|44| The First Game

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Hi loves, I really really love receiving feedback on this story, more so since this story has been hard to write of late. So please VOTE & COMMENT. 


I would really love for you guys to check out my other story, How to Sleep Together, some characters appear there and also allows you to get a different perspective on other characters. I've just finished writing How to Sleep Together and I promise you, you guys will be absolutely thrilled to learn one of the best kept secrets of the school. (Also it's a novella and not as long as The Art Of Seduction)

Till the next update loves, Pain.


"To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves."

Federico Gracia Lorca, Blood Wedding and Yerma


TIME HEALS, AND things changed. Kaden joined us at our table. To be fair it was a matter of time with most of his friends slowly seeping in. It started with Cassian who dropped by to be closer to Rekha. Then there was Joey, who often came over leaving Kaden with Daisy and several other distant friends. 

Since my birthday party, when Kaden dropped something near my seat, he often just made an effort to get it himself rather than ask me for it. I hated it when he did that because he always came into my view. I could tell he hated it too with the tick of his jaw and the way his eyes pointedly refused to meet mine. Recently, instead of coming over to get his pencil himself, he asked me if I could help him get it. It was so insignificant but it sent my heart on overdrive, fluttering like crazy. 

We became friends again on facebook and he followed me again on Instagram.

It wasn't like how our friendship started with me forcing myself on him, no it was slower far more cautious and very gentle. 

He pulled a chair again, sitting with the six of us, joining in the conversation so easily that it felt like he was always there. "Don't you guys ever talk about anything besides football?" James complained. He was sitting at the other end of the table, but the three boys ruckus was loud and it didn't help that Grace, Rekha and I were interested in their conversation. 

While the girls and I didn't play football, we knew the sport well enough and we were following the boys in their first away game. Naturally, our table was nothing short of hyped for it. 

Kaden smirked at James, "Jealous Tan?" 

James cringed, "I think we should leave the ridiculous nicknames to Joey."

"Fair enough," Kaden said taking a drink of his sparkling water, "but really, aren't you a tad bit excited for footy season?"

"No," James said, "Seriously the way you guys treat football is silly."

"You're just peeved no one cares for lacrosse as much," Cassian commented.

"Or chess," Joey added. "How cool is moving a little piece on the board?"

"It's not just a piece on a board," Grace scowled. Although Joey had said it in such a casual matter, I knew it really ticked Grace off. She hardly ever scowled. "It's a game of strategy and thinking, not like you do any thinking Joey."

"Fair enough, blondy." Joey seemed oblivious to her anger, rolling his eyes. 

"Was that an insult Fatty?" Grace was cold, her voice felt like ice, but it seemed that only Kaden Rekha, James and I noticed. James put his arm around her as though sending her a silent message.

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