Valentine's Day !

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Cassie Aubrey Thompson

Moaning out in pleasure, he went harder and more deeper as I took a hold of his bare back. Both hands on the side of my neck, he lean down and started hungrily munching on my neck, as he suck and lick all around. Moaning his name, I grip the sheets even tighter then before and curled my toes as I feel myself about to cum. Wrapping my left leg around his waist, I flip us over as he was on the bottom and I was on top, kissing his neck while moving my hips.

He groan in pleasure as I continued and went down to his chest, then his abs as I removed myself from him and went to his waist, licking around and sucking on it a little. As I was about to tease him, his phone ring some Chief Keef song, which made me stop and lift my body as I look at his phone which was on the floor next to my bra. Reaching for it, he stop me.

"Just leave it. Please, continue." He said as he held me in place, waiting for the song to finish I rolled my eyes as I went back to what I was doing, stroking him and going down to suck on him, hearing his groans were like music to my ears, as I put it on the side and lick up and down on his chocolate, I took him on the mouth and went up and down, using no hands as I suck on the tip and shallow him whole for a few seconds, then taking it out.

I did that for about five minutes, then made him cum, since he made me cum about three times. I lay next to him, as I push some hair back and took some deep breathes. "Happy Valentine Day." I whispered in his ear as he was taking a sip of water. He smiled and gave me a kiss on my lip as he got out of bed, and picked me up.

"It's not over, yet. We still have round three." Hitting his chest, he took me to the bathroom, laying me on the counter as he went to set up the tub. I redid my hair to a messing bun once again, and lick my lips as I waited for him to removed that damn condom off his dick, and give me some more. No, your wondering where's Aubrey? But, she's at my Ty mom's house, probably watching her favorite shoes since it's nearly around eleven at night.

Getting down from the counter, I went up the steps to the tub and drip my feet in as the warm bubbles hit my skin, and the rose pedals moves around. I sat down as I took a hand full of bubbles and drip back in. I look over at Ty who was just standing there smiling.

"What?" I asked as I smiled too. He shrugged his shoulders. "For real, Ty."

"I'm just happy." He simply said as he cross his chest.

"About what?" I sat on my legs as I put my elbow on the platform and look up from him.

"Because, I met you. If I hadn't met you back in Florida, I wouldn't know where I be at right now."

"Probably, messing with some ho right now."

"Or just be smoking with the guys, I believed." I smiled bringing my hands up, so I could kiss him. He bend down and our lips touch.

"Happy Valentine Day. I love you." He said in between the kisses as he got in and straddle me in his lap.

"I love you, too." I replied back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Rose Thompson

Asia was gone with Taj as it was Valentines Day. I sat alone in the dorm watching some Netflix as everyone with a babe. I bet Cat is probably fucking Ty right now, also Shawn and Sam. I texted Brian this morning and he didn't text back all day, I knew he read my messages cause it said "Read" where I had send him. Was he ignoring? Is he fucking cheating, cause I'm not there?! I told myself, if I hear something about him fucking some girl and I'm a side chick then that's his head and the bitch.

This morning wasn't really the best, everyone had presents and balloons and that made me so sad. I mean I do get them back in high school, but in college that's a new kind of level. Thinking, I wasn't going to get anything, someone brought me some huge ass pink bag with a huge teddy bear, that said "I love you." in the middle, as it hold a heart and different things, that had a bunch of red roses, some of my favorite chocolates, a huge ass balloon, and some regular ones and also candies. Can't believe I was happy as hell, but was weirded out cause' I didn't know who brought it.

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