Crush !

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Rose Thompson

I was already in my first class, as I sat in the back with Asia as we was both playing with our phones. There was nothing to do since the teacher was so late at the first day of college, I sign as I lay my head back on the wall.

"Rose." Someone whispered. I lifted my head up and look around to see who was calling me, and it was some girl I remember at the party. Her name was Sam, Pam, or Zam I don't know.

"Wassup?" She shrugged her shoulders, as she took a seat next to me. I look at her in confusion, as I was wondering why she seating next to me, smelling like pure weed and perfume.

"Nothing, wanted to talk about that party last night."

"Okay, what about it?" She turned her whole body to face me, as I look at her straight in the eye.

"You know that Frat Brother, Daniel right?" I nodded my head. "While, in the photos that Brittany posted, there was a picture of you and him dancing together, and I was wondering if y'all did anything after that." Whoa! Okay, now that's a weird question.

"I don't think that's your business to know what I did after that with him."

"So y'all had sex?" I gave her the What - The - Fuck. look. I don't know if she's serious about these questions, cause right now it's sounding so stupid in her mouth. I chuckled as I shook my head at her.

"Look, if you have a thing for Daniel then I have no problem, with that cause me and him are not together, and I already have a boyfriend. So, chill out with the questions." She was about to say something, until the teacher came in, placing his bag on the table.

"Sorry, I'm late class. Very unusually." He said as he pull out a fresh marker and wrote 'Mr. Chris' on the board and did some lines under it. I cross my arms over my chest, as the girl went back to her seat. 

"Why was Peggy talking to you?" Asia said as she whisper to me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"About me and Daniel dancing together at the party. She was asking if we did anything after we dance." Asia laughed quietly as she covered her face, so she won't be loud.

"You know she a hoe, right?" I figured. "I tell you things about her after class." I nodded my head, as Mr. Chris told us to pull out a fresh notebook for some notes.


"Brittany!" Asia yelled as we walked over to her and her boyfriend Craig.

"Hey, babes!" She yelled back as she gave us a hug. I hugged Craig since I knew him a few years back in middle school.

"I need some information on some girl." I asked.

"And who is that?"

"Peggy." She groaned as she pull out her phone, and did some shit too it. She place it on my face as it show a whole article on some website called ExposeThots. Com. I grab it off her, as I began reading about her and whats her background to people. She is a nice person, but very snecky in some ways of hers. She really a hoe, cause she steals people boyfriend, and threat some girls for no reason cause she like the boy they with. I shook my head, as I gave it back to her and place, my elbow on the table.

"Wassup Rosie?" I turned around to see Daniel with some boys behind him. They look at me, as Daniel sat next to me, and the other boys went to some girls.

"Hey, Daniel." I gave him a side - hug.

"How was first class, today?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"It was okay, until some girl start asking questions about the party." 

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