Finally Chapter !

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ATTENTION: I changed the new series to About The Money. It's like BOOK 5 of the Thug Life series, but with the kids. I didn't want to do another book about Cassie and Ty since I already did that to almost four of the books. It's difficult, so I started doing Aubrey and her friends. GO READ ABOUT THE MONEY IN MY PROFILE! ALSO VOTE AND COMMENT.


Cassie Aubrey Thompson

Ever since Ty told me that he brought a house, I had to go see it for myself. Also, when he mention about having another child, I have scared out of my damn mind. I mean going through pregnancy with Aubrey was a piece of cake since I didn't barely do nothing, but eat, sleep, and chill for about nine months. But, what I'm afraid of is when I'm in labor. Hearing how Sam scream as she birth twins scared the crap out of me, but I stayed cool, even though I wasn't inside the labor room.

Ty pulled up to the house as I stared at amazed. It was huge two story house, if I'm correct I think I saw a pool in the back. I look at Ty as he got out the car and look at the house also. "Pretty dope, huh?" He said. I shook my head as I went to get Bree off the back.

"I hope the inside looks good." I mumbled to myself as we all approach the house. I could tell Aubrey got distracted because she was looking around her surroundings. I don't blame her, I was also too. The neighborhood doesn't seem all too quiet. They were kids playing outside and since summer is on the way they were throwing water balloons too. I guess I look around too much cause I caught an old lady eye along with another looking at me. One of them waved and smiled as I did the same back.

"Come on, Cat." Ty said as he unlock the door and walk inside. I was right on his trailed as I step foot in the cool AC of the house. I had to admit I was amazed at the sight. Everything was so clean and bright. The stairs, kitchen, backyard,etc. I put Bree down as she began walking around touching stuff as usually.

"What thee hell, Ty." I said to him as I look around.

"What?" He smiled.

"How could..." I was lost with words.

"Look," He said as he put his shoulders around me. "I got tired staying at that small condo, so I decided to buy a actually house, where we have neighbors and everything. Plus, the people around here are pretty nice, especially Miss Joseph."

"Miss Joseph?"

"The lady from across the street." I nodded my head. "So, what you think?" It took me a while to come up with an answer, so I took a deep breathe and sign.

"I guess we're going to have a big family after all." I shrugged my shoulders. He smiled as he came up to hug me and landed a kiss on my forehead.

"Hello? Is anyone home?" Hearing a deep voice I turned around to see two couples and there small little kids entering the house. "Tyrek! My man!" The guy said as he went up to dap him, I lifted my brow as I look at them. He took his eyes off Ty and stared at him. "This must be your girl." He smiled goofy. I snickered as I cross my arms across my chest.

"Anyway," The girl said. "I'm Stacey and this is my daughter Amber-lie and my son Zavier."

"I'm Cassie and this is my daughter Aubrey." I said as I felt Bree hands around my leg. Stacey put her child down as she stared at Bree, she gave a simple waved and Bree did the same. I guess living here will be good to us.

Rose Thompson

"Finally, summer vaca!" Asia screamed as she search for her bikini top. I layed in my bed taking in the cool AC as me and Asia was ready to go to this big pool party bash. I don't know who planned it, but I was invited along with Asia and Brittany. I was all so ready, while Asia was tieing her top.

"Are you ready, now?" I asked as I put on some Vans. She looks at me and nodded as she put on her ray bans and headed out the door, I came behind her trailed texting in my phone for the address when I notice that it wasn't that far as a walk. It was at someones house six blocks away from the campus. It was more like a mansion once you see the picture.

Since, I was lazy to walk so we decided to take the car. I go on the passenger seat as Asia started the engine and head towards the direction of the house.


"Eh, I seen better." Asia mumbled as she walks in. I had to admit the house was like another version of Chris Brown strip music videos. All the girls were half naked and dancing with each other as the guys was claiming them kissing, touching, and dropping some in the pool. I didn't know who planned the party but it was oh so turnt up.

"You made it." I heard him whispered on my ear. I turned around to see Daniel with his Ray Bans and bucket hat. He didn't had a shirt on, so he body was in full appearance.

"Of course, I did. I needed to get away from the campus anyway." He smiled as he pulled me into the dance floor as Taj was making Asia blush all over the place. I grab the cup he had in his hand and took a gulp. Now, since I'm a sophomore in college and turning 20 in a few month, I was ready to be care free like Miley Cyrus. Boy, do I love my life right now.

Shawn Thompson

"Chill out, you look fine." I told Sam as she was putting on her dress. She seems insecure about her body since the baby gain her some weight. The baby bump was a complete show and she couldn't wear tight dresses or high heels like that. She went with something simple and I have to say it did looked good. Her make up wasn't too much since she have a puffy face and her hair was all curly and long.

"But-" I lift my hands for her to pause.

"Shh, okay. You look good, now put on some shoes on cause' the babysitter is going to be here any minute. Damn." I laugh. He push me as she put on her shoes.

"Shut up, Shawn. You know how I feel when I'm fat like this." I shook my head as I went to check on the kids.

"Alright, kids," I said as I walk inside the so called hang out room. "Me and your mother are about to head out, Miss Fatima about is going to watch you until were back."

"Okay, daddy." Anerria said.

"No problem, dad." Devon respond also.

"Alright, now come say good bye to the man who gave you life." They both walk up to me and hug. Feeling them let go they went behind me and hugged Sam who was standing there.

"Y'all better not give Miss Fatima a hard time before I whoop but of y'all asses. Especially, you Devon, I know how you is when you decided to become the thug of the house." He smiled as he grab his controller.

"I won't mom, I promise."

"Mhm. Alright then, come downstairs so you can meet Fatima." The door bell ranged just in time. I went to go answer the door as the kids were slowly coming down the stairs. I open the door to revealed Fatima as she smiled. By the way, she's only nineteen.

"Hey, Mr. Thompson." She said as I open the door wider letting her in.

"How you doing, Fatima?"


"Great. Now, I don't think they going to give you problems. Devon going to be upstairs playing his video games and Anerria is going to do whatever satisfy her, so it's a piece of cake."

"Okay, have a great night you too." She said as she place her bag on the couch. I grab my car keys waiting for Sam as she was eating a pop tart. Shaking my head, I said bye to the kids one more time before shutting the door. Album release party, here I come.


EHH! Wasn't the best, but I did so. I didn't want to conclude Miley Duncan point of view cause it wasn't really important anymore. So, yeah... Thanks for reading all my Thug Life series books, and getting ready for another version of it.



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