Chapter 14

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Omniscient P.O.V

Scorpiana just charged at Supergirl. Before Supergirl could move a fireball came her way. Superboy grabbed her with both arms. " Just. Calm down!" He said between his teeth. " Let her go!" Quan said. Quan ran at Superboy and attacked him. " Their to strong!" Meg Anne said as Shang attacked her. Scorpiaro and Scorpiano were fighting Robin and Nightwing. "We have to-" Before Nightwing could say retreat, Dark Khan walked through the door. " I have made my decision! I will recruit all of you. But because Scorpiana is the host of the smoke, she will infect you!" Dark Khan said as he sat in his throne watching Scorpiano, Scorpiaro, and Shang hold Nightwing, Robin and Meg Anne down as Quan held Superboy. Little did Dark Khan know, Scorpiana was infected by Quan Chi, so he had more control over Scorpiana. She removed the smoke from Quan, Shang and her brothers. Dark Khan stood up from his throne. "You, have been infected by Quan Chi!" He said. "She has. You shall not have anymore control of our children anymore. Scorpiana, finish him!" A voice came so everyone could hear. Scorpiana's eyes changed from Orange to green as her head switched over to Dark Khan. Scorpiana threw a punch and kicked Dark Khan in the head. He fell back but got ready. She was going to swivel kicked him in the stomach but he grabbed her leg and punched her in the face bringing her towards him. She got on all fours and shook her head. She got up and disappeared. Dark Khan was spinning around looking for her. She came back thinking Dark Khan didn't know where she was. Dark Khan turned quickly and punched her in the face. Scorpiana made a crater in the floor after the force of the punch. She got up but felt a huge pain in her back. Her eyes went back to the extremely light grey. She got up in pain and looked at Dark Khan. "My turn." Dark Khan mumbled loud enough for Scorpiana to hear. He ran at her and kicked her to the wall. She made another crater with the force. She could see Quan trying to get to her but a force field had been up. Dark Khan grabbed her and threw her at the wall creating a sharp pain ring threw her back. She fell to her knees and tried to stand. " That's right. Bow down to me." Dark Khan said taking her long hair out of her bun. Scorpiana shot her arrow at Dark Khan into his chest. He looked down and grabbed the arrow. He pulled it until it ripped out of her wrist. She screamed an agonizing pain grabbing her wrist. She threw a fireball at him making him absorb the ball. She was defenseless.  She grabbed the wall for support. He grabbed her hair and slammed her face down to the ground. She laid on the ground and looked as Quan was getting mad and she seen Shang had mad a little hole that was getting bigger. He had made a break, but it hadn't been large enough to break the field down. Dark Khan took a sword. He put it up to his head and stabbed her in the chest she sat up as far as she could. She looked at Dark Khan with a glare. She grabbed the sword and slowly pulled it out. When it was finally out of her chest she threw it across the room. She got up and kicked him in the face. She punched him everywhere she could. When she got him down to his knees, she grabbed his head. "See you in hell!"She said breaking his neck, then finally pulling his head  off his shoulders then throwing it. She fell down to the ground and the shield collapsed. Quan was the first next to her along with Shang and her brothers. "She's not healing!" Scorpiano yelled holding her head. " Stop yelling! She needs to concentrate!" Shang yelled. "Quan get her breathing to slow down, then she can heal." He finished. " Scorpiana look at me, calm down. Sh Sh Sh. Your ok. Just breath." Quan said to her calming her down. She had had slowed her breathing and healed. She got up and looked at Dark Khan 's headless body. She got up and took her Sai out she grabbed his head and carved an S on the top of his head. She dropped his head and opened a portal heading home.

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