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It's about... 6:00 and Arcee should be home!!!

"Bee can I stay over?" She asked while we watched a movie.

"Wait," I got up and went in search for mom or dad.
"Mom can Arcee stay for the night?" My mom pondered for a answer and said

"Tell Cee to ask Elita and Optimus,"I was about to walk away till

"Your dad said yes,she can stay over." My mom smiled and I rolled my optics.

I walked to Arcee and asked
"My parents said yes what about yours?" She turned to me.
"Mom said its ok,and dad said not to get in trouble." She shrugged.

"I'll be right back,I have to get you some blankets." She smirked and kissed my cheek.

hmm...... A great big smirk grew on my lips.....

I grabbed one big blanket.
I wrapped half of it around Arcee and me.

She smiled and got in my lap.
"Bee." She said
" Yes?" I asked
She surprises by kissing me on lips. I kissed back and I pulled back saying
"You know, you never need to ask." She smiled and got rested her head on my shoulder.
She was on my lap, or really Arcee was on top of me!!!
We fell asleep till........
A heard several gun shoots.....
Arcee woke up and she ran!!
No no no no!!!!!
"Arcee!" I screamed after her she was running to her parents house.
She stopped when she saw a con two time bigger then her!!!
Arcee POV
I stopped in front of a massive big con!!!!!!!!!!
Bumblebee was..... I don't know???
"What'cha doing little femme?" He smirked.
Bumblebee!! I need you!!!
"Ummmm......" I said.
"Ummmm...... Isn't a answer." He walked up to me again and me?? I backed up but he followed.
"Stop right know!" I heard...DAD!!!!!!!
"Why?" The con asked and shrugged.

"If you don't I will hunt you down." Ohhhhh DADDY TO THE RESCUE!!!!
"Fine." He smirked and picked me up and flew me to the nemesis.
I saw my dad getting on a ship... NO NO!!! He can't give up... No.............................

"So femme what's your name?"asked the same con.
Should I be stubborn??
"Hmmm I don't know?" I said and I earned a punch.

"Your name." He said again I'm not letting him win this...
"You knocked me out cold how am I supposed to remember?" I lied.
I watched him punch the wall....
"I'm getting lord Megatron to deal with you." He ran out...

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