Christmas Holiday !

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Tyrek Johnson

There's nothing more then spending time with family on a holiday. Huge ass family, with gifts, and lots of food. But, there is nothing more then spending it with someone I truly do love the most. My two favorite girls of them all. Everyone decided to hang over my house to get that family love. Mom, Tynesha, Tyler, Bree, Kendra, Ni-Ni, Rose, Brian, DJ, Romeo, Chad, Khalil, Meagan, Stanley and of course, Cassie, and Aubrey along with myself.

It was clearly Christmas Eve, and it was close to mid night, almost everybody was sleeping in the living, and I had no problem with that. Cassie was wrapping up some present in our room, and she kept me lock out until further notice. Aubrey couldn't go to sleep so I made her some warm milk, and put it in a bottle as we was both at the porch, her head laying on my chest, with her blanket around her.

It wasn't until the door slightly open and me and Brey look up to see Cassie standing next to us with one of my hoodies on. She came and sat next to me as she lay her head on my chest, and just sign. I was going to ask her something, but by the look of her face she seems to calm. I wrap my arm around her shoulder as I pull her close.

"Like to tell what's wrong?" I said as I look down at her. She shook her head as she just continuing looking up to the sky, and Aubrey was passing to sleep. I look at the both of them and wonder how I got so lucky. If I didn't went a holla at Cassie at that club that day, things shouldn't be how it is right now. I'm just really bless that I get to married her soon, and have more then three kids with her, cause I do love a huge ass family.

"It's like a dream come true, you know," She finally spoken as she lifted her head off my chest.

"What you mean?"

"Usually, it just be me, Rose, Shawn, and mom. Now, that my Mom is gone it wasn't really the same every Christmas, no Christmas tree, no family coming over to give us stuff, not even a single good old fashion song. It was always lonely at that time." She doesn't look like she was about to cry, but she does seem sad about it.

"No wonder, Rose been so hyper about this holiday." She chuckled.

"Yeah, this is her third real Christmas, then the others." She look at me, and plant a kiss on my cheek as she got up and walk back to the house, I was going to follow her, but I just like this feeling right now with my daughter.

Cassie Aubrey Thompson

"Cassie!" I heard Rose loud mouth screamed as her foot steps came rushing in. "It's Christmas! Wake that ass up!" She said as she slap my butt and ran downstairs, I open my eyes as I see her carrying Aubrey in her arms as the both of them are smiling.

"Merry Christmas, baby," he whispered in my ear, as he wrap his arms around me. I smiled as I turned around and met his groggy face. I kiss his nose.

"Merry Christmas," I got up as I yawn as I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth and face also. I left my pajamas on, and walk to the living room as I see Ty was just now getting up going inside the bathroom.

"Hol'up, bitch," Ni-Ni said as she took a scoop of some Nutella and putting it in her mouth. "how come yours look more cleaner then mines?" She said as she look at the new Lebron, her babe just brought.

"Because, I brought yours before I brought mines, it's difficult knowing your feet size since it grew a little."

"So, you saying that I got big feet?" He put his hands in surrender. I chuckled as I went to the tree and find some gifts for me. I saw this huge bow and it was from Kendra, I ripe it open and it was a huge ass set of Victoria Secrets: perfume, lotion, body wash, and even panties and bras."

"Well, damn, Kendra this is sexy asf." I said as I look at the different color bras.

"Well, it's the least I could do since you brought me this." She showed me a bag that said Michael Kors, she had been dying for one of these bags and I wanted to do something nice and give it to her as a gift. I took the next one as she that it was from Khalil and DJ. I look over at them as they both were smiling hard. I rip it open and to my surprise it was Gamma Blue 11s.

"Oh shit!" I said with a surprised look. "It's so sexy in real person. Thank you, boys!" I said to them.

"No problem." I got DJ a whole chance to hold Aubrey and also a PS4 since Kendra won't buy it for him, I did the offer. For, Khalil I got him some soap for his dirty mouth of his along with a dinosaur.

"Oh, open mines!" Ni-Ni said as she hand it to me. From, Ni-Ni, Romeo, and Erin :).

"Y'all naming y'all baby Erin?" I said as I look at the name.

"Hell yah, sexy ass name!" Romeo said as pull out his phone. I shook my head as I tear the paper open see a portrait of me, Aubrey, and Ty.

"Damn." I heard some one said as I turned around and see Tyrek, looking at the portrait. "That nice, man, who did this?" he ask Romeo as he dap him.

"My little sister, soon upcoming artist, mane." I smiled at him as I got no words, it just left me speechless. I got him a watch, and Ni-Ni some food, since she said she doesn't really want anything for Christmas. I went to the rest and my god, it was all so good.

I didn't buy Rose or Shawn a present cause it was happening right now, along with me too. After, that it was this small little present left and I took it unwrapping. It only reveals a small white box with the word "c" on it.

"Ty, what is it?" I said looking at him. He grab it off my hand, and told me to get up as he doesn't want to drop it. I didn't know what was this feeling but everyone was quiet. It wasn't until he got down in one knee and open the box with a diamond ring on it.

"I know that you didn't by me a gift as it's waitinf for tonight..." he said as he smiled and dapped DJ. "But, I just couldn't take it just calling you my girlfriend, I wanted to say something more then that. I want you to be my wife. Cassie Aubrey Thompson, will you marry me?"

IG- @bluerepresent_

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