Chapter Five

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Isabella's POV:
I woke up at around 11am. I sleep late on weekends. As I opened my eyes slowly, I was facing two big green eyes.
"Mowning sunshine!" It was Aubrey.
"Ugh, Aubrey really?" I said, sitting up, rubbing my eyes. Aubrey would always do this. It would get annoying."
"Mommy made youw favowite. bweakfast again." She said.
"Did you just wake up?" I asked.
"I don't know when I woke up. I can not tell time. But I woke up a long time ago." She said, all energetic.
"Okay. Haha." I said, smiling.
"Come on, bweakfast is weady." She said, grabbing my hand.
"Okay okay." I said, laughing. I followed her out and went to the kitchen.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked, walking in the kitchen and giving my mother a kiss on the cheek.
"Your favorite! Oatmeal and fresh blueberries." She said, handing me the bowl.
"Thanks mom." I said, smiling and walking to the table. I started eating.
"Is it okay if Bella takes me to the park?" Aubrey asked. Wow, that was unexpected.
"Yeah, if Isabella is not busy. Are you Isabella?" My mom said, looking at me. I shook my head.
"YAY!" Aubrey yelled in her little baby voice. I chuckled. I finished eating and went to put the plate in the sink. I went back to my room to change.

"Aubrey we're leaving in 20 minutes!" I yelled, putting on my shirt.
"OKAY!" She yelled back. I chuckled. I put on a black crop top and flowery shorts and my black vans. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs.
"You ready to go?" I asked Aubrey.
"Yeah. Let me put on my shoes." She said. She put on her pink sandals and we headed out.
"See ya in a few hours mom!" I said.
"You too! Have fun!" She said.

As we went outside, I saw Sodapop outside with his brothers playing football. I waved to him and he waved back. But then Darry tackled him. I chuckled.

"Can we go now?!" Aubrey whined, pulling my arm.
"Give me a sec." I said, admiring Sodapop.
"Ugh, boys suck!" She whined.
"Hey there's Ponyboy!" I said to Aubrey, pointing at the door.
"Where?! I need him!!" She said like a mini cookie monster. I chuckled.
"Chill Aubrey. Come on let's go to the park." I said, taking her hand.
"NO! I MUST SEE HIM. MY BOYFRIEND AHHHHHHH." (A/N: Aubrey is literally me when I see a picture of Ponyboy) Aubrey whined.
"Okay okay. Just for five minutes." I said. I felt like I was going to disturb them. But I really wanted to see Sodapop.

I walked over to where the brothers were. I felt nervous because they were bonding and I felt like I was intruding.
"Hey Sod-"
"WHEWE'S PONY?" Aubrey cut me off.
"Aubrey, not nice." I said, looking at her. Sodapop chuckled.
"I think he's inside." Sodapop said.
"Can I go in?! Please Bella please?!" Aubrey begged.
"Fine fine. Be careful." I said. I smiled and turned back to Sodapop
"Sorry about her. She can be feisty." I said.
"It's fine. I just want to see Pony's reaction to when she tells him she likes him." He said, chuckling a bit. I chuckled.
"So uh, what were you planning to do today?" He asked me.
"Nothing just go to the park with Aubrey. But she was the one who wanted to come here. Sorry for disturbing you guys." I said looking down. Then Darry came.
"Hey Isabella." He said, smiling.
"Hey." I smiled back.
"So uh, how you like it here?" Darry asked me.
"It's a good neighborhood." I said.
"It sure is. It might be as pretty as the other side but its okay I guess." Darry said, looking down.
"Yeah." I said.
"So uh, tell us a little bit more about yourself. You seem like a really nice girl after all." Darry said.
"Great." I said. We all sat on the lawn and continued talking.

Aubrey's POV:
"Thanks Bella." I said to my sistew, I stawted walking towawds the steps and took a deep bweath. I peeked thwough the windows but i couldn't see anything. I shwugged and open the doow cawefully. I walked in slowly.
"Hello?" I yelled a little. I looked around for Ponyboy.
"Ponyboy?!" I yelled. I walked awound the house. I walked pass the living woom when I came acwoss this closet. I opened it slowly.
"Ponyboy?" I asked, being scawed. Then a hand weached out and pulled me in to the closet. I scweamed really loudly.

Isabella's POV:
I heard a powerful screm.
"AUBREY?!" I yelled. I could tell her screams from anywhere.
"AUBREY!" I yelled running into the house. I couldn't find her anywhere.

Hope you guys enjoyed it❤
I think that's a cliff hanger😏

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