Someone Else !

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Author's Note: Finally going to update some more, since I'm done with school. Freshman! But, anyway I'm doing some giveaways this next month in July and if you want to enter please follow me on Instagram: @http.blvee. I'll post again when I'm done doing the rules and all that. Plus, I made another story called Money Thugs as all the children in here are all grown up and face there drama. I did said that it was coming in the fall, but I was over thinking it and maybe it may come this month or July. I don't know.

Cassie Aubrey Thompson

"Tyrek Johnson!" I yell in the house as I didn't felt his present around here. I walked out of our room to the living where I see him down in the backyard shooting some hoots like he sometimes do around here. I couldn't keep my eyes off Bree so I didn't bother him. It been three days since Ty came back from the hang-out. He stop going after that, and I didn't know why. I grab a Capri-sun off the counter and rip the plastic straw ready to push it down the little hole till the doorbell ring and I groan. I sat it down and went to go get as I took a look through the peep-hole and see someone unfamiliar looking standing at my door.

She had short purple hair that looked good on her to be honest and dark skin. I unlock the door and twist the door knob to come face to face with her as she pulled a smile that I couldn't tell if it's fake or not. "Can I help you?" I ask as we stared eye to eye.

"Are you the wife of Tyrek Johnson?" I nodded my head.

"Yes, I am."

"I'm Ciara Williams, DJ assistant and I would like to talk to Tyrek please." I lifted my eyebrows as I was about to say something else till he came along.

"Who's at the door, Cat?" He said as he came behind me and slightly grip on my right ass cheek. Since, I couldn't hit him I let him slide and look straight at him as he was drinking a capri-sun. Thinking it over, I did left one on the counter. "You must be Ciara." He said shaking her hand.

"Yes, I am. I didn't know what day was a good time-"

"Nah, it's alright. Come on in and we talk business." The fuck is business? Isn't his assistant Camille? I rolled my eyes as I step back and let her inside the house. I remove Ty hand from my ass as he gave it a good smack at which I smack my lips.

"Nice house." She compliment. Bitch, please. I walk upstairs to our room where I was folding some clothes, man do I miss living free. I guess after you find someone you love and birth a child life gets hard and you have to become your own person. I completely change after I birth Aubrey, I knew that I wanted her to get a better life then I had when I was young with all the killing and losing people. I wouldn't stand if my own child had to live without parents.

I sign as my phone vibrate against the bed sheets, I grab and check to see Sam texted me. It been a while since I talk to Sam, expectly Shawn and his bad ass kids. I didn't know what she want but I answer it. "Hello?"

"Hey, girl." She replied back. "Haven't talk to you in a while."

"Forreal, how's the kids?"

"Bad as every. How's yours?"

"She's doing fine. She been sick lately." I said as I hear her cough in the other room.

"You didn't take her to the doctor?"

"I'm going to her next check up is this Friday and I need her to get better. Her skin is like a hot dungeon." She laugh. Feeling confused on how she sounds right now, really making me feel some type of way. The Sam I know never really had a tie down laugh like that nor a groggy voice. "You feeling alright?"

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