Freak Hoe !

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Author's Note: I decided that I'm not going to continue Stormie Wesley. I'm going to delete it for now and repost it later in the future, along with some other future books. I want to keep the Thug Life series moving so there is going to be another book coming in the way. Plus, only about five or six chapters left in this book I have to start conclusion all the people point of view and stuff.

Shawn Thompson

Let me be real. I been knew that Sam was acting all moody when strange ever since she slaps me hard yesterday. She was pregnant for the second time and I was happy as hell when I peeped. I didn't want her to know, that I knew about her little secret so I just kept quiet for a while. Plus, her craving was strange as hell. I mean she went from eating cold pickles with melted cheese to sticks of butter with some strawberries. It was disturbing to the kids since it look disgusted but it made me laugh when I remember the time she was pregnant with the twins.

"Shawn..." Hearing her faint little voice I look to the side of me to see a sleeping Sam laying on her back with her reading glasses on. I knew she was tired as hell cause she couldn't even sleep last night. I didn't know why but it had me worried a little. I stared at her as she started groaning and biting her small plump lips little by little. Her eyes didn't open not once as she was continuing. "Shawwnnn..." She moaned out. I raised my eyebrows looking at her with amusment.

Sliding my arms around her waist, she let out a deep sign. I grip onto her firm small waist brushing my fingers across her flat toned stomach to feel just a little something. I brought her close to me making her wrap her arms around my neck and nuzzle her face in the crook. I just couldn't stop smiling at her on how cute she was when we were just a couple. Man, time went by and now look at us with two beautiful kids and another on the way. I just can't fucking wait for it.

"Wake up!" I shook her rapidly as I quickly got off the bed before she goes ham. Her eyes slowly open as she groaned loudly at my action.

"The fuck wrong with you, nigga?" She said as she lifted her body off the bed with her back facing me. I smirk as I sat back down on the bed.

"Just having a little fun, baby." I chuckled. She turned and glared at me with her tired eyes.

"Whatever." She mumbled getting up heading to the bathroom in a fast pace. I clearly didn't want to hear her gag on herself throwing up so I turned up the volume on the television and continue watching. I decided to hit up Chris and see if he was willing to discuss some important business with me.

Rose Thompson

I didn't know if it was me or him, but I seem to be liking Daniel more then ever. Summer has started and I was enjoying myself with some tank tops and booty shorts all day. My feet was sweating inside these sneackers, so I had to change into some sandels or something. I fixed my hair and was ready to go to this party tonight. Brittany invited me and Asia and I had to say it was going to be turnt the fuck up.

"Bitch, is you ready?" Asia said as she came out the bathroom looking fresh. "You been trying to fix your outfit for almost ten minutes."

"You can't blame a girl to look good at a party, Asia."

"Hmm. Trying to look good for Daniel? I see you, take your time, girl." I rolled my eyes at her as I tuck my phone in my front pocket. I spray some perfume in my chest and look at Asia motioning her that I was ready to go.

"Make sure you have some breathe mint or gum." She said as we head out the door. I lifted my eyebrow looking at her. "You don't want your breathe smelling like your toes, right?"

I laugh." My toes smell good, unlike yours." I comment. "Beside, I'm going to be tounging anyone down anyway."

"HMM, Okay."


Daniel lips crashed against mines as our tongues were nearly down each other's throats in a few seconds. He closed the room door with his foot not bareing removing his lips from mines. He move from his position, crashing on the bed laying his body on top of mines. Asia was right I shouldn't had took a piece of gum before drinking two cups of liquor. Wrapping my legs around his slim waist, he kiss me with all he had and so did I. Our kissing grew rough every second as we both became more and more closer to each other as I tighten my arms around his neck.

His hands slowly slide down my thighs as he start leaving kiss after kiss along the side of my face, around my ear and down my neck. Closing my eyes and biting my lip, he took a nice grip of my thighs as I could feel my stomach in huge twist and turns. A lot of touching began to take place as I was already unbuttoning his shirt.

"Before we—" He began speaking. "continue," He stop as he look at me. Our breathing was unsteading and I was horny out of my mind. "Don't you think we should do this somewhere else, instead of some stranger bed." Looking at him, I place my hands on his chest pushing him back.

"You're right." I said fixing my shirt. Looking at him, I bit my lip standing up. "You want to go somewhere else then?" I asked holding onto his hands.

"Are you going to throw that ass back for me?" He pulled my close to him as he held onto my waist tightly.

"Anything for you, baby."

Author's Note: Sorry, it's suppose to be three pages. But, I just couldn't. I wanted to update badly today, but the BET Awards had me! Writing more tomorrow!

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