Pushing My Limit ! (Please Read "Attention")

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Attention!! : If you are or anyone else a size 8.5 in MEN, then I am selling The Low Jordan 11 (white on bottom, black on top) for just $50 dollars. Kik me for more information : @_CookieMonstaa_



Cassie Aubrey Thompson

"C'mon nigga! Stop pushing my limits." I laughed as Bree was cracking jokes about Tyrek. I was rolling tears and forming a six pack I couldn't even breathe for about five seconds straight.

"Alright." Kendra said wiping a tear from under her eyes. I coughed a little clearing my throat, and drinking a little water. I hear the door jiggy and open as Tyrek walk in with Aubrey in front, we all look at each-other and burst out of laughing, I actually fell to the floor rolling, I could feel Aubrey on top me.

"What's so funny?" Tyrek comment as he went to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water.

"Nothing." We all unison. I got back up and kiss Aubrey on the cheek as I place her next to me in the couch watching some random BET Movie. I slide my thumb to the bottom of my bottom lip to remove anything that was there, that I felt.

"Damn, my stomach tighten for a minute from all that laughing." Ni-Ni said, as she rub her stomach.

"It's Bree fault for making all those jokes." We chuckled.

Bree smack her lips. "Whatever, I have to go home anyway, its getting late." She got up as everyone else cause they all came with her.

"Yeah, I see you later." We dapped and I did to everyone else, as they kiss Aubrey in the cheek. They soon left, and I check the time that it was one minute before midnight. I closed the television and all the lights with Aubrey on my arms, since she was soon past asleep. I went to her room and place her on her crib, and pull the blankets to her neck so she won't get cold.

I walk inside our room, and see that Tyrek was laying in bed watching some television. I climb with him under the covers, while looking at him and not paying attention to the voice coming from the machine that's on the wall.

"Why so late?" I ask him.

"I was coming at 8, but Camille keep bothering me about exchanging teams."

"You mean trade to a different team?" He nodded his head. "To which team?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't know what's her problem." I chuckled as I kiss him all over his face.

"Stop worrying, just tell her straight up." He sign as he continued watching T.V. as I lay my head on his lap to play with my phone, until it ninja my face and Ty starts to laugh.

Tyrek Johnson

"Why Camille all up on your ass?" Chad said as he saw me walking, I shrugged my shoulders. I was walking to her apartment, which was in Dairy Road. Chad was some how here to see his cousins and shit with Bree, who is inside the house eating all the butter and crumb like a fat ass.

I knock on the door and waited as I heard the door unlock and Miley opens up with a black t-shirt and some tight ass grey booty shorts, like what the fuck its the afternoon.

"Hey, Tyrek." She said and smiled.

"Wassup? You're sister here." She nodded her head.

"Camille!" She yelled as she let me in, her house was huge but not like mines, it was bigger then that cause I was expecting a whole team from Cat. Camille came from the back with her phone on her hand.

"Hey. I know why you're here for?"

"I know you do. Why do you want me to change teams? I mean what's wrong? Am I slipping or some shit?" She shook her head.

"No, its just to get more fame. Like if you go to a different team.." I cut her off.

"Then everyone will have money, cause I be making the shots. Don't do this, Cam. Just call it off." She sign as cross her legs. "You wanted more money, huh?"

"What you talking about?"

"If I had switch teams, then we both be making more money then before. I understand that, but you need to be happy on what you doing, its not about money, Cam. It's about your dreams coming true." She sign again as she was typing away on her phone for a few seconds, then place it on the counter.

"Your right. Sorry, but tomorrow I guess its the NBA Donation at the Boys & Girls Club downtown, and they want you to come." I nodded my head.

Miley Duncan

Seeing Tyrek coming to my sister house, is just surprising. I like Ty, I have to admit he cute, sexy, his eyes are just beautiful, and his smile is to die for. Be bad he have a wife and a damn child, I mean you couldn't wait a little longer for me. I shook my head, sitting on my bed. Why can't I have him? Is it the way I am? Fuck that, I love how I am. I used to had long hair just like Camille, but I wanted to cut it off, because I don't want people to remember me as a soft bitch, I want to be out spoken, I don't care what any one say about me.

I could hear Camille and Ty conversation downstairs. I smile at the way he gets a little annoy and angry. I just pure wanted him, its a fact. But, Cassie is his wife , the hell am suppose to do about that. Whatever, It's really pushing my limit on how single I am, and horny I get around him.


Attention!! : If you are or anyone else a size 8.5 in MEN, then I am selling The Low Jordan 11 (white on bottom, black on top) for just $50 dollars. Kik me for more information : @_CookieMonstaa_

School is kicking my ass, being a 8th grader is hard. Ughhhh!!
Sorry for the long update.

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