New Bitch ?!

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Cassie Aubrey Thompson

"Khalil, you better watch your mouth!" I yelled at Kendra baby as he just said the F word. I don't know where he be learning these words, but someone need to give him the belt after what he just said.

"Aunt Cassie?" He said with his baby voice. I turned my attention on him, as I was in my laptop, mixing some beats and music together.


"I don't like you." He simple said. Little kids, always say that and thinks its going to hurt someone feelings, but not this chick right here. I can say more words, then him and make him go insane of crying like the real baby he is. I don't care if he start crying, but if he go to loud, then he going to learn who the fuck is handling this bitch, with a huge leather belt. But, then again I can't hit Kendra baby, cause that's my girl, and I don't abuse someone else baby.

"Little boy, get your butt in the living room and watch T.V." He walks away as he sat on the living room carpet, and pull his favorite blanket on top of him, as he was biting the tip like it was candy. I sign as I cross my legs, and continued doing nothing until I hear keys jiggling on the door, I look over and see the door open, as a black duffle bag was set on the side of the door, and the orange basketball rolling across the hall, as Aubrey was chasing after it.

"What's good, Khalil?" He said as he dapped him, he walk over to me as Aubrey followed behind him, sucking on her pink pacifier. It look like she was sleeping in the car, by the way her eyes were low, and she got small bags under her eyes.

"I'm tired." She said with her small baby voice. She reach for me as I pick her up, and place her on my lap, as she lay her head on my chest. And knowing that I have bigger boobs then before, cause of all that milk that was inside, and Aubrey suck some of it off. Tyrek came over, and kiss me like millions of time on the lips, not stopping, till his tongue was inside my mouth, and that little make - out scene happens.

"Was-sup?" He said as he walked to the fridge, plotting his water bottle inside the freezer.

"Nothing, just being a boring house - wife. How about you, Mr . Sexy Ball Player?" He chuckled as he took a sit next to me, grabbing my lap top.

"Well, we have been invited to the to an Orientation, by Camille." He said, as he was roaming around Sports like he always do.

"Camille Martinez?"

"She got fired. I got a new one, and her name is Camille Duncan." I nodded my head in understanding, but why Camille Martinez got fired, she was alright. Mid - age so I didn't had to worry about nothing, then knowing that an old lady hitting on a 23 year old man.

"Did she said 'We" or 'You'?" I said making sure I was correcting him.

"She said 'We' meaning me and you. I'll call momma to babysit Aubrey and we all good. How's that sound?" I shrugged my shoulders. It was okay, I guess. I have been invited to a lot of Orientation, by a lot of females for some reason.

"I guess. Hope she don't start nothing." I mumble to myself, as I got up with Aubrey in my shoulders, as she was snoring and walk to her room, and place her inside her crib. I pull her favorite blanket up to her chest, as I place Cookie Monster stuff animal next to her. It use to be mines, but then she keep on taking it and walking around with it, like it was hers.

"Its starts at seven, just to let you know." I look over at the walk clock and see that it was almost five in the afternoon, and Kendra should be coming any minute to pick up, Khalil. I sign as I walk inside our room, and tied my hair in a pony tail, as I unplug my phone out of the charger and walked back to the living room, where Tyrek was still on the computer.

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