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As we flew to hell, I knew I'd have to come face to face with her again, and I wasn't looking forward to it. You see my names Dean Ambrose, and I am a certified lunatic, and Hope to say the least doesn't know how I got past her to heaven. My brothers and I were an elite force on Earth until we were called to heaven by God, that same day we were in battle with our mortal enemies the Wyatts. We have been battling them for the last 7 centuries. The day we came to hell, Hope was there, she allowed Seth and Roman to pass immediately, but me, I was the only one of us who had a criminal past, I had killed multiple people before joining the Shield. She has a strict guideline to not allow murderers into heaven, but the reason she doesn't know is her father permitted my entrance, she tried denying it many times, but each time the council overrode her, now I have to be her protection, Heaven Help Me.

Hello, my names Seth Rollins, along with Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns, I'm the architect of the Shield. I'm the planner, the mastermind. Ambrose, well he as his nickname says, The Lunatic Fringe.

And then there's me, Roman Reigns, people say I am the muscle, the powerhouse.

So there you have it, we are the Shield, and we're taking a trip to hell.

Dean it's not a trip, it's business. Even though we all know this is a trip you may not live through.

Scratch that, we all might not live through this if Hope has her way and Dean stays in hell. But that would only be if....

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