Friend - Ship !

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Cassie Aubrey Thompson

"Fucking, bitch always trying to steal my shine." Kaelynn said, as she was walking on the trend mill. I shook my head as I continued lifting them weights up. Ever, since I had Aubrey I had gain a lot of baby fat, and it doesn't look cute on me. So, it had to leave someway or another.

"Who you talking about?"

"This hoe, name Miley. Her short cut blond hair thinking that she's cute and all but she's not. She can't even twerk if she tried."

"Need help, with her cause I can help you." She shook her head.

"Hell no, I can do it. I need to learn how not to go for the hair first."

"Grabbing the hair, is a good position to start, cause both there hands is going to be in there head trying to protect there skull and shit, and you going to have easy targets to her face." She chuckled as I hop on to the bicycle and start riding. It wasn't too long until Kendra and Khalil came in, and Khalil went to the little kids work - out to get in shape too.

"Look at fat ass,  Kendra." I said as she walk over to us, dropping her duffle bag on the floor while she tied her hair in a pony tail. She wave me off, as she got on the trend mill, starting it up.

"You know that girl, Ciara?" She ask us, we both nodded our heads, as she continued. "Well, this morning before I left, she was over at my house cause of the basketball interview, that DJ is going to do, this Saturday. And, she came to me talking about friend - ship and making sure that she's very trustworthy, she was looking straight at me in the eye when she said that."

"So, you saying that she ain't no hoe." She shook her head.

"She don't seem like it, and she don't dress like one either. I mean she got an ass, and all that body but, she already got a boyfriend." I smack my lips, doesn't means that she can still cheat. But, what am I judging for, I didn't even met the girl yet.

Rose Thompson

First day of college, first day of a new start. Thank god, high school was over cause I wouldn't spend another day living in that type of hell - hole even if I'm force too. Shawn was helping me move in my boxes, including Devon who was somehow lifting two boxes at the same time with out struggling. I swear Shawn be putting this child on steroids or something cause that can't be possible for a seven year old to be lifting that much stuff.

I shook my head, as I brought the last box in, and set it in my room where I will be sharing it with a new room mate instead of my friends, cause of our last name; Asia Lee. We talk from time to time, cause we have to schedule the move in and books together, knowing that she knows information that I don't know, and I know information that she don't know. New Friend - Ship.

"You got everything, under control right?" Shawn said as he swing his arm over my shoulders. I nodded my head, as we was walking to the door, along with Devon on my arms.

"Yes, I do. Now, go." He walk out the door, and gave me a kiss on the forehead, as he push it back a little with his hand. Devon gave me a hug and I gave him a little kiss on the cheek, as he smiled. Yup, this boy is going to have all the babies, when he grows up. I closed the door, as I walk back to my room and started unpacking, and shit I do have a lot to unpack.


"Hello, is anyone home?!" Someone yelled in the house, I was trying to beat Brian in a game of Madden, and I was killing his ass. I pause the game as he groaned in frustration.

"Shut up." I said to him, as he throw a pillow at me, and it hit my upper back. I rolled my eyes, as I walk to the front door, and see Asia and some boy bringing in boxes. "Asia!" I screamed.

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