Chapter 15

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Quan's P.O.V

I watched as Scorpiana attacked the girl with the S. I also seen the blue boy's hand turn into a weapon and he aimed it at Scorpiana. I said a spell and froze him in his spot. I walked over to him and hit him in 7 different pressure points. I unfroze him and he fell down when he was down I kicked him in the face knocking him out. I seen Scorpiana about to stab the girl. I grabbed her and told her no. " What! Your on her side now?!?!" She screamed at me. "No this is what he wants! We'll kill them, just not now." I said looking towards them. Another portal opened, of course, Subzeriana, Subzerian, and Zero walked through. " He's trying to make us kill them especially." Scorpiano said. "What are you guys doing here!?!" Subzeriana said. " We are trapped just like you! So calm down!" Scorpiaro screamed towards her. Subzerian pushed up to Scorpiaro's face. "Why don't you yell at me instead. I'm sure you would love to finish the fight we were having the day Unaga killed your bitch of a sister." Subzerian shot back. "If I am bitch, then Subzeriana is a whore!" Scorpiana screamed causing Subzeriana to jump towards her. Zero put his arm forward. "Stop." Zero simply said. Dark Khan walked through the door. " Fight!" He screamed at all of us. " Fine. Then Scorpiana. Have a look at this." He opened up a projected past event. It had shown Subzeriana pushing me onto a wall and me trying to get away. I couldn't see what Scorpiana was doing. It showed her kissing me and me pushing her away. Then it flipped to Scorpiana telling me she loved me and she trusted me. Then it flipped to me stabbing her. She was gripping my shoulder. Then it flipped to me on the ground with Scorpiana holding me but Scorpiana screamed and she had on a suit similar to her father's. It showed me kissing Subzeriana and telling her it was our secret. That never happened!! The projection disappeared and we seen Scorpiana in the suit from the projection. Her hair was down. She screamed and flames were all around her. She charged Subzeriana. " Wait! That never happened!" Subzeriana said trying to explain to Scorpiana. Dark Khan was gone. Scorpiana got to Subzeriana and punched her everywhere on her head that she could. She created a fire ball and punched her with it sending her flying. She shot her chain towards her and screamed, 'Get over here!' I knew that I wasn't going to be able to talks to her. Subzerian and Zero grabbed Subzeriana before Scorpiana could kill her. "You!" She said towards me. "I trusted you! I loved you!" She said walking towards me. She shifted back to her self. I seen tears falling down her face. I grabbed her and she tried to fight me."Let me go!!" She was screaming fighting me. " Scorpiana! That never happened! He's tricking your mind! I never would keep a love secret with her over you!" I said to her she looked into my eyes and seen I was telling the truth. " She looked away and walked away from me. She shifted and went to the door. She touch it and it crumpled. She walked through and opened a portal to Earthrealm. She pointed to it.  "You've started a war. Get ready. She said to the Earthrealm people." She said as they walked through.  She opened another portal to a frost realm. Subzeriana,Subzerian and Zero walked through it. Zero said something to her and she turned her head. He chuckled and walked through. She opened a portal to our home and it was slowly closing. We all ran through. We were in Scorpiana' s room. Hazan was silently sleeping between two pillows. Scorpiana shifted out of her suit and got into her bed. The guys walked out and I sat on her bed and held my hands in my head. " Did you really kiss her?" She asked me. " The first one was real.. The second one was never real. I hate Dark Khan for trying to play us against each other. She was laying down playing with the little hair Hazan had. Hazan moved and babled a little. " Why didn't you tell me?" " Because I knew you'd go into a frenzy."  She just kept playing with Hazan' s hair. She looked at me. I really didn't want her to hate me like she hates Zero. She crawled over to me. and laid on my lap. playing with the side of my pants. I leaned down and kissed her head. I felt the bed start moving a tiny bit. I felt someone grab my shoulder. I seen Hazan looking at me. He smiled and grabbed my neck. He looked at Scorpiana and screamed. He got comfortable next to her. I looked down and kissed he  lips. " I love you." I said to her. She kissed me. And said, ' I love you too.'

Did you notice I made it go back to chapter 13 and finish from there??? Hehe Dark Khan isn't dead!

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