|09| Longing

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Picture of James! 

Personally this was one of my favourite chapters to write.


"I want you to want me"

Cheap Trick


The song was so loud, the beat so easy to get lost to that it was hard to focus on anything else. The place was alive. Joey was one of those few kids who had a large house with an even larger plot of land. It could be because of the little stream that flowed nearby the large mansion-like building. As Rekha and I approached the building, we spotted several guys laughing as they brought in a large barrel of beer.

The party hadn't fallen into full swing by the time Rekha and I arrived, there were only about fifty students in the house and they were tipsy but not as far as to say drunk. After grabbing a beer for Rekha and a glass of whisky for me, we found ourselves by the foosball table, where Joey and Satriyo were battling it out. Their fingers searching for the next dial.

The lights were dim, the smell of alcohol prominent in the air. It was a strong mix of smells. My eyes took in the tastefully decorated room, I noticed that I couldn't identify any fragile glasses in sight.

I wasn't sure why I was surprised. Joey wasn't the kind of guy who was a beginner at throwing parties, he held the year end one every year with the occasional odd party in the mix. A dark skinned brown hand wrapped around my shoulder and a familiar female voice greeted, "Hey you two," she said.

Tallah moved up beside me. She had her own drink in hand, it looked like a mixture of various drinks. "You might want to get more to drink," Tallah said amused, "you might need the liquid courage."

I turned to her, amused, "Why'd you think that?"

Tallah's eyes ran down my outfit and I noticed the amused curl to her lips. She was wearing skinny jeans with enough cuts on them to be sexy with a bright green halter paired of with a slinky tight neon yellow jacket. "I see you've gone desperate."

I scowled, "I haven't."

"Explain the whoreish design."

I turned back to look at the dark haired Joey battle against Satriyo. Satriyo managed to get the ball in against Joey. He cursed, throwing his hands up in the air as Satriyo adjusted the dial to show his score. Four out of five for Satriyo and three out of five for Joey.

"It's not whoreish," I said coldly, "You've worn worse."

"That was when it was warmer," Tallah said. "Whatever, you're going to need all the help you can get to seduce him."

Tassia pulled my arm, preventing me from giving Tallah a sharp retort. She said louder, "Come on, I heard Dennis is going to start mixing drinks."

I didn't have to respond, Tassia was pulling my arm to the kitchen. I followed her as she guided her way effortlessly through the hoard of students that were increasing as we moved. I see some of my other cheerleaders laughing with their heads thrown back.

One of them approached, me stopping Rekha and I effectively by blocking our paths. She had curly long blonde hair that fell to her waist with wide chocolate brown eyes. She would be pretty but she had a rather large nose. Her face was expertly contoured and her toned body looked stunning in a tight shirt that rose up her navel and her skinny tights.

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