Game,and date

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A/n don't ask about the picture....ITS AMAZING!!!
Arcee POV
I can't wait for Bumblebee to play his first game!!!

  I can't wait!!! He always win,but he planning to taking me on a date after...!!!!

  I have to be with a sweaty MECH!!!!!!

   I sound like a brat.... Still I'm going!!!!

My dad said yes for BUMBLEBEE BEING MY

Life can't get any better!!
Even though my dad and Megatronous are good friends and there are planning to go to see if he can be a prime.

It's exciting and I can't wait,but somethings tells me this going to go bad....

Stargazzer is having extra time with Wheeljack and there doing extra lesson....


I know I'm weird,I think I might have extra time with Bumblebee to have extra time with ME!!
Arcee POV
I was still thinking about it.
Bumblebee doesn't know...yet.
Well I need to let that go.

Megatronous is a good teacher.

Yes he has teached me well.

"Arcee go!" Stargazzer pulling me to the Gym door.

"Are you coming?" I asked and she nodded.

"Jackie is coming two." She smirked

"I knew it." I said and we walked to the gym chairs.

"Arcee wait." I turned around to see Bumblebee....

He's so cute when he try's to get you attention. I'm weird...

"Yes?" I asked.
"You,Stargazzer,and Wheeljack can seat by us?" He offered.

"Ummm,I will. I guess Stargazzer and Wheeljack are talking to a group of bots."
I said and he nodded and pecked me on the cheek.

We walked to the group...of mechs that we're going to be all sweaty...

Bumblebee put arm around as we walked to the team.

Bumblebee gave me a seat and smiled.

"So... Who playing against?" I asked and Bee turned to me and said

"Umm the saferclaw." He said and I gasped

"Wow you better win Bee!" I said and he smirked.

"Then a kiss will do." He smiled,and he stand up.
All the mechs laughed and I rolled my optics.

"Hmmm..." I put my servos on my hips.

I heard mechs saying
"He lucky!" Or "She lucky!" Or I heard this one "She going to do it." I heard and I walked to Bee and there was not a lot of people here...

I pulled Bumblebee behind to the hall way.

I heard lots of laughs.

I kissed him fully on the lips and I smiled in are kiss.

"I knew you would do it." He said and we separated.

"You know me," I smiled. I was enjoying this little time I had with Bee.
"Bee?" I saw a single tear fall from his optic.
"I know there's one day going to be a war and I don't want to lose you."I hug Bee.

"You..." I'm trying to find the words.
"I will never lose you. I swear I will be there." I said and Bumblebee tighten the hug.
"Come on! You better win!" I separated or hug and me and Bee walked out.

I heard lots of laughing when I walked out....
"Bee your lucky to have a primes daughter." Somebot said.
I smiled and Bumblebee was staring at me.

"Yes?" I asked and Bumblebee patted a chairs next to him.
"Ok,your going to walk me home when we leave." I smirked and Bumblebee kissed my cheek.
"Skymite likes Moonlight." Bumblebee whispered in my ear.
I blinked.....

"Wow..." I said and Bee nodded.
~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~
(((To lazy to do the game!!!))))
Bumblebee team was is...WELL ALMOST GOING TO WIN!!
Skymite passed the ball to Bumblebee and.....
Bumblebee runs straight into one of the defense and oh! Oh!
Turns right then slams ducks it in the net!!!

The crowd goes wild!!!!!   (((Jazz hands!!)))
Bumblebee came over and was greeted by a group hug.
I stayed there till they separated.

Bumblebee finally got out of that hug,while I ran and jumped on him.
As if there was no tomorrow!!!!!!!!!
I whispered in his ear "I knew you would win!" He smirked and pecked my cheek.
"Let's go after the party!" He said and moved me on his back!!!
That...was ok ok yes he's strong!!!!!!! I hugged his necked and put my legs around his waist while he was holding my thighs.
  "You tired?" Ask Bee while he sat me down in a chair.
I nodded and Bee sat down next to me. I had my helm on Bees shoulder and he wrapped a arm around me.
A/n sorry I had to end it because MAN IM TIRED!!!! I stayed up till 10 or 11 to do a half of this!!!! I'm still learning....

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