Where's Alvin?!

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A/n- Hey guys! I had to reupload this chapter because i deleteled it..OOPs! anyway here is is again! 

Pic: Alvin(He looks a lot different here than at the beginning at the book)


Alvin's car there. Ah shit now I have to explain while I wasn't in school.

"Hey sis what are you doing?" Alvin asked rolling down the window.

 "Hey, I'm just walking you?" I said acting shrugging.

"Looking for you." He said. "I thought maybe since Sunday we couldn't go look at houses today we could." He said looking to see what I thought.

"Um yeah, but can we go home I kind of don't want to look like a hooker all of today." I said getting in and laughing. 

I went inside to take a shower and change cloths. While I was showering Alvin yelled through the door that something came up and he would be back in an hour. So I got dressed and ready. I waited an hour and no Alvin. I got really bored waiting for him so I decide to call someone to come hang out but right as I was trying to pick someone Liz called me. 

"Hey!" She said into the phone very preppy. 

"Hey chick." I said sitting on my bed.

"Oh my god! Can you believe that party?! I woke up to about 50 people still in my house passed out! Thank god we didn't have school today cause of some dumb water leak." She explained sounding way to cheery.

"Oh yeah I'm so glad." I said zoning out to where Alvin could be.

She talked more about how she thought I went somewhere with her brother. I didn't say anything just let her think that because I know it'd be worst if she thought I went home with Louis. She finally shut up and said she had to leave because some guy was coming to see her. I just muttered bye and hung up. I didn't know who to call to hang out so I just got on Facebook to see what was going on with everyone. I looked through my news feed and saw Louis' status update. 

"Are you fucking kidding me?! No car that's fine break down you piece of shit! Feeling like nothing can make this day better. :/ ” is what it said I decide to call him to see what was up.

"Hey." I said shyly not wanting to get yelled at.

"Oh hi." He said surprised it was me I guess.

"What's going on?" I asked not really knowing what to say.

"Oh just my shitty car broke down and Justin refuse to take me to school till it's fixed since

we're fighting." He explained sighing.

"Oh well if you want I can take you to school till it's fixed." I said smiling.

"I can't ask you to drive all the way here every morning." He said kind of sighing.

"We'll..how about you come stay with me for awhile? Just until your car is fixed." I said smiling at the thought.

"Rebecca that's sweet and all but I couldn't do that. I'd feel like I would be intruding." He explained.

"Intruding? What? It's basically just me and my bro here. He loves you and I..think it'd be awesome to hang out with you." I explained thinking "nice save" 

"We'll I guess if you insist. But it will only be for a little while." He said sounding like he felt bad.

"Yay. So text me when you're ready and ill come pick you up." I told him.

"Alright later." He said.

"Bye." I said hanging up.

I know I know having a gay guy who I was falling for and whose boyfriend hated me was probably not the best idea ever but hey he needed some help and I was a kind caring person...okay I just wanted to be around him a lot. Maybe it wouldn't help my feelings but maybe it would i mean seeing him do all the icky boy stuff might make me hate him. This was a chance I was just willing to take. I know Alvin would be happy he hadn't had any real guy friends in a while. Well with dad being an asshole and him being in the army. Not even girls wanted to be with him. Mostly cause they thought he was like our dad..a player but he really wasn't actually I always said I wanted to marry someone like him. I know it's creepy but he's a great person. Not in the mornings but still. Thinking about it I should call him that fucker ditched me.

I called and it went straight to voicemail. Well fuck you 2 then. I laid on my bed waiting for Louis to text. Geez how pathetic was I?

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