Chapter 3

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Today was the day I resume classes with everyone else. Turns out Quan had asked for my father's consent of dating me. And I guess their was a big debate about the whole thing. But later they all agreed. I stepped out of the portal. Quan had on his pants and boots that tied up to his knees. I had on a braided roped across that went around my head. I also had a uniform like the usual girl uniforms. Scorpiano and Scorpiaro had on pants with gold fire going up them. And boots that tied up to their knees. Quan looked at me and smirked and grabbed my hand. We walked into the building and everyone was staring at us. Then I noticed, them. I got angry right away. Quan noticed and squeezed my hand. " Calm down we'll handle them soon." Quan said and kept walking. We got to my class and he turned to me." I'll see you at lunch. Keep calm, and, don't do anything. They could hurt you. They'll attack you all at once they challenge you except the challenge and me, Scorpiano and Scorpiaro will join in." " Okay." I simply said. He leaned in and kissed me. He smiled then ran to catch Scorpiano and Scorpiaro. I smiled. I turned around and there was Meleana, Subzeriana, and Night Angel. " Tuh, she comes back to life and thinks she's all that." Meleana said." And that's why my brother killed you and Brak." I guess that ticked her off. She walked over to me and pushed me over. I stumbled but didn't fall. I got into my fighting position. "A challenge!" Sensei Zenre said. I remembered what Quan said. "I challenge you Brak, Night Angel, and Subzeriana. And that's all no entries. Me, my brothers and Quan against you and them." She smirked. " We accept." Sensei Zenre smiled. " Practice will be cancelled for this event. Scorpiana, grab your brothers and Quan, and head to the chamber. Same for you Meleana." I turned and walked to my brothers and Quan's class. Their sensei seen me. I bowed." Sensei Zenre has cancelled all practice for a challenge that has been made for me, Quan, Scorpiano and Scorpiaro, against Meleana, Brak, Night Angel, and Subzeriana. And no late entries, for them." I smirked at the last part and Quan seen me and smirked back. My brothers and Shang got what I had done and also smirked. Sensei Jing dismissed his class and headed to the chamber." Why didn't you put me in?!!!!! I've been wanting to kick Brak' s ass all year." Shang said upset. " Shang, you are in. Your gonna jump in. They can't add another person, but we can." Scorpiano said after slapping him in the back of his head. Shang then realized why I smirked. " Oh........" We headed down to the chamber. Quan still held my hand. One thing that I'm neverous about that comes with me dating Quan, is he hasn't died yet. I hope he lives until he 21, or else I'd have to go a year without him. I'd say we were feared at this place. Our fathers did kill Raiden and the Elder Gods. So I'd say some of the Senseis fear us to. Once we were in the chamber they shifted into their suits. Quan only had pants with his boots and his bare chest. 6 rows of perfection. Before I shifted, he grabbed my hand. He cupped my cheek with his hand." Be care full. I don't want them to hurt your pretty face." He said smiling, showing his dimples making me smile. "I won't. Quan......" " Yes?" "Please don't get hurt." He saw the fear in my face. He leaned down and kissed me. "I'll be OK." I hope he was telling the truth. "Alright love birds, come on we've got a job that needs to be done." Scorpiano said. It was time. I feared for my boyfriend's life, my brothers lives, and my beat friends life. Brak had a bad side and it was going to come out. Today, I was going to kill the first person on my list. Meleana.

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