mermaid” when the crab tries to get Arial and Eric to kiss but in this case we actually kissed and even though it wasn’t in a boat on the water it was still perfect. Louis put me down and he grabbed my hand.

He pulled me away before I could even explain to Courtney what was going on because I know she was wondering, hell I was still wondering what was going on. Everyone was staring at me and I didn’t care.

I actually liked it, I felt like a movie star. We passed drake and I just waved at him and smiled. I know I was being a bitch but it felt great to see my cheating ex see me make out with a hotter guy than him. We were walking through the school Louis still pretty much pulling me since I was weak at the knees. We got to class and sat down. Louis hadn’t even tried to explain what that was like I thought he would so I decide to ask him.

 “Louis, what was that about?” I whispered so no one else could hear I knew they were already talking about us.

 “A kiss Lewis, you haven’t been single for long you should remember what that is.” He laughed.

 “Louis.” I said seriously now looking into his eyes. I had to apologize to my heart for making it beat so fast in such a short time with the kiss and now looking into his eyes. He smiled and grabbed my hand before answering.

“That was the first of many kisses to happen between us.” He answered leaning up and kissed my cheek.

I blushed and smiled at him. I must say that was a good answer. I was kind of surprise that this was happening I even had to question if I was dreaming. The teacher came in and started talking but I zoned out to the amazing man I had just kissed.

It was too good to be true there had to be a catch. I thought for a second and it finally came to me. It was too good to be true because Louis was gay and had a boyfriend. What was he doing kissing me? I didn’t know yet but I sure as hell was going to find out. These were my thoughts throughout the whole class. When class was over Louis grabbed my hand and walked me out the door where Liz and Court were waiting on me.

 “Bye babe I’ll see you in free period.” Louis said kissing me and rushing off.

 I looked at my friends with the same confused look they had. I was going to find out in free period what he was doing. So many people were asking me what was going on and I hated not being able to tell them. Okay I didn’t give a fuck if they knew but I needed to know. I honestly couldn’t tell you what was being taught in my math class that day, all I could think about was Louis and the free period.

Okay I’ll admit thinking of Louis wasn’t anything new but to this extreme it was. Math class was finally over and I rushed to the gym with Courtney behind me trying to keep up. I wasn’t paying attention and ran into someone. I looked up and saw Adam there.

I couldn’t dare to look him in the eyes, how could I when I told him I still loved my ex and he saw me kissing some guy. I felt horrible about it. I didn’t say anything just passed him up. I looked around for Louis and when I found him I walked over to him to confront him about this.

“Hey ba-” he started till I cut him off.

“I want to know what is going on. You’re gay, you have a boyfriend. Why are you kissing me?” I asked him with a confused look.

 “Justin and I broke up because I have feelings for you. Yeah I gay. I’m not sure yet all I know is I have major feelings for you and I thought I would go for it cause I know you have them too. Can we talk more about this when we get home?” he asked looking at our gym teacher.

 “Yeah that’s fine.” I smiled satisfied at the answer he gave me.

He kissed me then was off to play basketball. I sat in the stands and watched him. Courtney sitting right there heard what Louis had said so there was no explanation needed. I still had many questions, like how someone could suddenly not be gay.

I pushed my thoughts aside and started working on my poem for poetry class. I wrote down some thoughts and even started the poem. It wasn’t easy keeping my mind off Louis especially since there he was shirtless playing basketball. I was so love drunk and I loved it.

“Are you ready for this again? Courtney asked looking at me then Louis.

 “Ready, for what?” I asked taking my eyes from Louis and focusing on her.

 “A relationship, falling in love again, being with a man so quickly after a break up, for that matter being with a gay guy! What about school?” She snapped at me.

“I didn't really think of it because I didn't know it was going to happen but I think I am ready but I’ll find out more tonight and I think school will be the same." I answered in a confused look.

 "You didn't even think about how major this is, did you?! God Rebecca!" She yelled packing everything in her book bag.

"Courtney what's wrong with you?" She didn’t even reply just walked out of the gym.

That was very strange. Maybe she was PMSing. It wasn't like Courtney to do that though what did she mean about school? I had too much on my mind right now. I'll call Courtney later on tonight and ask her what the hell that was about. This was too much shit for one day. I was starting to think that this should all just be a dream.

It almost had to be since well I mean come on. Louis finally kissed me and my best friend is kind of pissed at me. Maybe it was like a dream. At that moment a basketball hit me in the face. That hurt like a bitch so I know I wasn't dreaming. I didn't cry or anything all I did was throw the ball back. Louis was about to say something but was interrupted by some buff guy with blonde shaggy hair and blue eyes.

"How about you go kiss your girlfriend eh...boyfriend I can't really tell." He laughed along with some other boys.

I could tell Louis was mad. I wasn't so much as mad but I was hurt. Hurt that my moment came with a conflict. If I and Louis would date we would deal with this the whole relationship. I know how big of a strain that would put on us. I stormed out of the gym. Giving a look that could kill to the kid who said it. He must've seen  because he jumped back a little. Maybe this wasn't a dream but a nightmare.

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