Chapter Twenty Three

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Three years have passed by and Sodapop and Isabella haven't talked since the huge fight. Sodapop has been in a really bad depression, almost causing himself to self harm. Isabella has been upset too. She decided it was a good time to take a break from guys. Melissa and Kylie helped her with that by doing stuff not guy related. Like taking her out to the diner or Dairy Queen. But wherever they took her, Isabella would think about Sodapop. Aubrey also had a little helping to do as well...

Isabella's POV:
I was at home playing monopoly with Aubrey while mom was at the store. Aubrey turned seven two weeks ago.
"Your turn. Roll the dice." She said. Her words have gotten better these years. I looked up.
"What?" I asked.
"Roll the dice." She said. I shook my head.
"Oh yeah." I said, sadly.
"Are you still upset know who?" She asked.
"A little?" I said.
"Come on. You're depressed." She said. I sighed.
"I really miss him." I said, feeling like crying.
"He lost an amazing girl." She said. I smiled.
"Thank you. But I think he had found someone better." I said.
"It's been three years! Is there anything I can do?" She asked.
"I don't think so." I said. I started tearing up. Why am I obsessing over I guy who I haven't talked to in three years?!
"That's it!" Aubrey said. She stood up.
"What?" I asked.
"I'm going over to his house. Stay here!" She commanded. I put my hands in surrender and stood up. Aubrey walked out and I stayed standing at the doorway.

Aubrey's POV:
I walked over to Sodapop's house. I banged on the door.
"Open up!!!" I yelled. Finally someone opened. It was Darry. Man, I haven't seen him since, uh, three years ago?
"Hello, who are you?" He asked. I groaned.
"I'm Aubrey! I know you haven't seen me since I was four. I'm seven know and happily speaking full English now." I sassed.
"And more rude." He said.
"Now, is Sodapop home?" I asked.
"Yeah, but you might not want to see him right now." Darry said. I shrugged.
"I don't care. I'm going to see him." I said. I walked in not caring about anything else. I found Sodapop on the couch. He looked dead. I turned around and Darry was behind me.
"He's breathing, right?" I asked.
"I'm pretty sure." Darry said.
"Okay, so I got Sodapop some chocolate cake." I heard someone say. It was Two-Bit.
"Hey Two-Bit." I smiled and waved. He looked at me like I was a stranger or something. Probably because I was.
"Who's the chick?" Two-Bit asked.
"I'm Aubrey! Remember me?!" I asked.
"Oh hey girl!" He said. I chuckled.
"Can everybody shut up!" Sodapop said groaning.
"So he's alive!" I said.
"Who?" Sodapop said, sitting up.
"You! By the way remember me? Aubrey." I said. He looked at me shock.
"Aubrey?! As in Summers??" He asked. I nodded.
"You've grown!" He said. I nodded again.
"Wait, why are you here?" He asked. A perfect idea came to my head. I put my index in the air to tell him to wait. I walked over to the door and opened.
"ISABELLA HELP!!!!!" I screamed. I turned around and saw the boys covering their ears. I winked at them.

Isabella's POV:
I was waiting on the porch for ten minutes. Aubrey still didn't came. Then after about five more minutes, I heard a shriek.
"ISABELLA HELP!!!!!" I heard. That was Aubrey! I jumped off the porch and ran next door. I busted through the door.
"Aubrey??!!" I yelled. I found her on the couch.
"Hi." She smiled all innocent like.
"Why did you scream?" I asked.
"I believe you have met dead zombie looking Sodapop." She said, gesturing to Sodapop. I looked at him. Boy, he looked dead. I gulped.
"Uh. Hi." I said.
"OOOOOO DRAMAAAAAAAA!!!" Two-Bit yelled while munching on a piece of cake. Darry slapped the back of his head. I rolled my eyes.
"Sorry she bothered you." I told Darry.
"Come Aubrey, we have to go." I said. I grabbed her hand.
"Wait! Come on please!" She whined pulling back her arm.
"No! Let's go!" I yelled back. I turned around and bumped into this tough looking guy.
"Hey watch it!" He said.
"S-sorry." I said stepping back.
"That's Dallas, but we call him Dally." Darry said.
"Who are you?" Dallas asked.
"I'm Isabella." I said.
"You're the Isabella Sodapop talks about! Or use to talk about." He said.
"We were just leaving. Come on Aubrey!" I said.
"Can't you say at least hello to Sodapop?" Aubrey asked.
"I don't think I can." I said sadly.
"Why not?" Two-Bit asked.
"Because it brings back memories." I said
"What kind?" Aubrey asked. Sodapop put his face in his palms. I gulped, tears almost appearing.
"Happy ones." I said. A smirk appeared on Aubrey's face.
"Like...?" She asked. I shook my head and sniffed.
"Aubrey, don't ask questions. Let's go." I said.
"Wait!" She said.
"What?" I asked.
"Boys, come with me. Sodapop you stay. Isabella you too." She said.
"No. I know your tricks."
"Please. Trust me." She said. I sighed.
"Fine." I let go of her hand.
"You, you, and you. Come with me." Aubrey said pointing at Two-Bit, Darry and Dallas. They followed her outside.

Aubrey's POV:
"Boys, I have an idea." I said.
"This girl looks mean. Are we related?" Dallas asked.
"Not by any chance. Look, she is more good looking than you. I mean look at you! Unibrow face." Two-Bit said. I chuckled. Dallas was getting ready to jump Two-Bit but Darry stopped him.
"Aubrey, why did you bring us out here?" Darry asked. I smiled.
"Give me a second." I said. I found a rope on the ground.
"See, she's getting ready to tie you up." Two-Bit said to Dallas.
"No she's not. Are ya?" Dallas asked me.
"Chill dude. I'm not." I said. I was wondering if my mommy was still at the store. I tied the rope to the door knob and the tied the other end to the white pole in front of the door. It's a good thing I know how to tie knots.
"Aubrey what are you doing?" Two-Bit asked.
"I locked Sodapop and Isabella in so they can work things out and get back together!" I said.
"And if they don't?" Dallas asked.
"Hopefully they won't kill each other." I said.
"I like this girl. We could be siblings!" Dallas said.
"Yeah yeah. Now, shut your trap and lets see what happens." I said, peeping through the door.
"Hey!" Isabella said, angrily.
"Just talk!" I said, sounding happy. She made a "I'm so gonna kill you" face. She rolled her eyes and walked away from the door. Two-Bit and Dallas were arguing about something stupid (not really sure what it was about).
"Guys! Shut up! I want to hear the talk between Bella and Sodapop!" I whined.
"Okay okay." Dallas said. I peeped through the door. I felt Dallas crouch down next to me to see too.
"Here goes nothing." I said, shaking my head.

Hope you lovies like this!💖
Oh yeah! That girl in the picture aboveis Aubrey now. At seven years old!❤

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