Mirror, Mirror...

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Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who's the fairest of them all?
It can't be me, it's probably you.
If we're comparing our outsides,
Then, yeah, maybe it's me.
But the insides, you see, are what truly matter to me.
My insides hold dark secrets,
Ones that I try very hard to hide.
Like the fact that I'm still hurting,
Or my stomach's always churning.
Churning with the guilt from sins long ago.
Or maybe like how I'm mean to everyone,
Just so my true emotions won't show.
So you can ask that old mirror
A question or two,
But if you ask if it's me,
It'll shake its head and point to you.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who's the fairest of them all?
It can't be me, it's probably you.
If we're comparing insides,
Then, yeah, maybe it's me.
But the outsides, you see, truly matter to me.
My outsides aren't that great,
With my oily brown hair
And plain blue eyes,
With my bitten-down fingernails,
And a stomach that's a little too thin,
That's all disgusting compared to what's within.
But the mirror only looks on the outside, right?
Not what's in the heart?
'Cause fairytales always lie to us,
I'll never be the fairest.
So go ahead, ask the ol' mirror a question or two,
But if you ask if it's me, it'll probably be you.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who's the fairest of them all?
It should be her, it can't be me!
Why are you pointing at both of us, that can't be!
Neither of us deserve this!
Don't tell us this lie!
How are both of us pretty?
The mirror pointed at both girls,
Showing them who they can be.
Gentle and kind,
And pretty as can be.
Not necessarily on the outside,
But inside,
The heart.
Because the mirror was done lying,
(He always lied since the start),
There isn't just one girl that's the fairest,
It's a whole lot.
You might think you aren't in that group,
But truly, you are.
The mirror's done telling lies
And being the cause of wrist scars.
He's telling you the truth.
You're all beautiful without a doubt.
So stop asking him these questions,
For now you know who,
You're the fairest, just like us all,
So no more asking
The mirror on the wall.


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