Chapter 6

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Again, I'm waking up, not knowing why I am here or how I got here. I got out of my queen sized bed. My hair grew longer I noticed. It was down to my hips. I had on shorts and a tank. I got up and walked to the window I stood on the frame then walked out to see the outside of the Netherealm. I saw slaves everywhere will souls tormenting them. I seen a woman holding a baby. She had eyes blue as the sea. I looked closer and seen she had a dragon piece of clothing in her hand she was trying to hide it. I smirked. A traitor. I watched what she was doing. I seen her stand on the steps of the castle. She seen me and bowed with tears pouring down her face. I seen a man looking for something or someone. She quickly kissed the baby then put it down. She ran." Hey! get back here!" I screamed. She just ran and ran. Not looking back. Pretty soon, they shot her down with and arrow to the head. I turned away not wanting to look at the brutality they were projecting. I remembered the baby. I ran out of my room with something to put my hair up. " Scorpiana?" I heard Quan say. I seen all the parents looking at me run like a maniac to try and get to the baby before the guards did. I got to the door and a spear hit the door. I drew a large dramatic breathe. "Yes father?" I turned and he was almost near me. " What is wrong with you? You ran past us like someone is going to kill you." I heard the footsteps of soldiers coming. " If you let me get outside I could show you!" I opened the door and there in tattered clothe was a baby boy. He had light skin with rose pink cheeks. I smiled pleased that I got to him in time. I picked him up. I seen a guard run to me. He bowed. "My princess, this child belongs to a criminal. We must take him." I looked at the baby, he was asleep. "No." I said and walked back into the castle. He bowed again and left. I ran to my room and closed the door. I laid him down and unravel him. He only got a piece of clothe poorly sown. He stirred then finally awoke. I smiled and he smiled back. He started to roll over I picked him up. He smiled and giggled. He had deep dimples like Quan. I heard my door opening. It was brothers, and also Shang and Quan. They walked in and looked at me. I had my back to them. " Scorpiana, are you ok?" Shang asked."Y-Yea I'm fine." Quan came up to me, I tried my best hiding the baby as best as possible. But he began to bable. Quan then caught me. He gave me a funny look. The baby laid his head on my chest and looked at Quan. Quan's stared at the baby. " Who's baby is this Scorpiana?" I tried not to let my tears fall and he seen I was going to cry. Gosh I'm so weak! He walked to me and I put my head down. He lifted it back up. " Tell me." He said in a soft voice. "He, was at the doorstep, they killed his mother. I couldn't let them kill him." I said with a tear falling down. I quickly wiped it. He grabbed my hand. "It's Ok." Scorpiano, Scorpiaro, and Shang walked over. "Have you told dad yet?" Scorpiaro asked. " He seen me run with him." Just as they were gonna say something, our mothers walked in. Nitara noticed first she gave a confused look. The baby was slowly falling back to sleep, he was trying so hard to fight it. I walked him over to my bed and laid him on his stomach and sat next to him. My mother noticed next, then Scarlet. " Scorpiana, who's baby is that?" My mother asked. "He was on the doorstep." I said scared of what she was going to say next. Everyone in this room were trained assassins. I was scared that instead of bringing him back they'd kill him. " They killed his mother. Almost in front of him. The guards want to kill him to. I told them no and brought him in here." My mother looked at him. She sighed and walked over to me and sat on my bed. " Scorpiana, what is your father going to think?" I grew scared and started crying. And like my mother called him with her mind, my father came in. Now everyone including Quan Chi and Shang Tsung was in my room. I looked at my father. His face didn't show any emotion. He looked at the baby and walked over to him. " Who's child is this Scorpiana?" He said in stern tone. " I f, found him on the doorstep. They killed the mother. That's why I was running downstairs. Please dad don't kill him. Please Please Please. He doesn't have anywhere else to go." I said really fast and loud unknowingly. The baby started crying and sat up. He noticed everyone and looked at them. My father looked at me. His face softened. He looked at Quan Chi and Shang Tsung and they gave a slight nod. " Fine, he can stay. But, because you wanted to keep him, he's YOUR responsibility. We only take charge of him when you are at training. Quan's Chi will make it so he knows us and can survive here and grows like you. Remember, he's yours." I smiled and jumped up to hug my father. " Thank you." I said. He took the hug as a shock, but hugged me back. I went to Shang Tsung and Quan Chi and hugged them to and thanked them. I grabbed the baby. He looked hungry and dirty. I went took him downstairs. I sat him on the counter and made it so he wouldn't fall. I grabbed a jar of apple sauce. I dipped a spoon in and feed him. " MMMM." I said and he smiled making me smile. He ate more. I put the jar back when he rejected the spoon. I picked the baby up and kissed his little face. I looked and seen Quan. He looked and me and the baby. He walked over to us. He grabbed the baby and held him. He nodded telling me to follow him. He went into his room and grabbed a towel. " Take that clothe off him. Give him a bath. Go into your room when your done." He said walking out. I bathed him and played with him. "Your a fun little baby aren't you? I think I'm going to call you, Hazan?"He giggled and splashed. I laughed and took him out. I went into my room and seen a lot of baby things. A bassinet, bottles, pasifiers, a play pin, blankets, clothes, everything! I smiled. Hazan started bouncing and giggling. I got him dressed and let him crawl around. I went to Quan an kissed him. I pulled away and he looked sad. I got off my tippy toes and looked in his face. " What's wrong?" " Nothing, I'm glad you got him, but what about me? " I now know Quan felt jealousy towards Hazan. " He could never take your place. I love you both equally. Hazan walked to Quan. Quan smiled and picked him up. Hazan looked at Quan and grabbed his nose. Quan laughed and grabbed his hand. I smiled. The servant came to the door and bowed. " Princess Scorpiana and Prince Quan, Quan Chi wishes to see you two. He wishes you bring the child." I nodded. Quan held Hazan the whole way down to the flesh pits. Hazan looked scared. I took him from Quan. Quan kissed his forehead and Hazan calmed down. I noticed we had to hurry Hazan started sweating heavily. He wasn't used to this type of environment. We walked quicker. When we got their Hazan started fidgeting and squirming trying to stop the heat. We got to Quan Chi and he took Hazan. Hazan looked over heated and sleepy. Quan Chi did a spell and Hazan stopped sweating. He kept going. After about 15 minutes he was done. He picked up Hazan and Hazan giggled then yawned. He really wasn't getting that much sleep. We took him upstairs and we all ate. I knew he was really tired. I yawned and took him upstairs with me. " So, Scorpiana have you named him yet?" Scorpiaro asked. " Yea, I named him after father." My father looked at me. " What's his name?" Quan Chi asked. " Hazan." My father's eyes brightened. My father's name is Hanzo. I just switched and added a letter. Hazan got fussy and I had to take him upstairs. Quan followed behind me. I put Hazan on my chest and put him to sleep. Quan laid on my lap while Hazan sat on his stomach while I tried to put him to sleep. When Hazan was asleep, I put him in the blue-green bassinet. He stirred but fell asleep. I smiled and kissed his cheek and he smiled in his sleep. Quan was starting to fall asleep. He leaned over and kissed Hazan. I got into bed and Quan kissed me goodnight. " Quan?" He came back into the room and looked at me. " Stay with me? Us?" He smiled. " I'm going to change first. "He left then returned with his sleeping pants on. I played down and he turned the lights out and got into the bed. I didn't feel comfortable. I got up and grabbed Hazan and laid him between me and Quan. Quan smiled and kissed both our foreheads. It was a good day and night.

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