C H A P T E R ~ 1

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You were with your best friend since you were taken, FN-2199 (aka Nines).

"Where in Darth Vader's name are we going Nines!" You exclaimed, maybe a little too loud?
"Hush Y/N/N!" Nines put his hand over your mouth.
"Captain Phasma told us our destination during the meeting! Haven't you paid any attention in the last week!?" You gave him a glare of 'you should know me better than that' adding a smirk along with it. 
"Oh, Right. I'm talking to Y/N the queen of daydreaming" He snorted
"We're going to the village of Tuanal" He informed me as the ship landed rather abruptly. 
"Can't anyone fly a damn ship?" You and Nines both giggled at your joke. As the ship's exit door began to descend you and Nines fell into formation along with the other stormtroopers. You were in a column of 6 stormtroopers on the left side and Nines was on the right side. You began to wonder why you were standing here without any movement or sounds, all you could hear is the distant *Clank* of metal meeting the bottom of someones shoe. What seemed like years passed by and finally you saw Captain Phasma walk down the middle of the exit platform  with no other than 'THE' Kylo Ren trailing behind her. Just like that your thoughts were interrupted and your confidence level decreased by the minute. He left behind an aura of death and despair. He had his mask on, which was rather beat up and rugged, and his long robe flowing behind him bouncing after every fierce-some step he took. You looked down at your hand. You were holding your blaster but you had a slight shake which created a small rattle sound from within your weapon. You looked back up and out of the corner of your eye you could see Kylo Ren eyeing you up and down. Kylo faced forward and marched out of your peripheral vision, within seconds you could hear the noise of his lightsaber igniting. The vibration in which it created only made you shake more. You heard the slash of the lightsaber and the scream of a man. Sooner than you thought you heard Captain Phasma ask Kylo what shall we do with the villagers.

"Kill them.. All" Kylo hissed through his mask. All the storm troopers filed out of the ship surrounding the villagers in a trap.

"On my command!" Captain Phasma exclaimed. you counted down in your head, ready for the genocide to begin. 


"FIRE!" Phasma exclaimed. The sounds of blasters went off rapidly. The cries of the useless population were loud and strong.  Something didn't feel right. You began to worry about Nines. Maybe this feeling was because Nines was in danger. You looked up from the slaughter fest and he wasn't in sight. Your thoughts were interrupted by a distant cry.. from nines!

"Y/N behind you!" He screeched with all his might. You turn around and you see an injured human lying on the ground and a stormtrooper dead next to her. She had the stormtrooper's blaster in her hands pointed at you. She stared at you with revenge seeping through her soul. Just like that you saw her pull the trigger, you heard the life threatening blast, without a second thought you closed your eyes and raised your arm stretching your hand out in a 'stop' motion.  

"Y/N!!!!" Nines screamed. You heard the pitter patter of his boots hitting the dirt. 

"FN-2199! DO NOT TAKE ANOTHER STEP!" You heard the metallic voice of Kylo Ren. 

"Am i dead?" You thought. You ever so slowly opened your eyes. There it was. The piercing red bullet of the blaster stood right at the bridge of your nose.  You heard the loud stomps of Kylo gradually get louder and closer until he stood inches away from your frozen yet petrified body. Kylo raised his hand and you closed your eyes flinching your head away. You heard the bullet explode in a direction south of you by hitting a building.  You look forward again and see Kylo circling you.

"What is your name?" Kylo spoke softly as he stared at his feet while circling you.

"RN-6282" You spoke loud and clear.

"Nonsense. Come with me RN" He spoke shortening the only name you ever had. Kylo stopped circling you and boarded the ship. He stopped at the entrance and looked back at you.

"You don't have much of a choice, speaking that I can end your life with the snap of my fingers" He threatened as he continued walking onto the ship. You walked onto the ship with a fast pace trying to keep up with him, hoping you didn't just make a mistake.

"That bullet should've hit me. What have I done" You mumbled to yourself not realizing you were speaking your thoughts. This caused Kylo to stop in his tracks. You weren't paying attention like always and bumped into him, causing him to fidget forward. He turned to face you and commanded you to remove your helmet. You shook your head in disapproval. You sensed anger in him, you were right. He raised his hand and the darkness took over.

Your eyes flutter open and you were in the control room.

"AGH!" You cried. You grabbed your head, happily you felt your helmet still on your head.

"Silence trooper!" Kylo commanded raising his hand to you but not using the force. You felt threatened enough to shut up and deal with the migraine. Kylo was pacing back and forth until you heard Captain Phasma light up with joy.

"Ah Ha! I've found the troopers records sir!" Captain Phasma proudly stated.

"Good pull them up" Kylo once again commanded. The screen in front of you lit up with your I.D. There it was. Your H/C, H/L hair. Your E/C sat staring into the camera. Your innocence was gone compared to when you were 4. The only noise was a quiet gasp from Kylo's voice changer and heavy breathing.

"This.. this trooper. ITS A.. SHE!? DO WE EVEN BOARD FEMALE STORMTROOPERS!?" He whipped out his lightsaber igniting it and slashing the nearby control panel to the cafeteria. You slowly took off your helmet and laid it next to you.

"My name is Y/N. I've been in trooper training since I was 4. My birthplace is Coruscant. I'm currently 21 and yes... Female" you spoke boldly getting his attention. He stopped having a tantrum on the control panel and turned around fiercely, lightsaber still in hand, he marched over to you and grabbed your throat.

"You.... You!" He threw me into the wall.

"Be careful sir, remember we need her" you heard an unfamiliar male voice echo through the room. You look to put a face on your so called 'savior'. He had reddish orange hair, and his eyes, you couldn't exactly tell if they were blue or green. He looked down at you connecting to your eyes. He extended his arm to help you up.

"Hux... Take her to her room" Kylo commanded without taking a second look at you.

"Very well. Whatever keeps her alive" He snorted at his remark. He took your hand and directed you down three wings and showed you to you room. 

"Wasn't this Kylo's last apprentice's room" you question with fear still ringing through your body.

"Yes but he died. What can I say, don't get on Kylo's bad side" He patted your back and winked. With that he left you alone in 'your' room. You decided to take off your plastic uniform and look through the dressers to see if they had left you clothes. You opened the top drawer and it contained undergarments including gloves. The second contained Tank tops, t shirts, and long-sleeved shirts. The third contained Pants and shorts. The final drawer, the fourth drawer, contained of sneakers and boots, combat boots to be exact. All the clothes were in black of course, which pleased you. As you closed the drawer, your door flew upward, opening to Kylo. 

"Tomorrow morning, 6 A.M. Sharp, Training room. Apprentice" He mumbled sounding disappointed and walked out. You shrugged it off and grabbed a t-shirt, pants, combat boots, and lets not forget some undergarments and made your way to what seemed to be a bathroom. You closed and locked the door and prepared yourself for a shower. You haven't had a shower as steamy and relaxing as this since the first day of training. You sighed at the memory and got out of the shower. While you were dressing yourself thoughts rushed through your head.

" Will Nines be disappointed that i'm not bunked with him anymore? What does Kylo mean by 'Apprentice'? How on Darth Vader's name did I stop that bullet with my bare hand!?" You shrugged it off and tiredly waddled to 'your' bed. As soon as your head touched the pillow darkness overcame you.

~*Side Note*~

I'll be shortening 'Stormtrooper' to Trooper, 'Captain Phasma' to Phasma, 'Kylo Ren' to Kylo, and 'General Hux' to Hux. ( Maybe lightsaber to saber)
Is this moving too fast? What do you think should happen in the training room? 
Leave Ideas!!!

Thanks for reading!

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