Reppin' !

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ATTENTION: Book 5 is publish in my profile called About The Money. Go read. SORRY CHANGING TITLE.

Cassie Aubrey Thompson

Aubrey hair was growing hella fast. It's almost like she's getting an afro and her eyes are just adorable, it's so big. She's starting to look just like me when I was little, hope she doesn't becomes a bad ass cause' I won't hold back on whooping that big ass of hers. Everything has been cool for the pass weeks. Camille is still not trusted in my eyes and her little crazy twin sister is no where in sight. I like that. Kendra been doing good with DJ and Khalil and Bree just had her baby last night.

That shit was in expected cause' it was three in the morning when Tyrek jump on me saying that Bree's in labor and she was howling like a damn wolf too. Everyone thinking that it was suppose to be a girl, but it was obviously a boy. Sandro Kale Parks.

Shaking my head at the moment I hear a loud scream which made me jump out of my seat. I look around to see if Aubrey was next to me or something, but she wasn't. She probably walk off somewhere when I was day dreaming I made my way to the kitchen to see her sitting on the floor with her cup in her hand. She looks at me then at the window and all I saw was just wind blowing the trees. I didn't know why she scream but damn that scared the hell out of me. I decided the me and her should take a nap or something before Ty comes back from where ever he is.

I place her in my bed and got inside the covers. All she did was sign, she wasn't really sleepy but I be damn to got back down there and witness another one of her crazy ass screams. "Cat? Where you at?" Hearing Tyrek's voice but a re lifted.

"Up here." I said back to him. I could hear his big foot steps coming up the steps as he enter the room to see me and Aubrey all cuddle up in the bed. He smiled as he came over.

"My two beautiful girls." He said trying to get in the bed with us, but I push him away. Hugging up on my child. "Stop playin' " He laugh. He got in and put his arms around us. Aubrey was mumbling some words, as I could feel Ty hot breathe on my ear. "Why y'all up here? It's only three in the afternoon."

"Well, a few minutes ago, Aubrey started screaming about some shit and know me...I got scared and shit." He laugh as he shook his head.

"Whatever. Probably just a bird or something. But, I want to talk to you about something." I lifted my eyebrow as I stared at him.

"Which is?"

"Actually, these three things I want to talk about, and one of them is bad news." I lifted my body off the bed ready to hear what he have to say. Aubrey was already minding her own business as she play with my phone.

"I want the bad news first. But before you go does it have to do something about your carrer?" He shook his head. "Okay, begin."

"Last night, they found someone in there house drowned in there own blood water."

"Blood...Water?" I asked. He nodded. "Well, who was it?"

"It was Camille."

"Camille Duncan?" He shook his head.

"Camille Martinez." Hearing her name made my heart stop first just a quick second as I tried to take in all the bullshit he just told me. I shook my head. "The police said that she commited sucide."

"Commiting suicide is a sin. You just go straight to hell, why would she do that?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"Nobody knows. That's why she haven't been returning people calls in weeks." I waved him off.

"I don't want to hear this anymore. What's the other news?" He cleared his throat.

"I brought a new house." I lifted my eyebrow.

"A house?" He nodded his head.

"Yeah, and it's much bigger then this one. Four bedrooms, Four bathrooms."

"Ty, what he hell we going to do with four bedrooms. I know one is for us, another for Bree, and the others two are for who?" That's when he smirk.

"The other room is a nursery.For another baby."

"Another baby?" I spoke. "Who's gonna do that?"

"Me and you. But, forreal, I don't just want only Aubrey in our life I want more. Shit, I want a whole basketball team." I look at him with wide eyes.

"You really want my pussy to look like a grand canyon, do you?" I laugh.

Sam Valentine

I figured that Shawn already found out about me being preganat. My flat stomach turned into a baby bump already and my face was getting fatter. I sign. I looked way worst when I had the twins growing inside me, making me look like Fat Albert. I landed in my bed with a cup of tea, that Devon made for me since I was sick. Shawn was probably down in the basement working out and Anerria is doing whatever in her room for now. I wasn't planning on having company anytime soon, so I just hopw for the best that I could go through this with no shades or problem.

It's possible that I may be having a boy, since boy come out very often then girls. Its like girls are rare to make, I still remember in elementary school tha they were more boys then girls in all my classes and the entire school. So, I was kinda hoping and praying that it aleast a girl, other then that I have three of my own. I really hope Shawn pick a good name if it's a girl other then that, I will be choosing if it's a boy. Let's hope for the best.

Author's Note: I finally post the preview of About The Money in my profile. It's a new version of the Thug Life character kids. Sorry have to change the title.

Next is: Finally Chapter !

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