Problem ?! Part.2

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ATTENTION: If you are worthy enough to feature in my new book Stormie Wesley, then please fill out the application that I will be posting at the end of this chapter on the comments below to be in it. Please be aware that I'm choosing a few. Who knows, maybe all.

Rosie Thompson

"She been like this all day, Daniel." I heard Asia voice I took a glance to the door to see Asia leaning against the door with Daniel. Why the hell did she bring him? I let out a sign as I pull out my phone and do anything random that would impress me in any sorts of way. "I think it was because what happen back in the campus." She said.

"What y'all was doin' there?" Hearing August slang was a little funny. Boys with a accent makes me laugh but I like it.

Asia sign as I could hear her boots clacking on the floor as she came sit in front of me making the bed slight down. "She haven't heard from her boyfriend in months, so she was worried and decided to head over to his campus to see what's up and all that. Long story short, the nigga was seeing another girl without letting Rosie know for so long." I rolled my eyes as she repeated that whole day over again.

I cover my head with my sheets as my phone vibrate. I let it go, let it goooo. Since, I just said that I should be watching some Frozen right now. Gosh, I feel like shit. Is this how a heart break feel like, did I every felt like that when Terrance and I broke up or was it something else. The boy I though who was going to be with me forever is out in his own campus at which I forgot the name of with a girl who more nicer then me and doesn't bitch in front of me when she saw me and Brian together. They probably be kissing, hugging, holding, laughing, cuddling...Shit! Maybe even fucking if they have a chance, who knows if the girl pregnant of nah!

"Rose." I heard Daniel voice as I felt his present next to me. He sat where Asia was sitting before she magical left and lean back crashing my back with his skinny ass. I started to move flipping over to my back at which I remove the cover off my face and look at him. He lay there with his hands behind his head.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I look at him. He turned to look at me as he got up.

"I'm trying to make you feel better." I shrugged my shoulders.

"You know what will make me feel better, Daniel?" I fainted whispered as I look at him. He stared right back at me licking his lips. My eyes gazed at his full lips as I stared right back at his black eyes as he fix his hat. I slowly lift my hand pointing at the stuff bear behind him that he got me for valentines. He red roses he also brought were not real, so luckily I kept them by my night stand to make me feel better since they were roses.

He looks where I was pointing at and shook his head as he got up and went to go get it. He brought next to me and I held in my arms as I tried to stuff it under my covers so it could lay with me. I don't know why I was thinking about this, but I really wanted Daniel to be next to me. Every since, I came here he was always sweet and kind to me and I liked that, but I couldn't do anything about it cause I had a boyfriend...Sorry, used to had a boyfriend.

Since, I'm single I don't think that I could be dating someone so fast like that. What if some nigga know about me and Brian and tells him. Then, he wouldn't feel guilty anymore of seeing feel heart broken about him and his girl. Now, that I'm also thinking about this too, I haven't seen that crazy botch Peggy, in a while. (If you don't remember her, go back to "Crush !") Maybe she left the college campus and became a stripper. I won't mind if she's working at Kings of Diamonds.

Daniel, decided that it was okay to get himself comfortable under the sheets on where he lay next to me. Since, I'm laying on top of the bear, he got a clear view of my face. "You know what will make you better?" He asked. I look at him as he was doing some type of shit with the remote, I then look over at the television and see that he was putting the movie Frozen. I quickly jump up and yelled.

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