The One Where Alvin Walks In

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A/N~Hey Guys!! sorry this chapter took a lot longer than i hoped! My new laptop doesn't load wattpad for some reason! :/ ANYWAYYYYYY, here it is! there is sexual content in this chapter so if that's not your thing I'm Sorry!  This is my favorite chapter! I think it has great quotes && really lets you inside the real Louis!

Pic: Louis ;D


~the next morning~

~Louis' P.O.V~

 "Wake up." TJ said throwing a pillow at me.

I was in no way ready to get up. I had spent the night before out with Rebecca. I didn't get home till late. We went bowling and snuck into the city pool then we got some dinner at this late night cafe. It was so fun. I didn't mind my lack of sleep. I would give up all the sleep for that woman. I got up because I know I had no choice. I made me something to eat then I looked for something to wear. I pick out my muscle shirt with my jacket that goes with it. I would love to ditch the jacket but I couldn't. I wasn't ready yet. I was hoping one day I would be ready because I didn't feel like I was being myself. That's all I wanted to be in this world. After I got dressed I called Rebecca for our morning talk.

  Before I knew it she and Courtney were in the driveway. Which was weird Courtney didn't usually come with her. They both looked very pretty. Courtney was wearing a lace mint dress. Rebecca was wearing black legging with a blue, white and black tank top. I hoped in the car and right away Courtney started telling me about their morning. She really liked me && I liked her, in a friend kind of way, of course. I missed her this week.

Rebecca and I had hung with my friends this week. They all really seemed to click. It was nice. I could never bring Justin to lunch. He didn't like Ryder or Rachel. They were to hard core for him. This was pretty fucked up since I hung out with his friends and they were all tools. Every day I found something new to hate about him. Maybe it was because how much I loved him. I often wondered if Rebecca felt that way about drake. I never asked because I'm scared if I remind her about him she'll leave me like everyone else does. I'm always the person that gets replaced after a while. I couldn't be replaced by her. I couldn't take it. I know I couldn't.  

"Babe, Alvin wants you to come over tonight and play video games. He said if you wanted you could stay there." Rebecca said looking at her rear view mirror so she could see me.

"Yeah that seems fun. After school we can go to TJs and get me some cloths." I said smiling at her.

This would be the perfect time to introduce TJ and Rebecca. I texted TJ so I could tell him to stay at the house and look nice for after to school. Also to clean up because let's face it that house looked like a frat house. It was pretty gross. What did you expect though, we were both single boys. That’s not just a stereotype in boys. No matter how much we denied it we were messy human beings.

 We got to school and Liz met us at Rebecca’s car. Liz was a pretty cool girl once you got to know her. I mean she was kind of annoying.  She was so different from Rebecca and Courtney. I was used to her kind because Alisha was just like her. We started walking towards the school.

We past Justin, we hadn’t spoken since our break up. He looked bad. It looked like he hadn't slept or eaten in a while. He looked so lost and broken. I knew it was my fault for leaving him and getting with someone so quick. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss him. Maybe if he knew that he’d feel better. I looked at him and our eyes met. He smiled weakly and then started walking towards the school. I hated myself for this. I wish I had just caught him cheating like Rebecca did so I could move on and not feel anything. I saw Rebecca looking at me worriedly. I smiled at her. Hoping she wouldn’t ask what was wrong. I was honestly horrible at hiding my feelings. This was weird since I had to do a lot more than I’d actually like to admit.

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