C H A P T E R ~ 1 9

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"Kylo I need some air. If you would excuse me i'm going to go jack a TIE fighter." You giggled. Kylo stepped aside and let you out. You ran to the TIE fighters and hopped in one. You turned the tracker off and started the fighter. Captain Phasma came on through a radio sounding device.

"Y/N It seems your tracker is off."

"I know." You replied and turned on lightspeed. You laid back in your seat and relaxed until you reached your destination. You turned off the lightspeed and landed your ship. The familiar greenery and fog was still there. You looked at the ring on your finger and smiled. You hopped out of the ship and started walking into the resistance base looking for Organa.  You saw Poe running your way. You quickly ripped off your ring and tucked it in your belt.

"Poe!" You yelled. He ran up to you and picked you up by your sides and you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"I missed you buddy. Where is General Organa." You asked as he put you down. 

"In her office." He guided you to her office and let you two alone.

"So, Mrs. Organa." You spoke. She turned around.

"Miss. Y/L/N " She smirked. 

"Actually... It's Mrs.Solo.. Or as we call it, Mrs.Ren." You pulled the ring out of your belt and put it on your finger. You showed it off to her.

"It's a beauty." She said as she grabbed your hand.

"I need your help." You spoke spontaneously.

"With what?" She asked.

"Well, I love Kyl-"

"Ben.." She interrupted.

"I love Ben.." You winced at the name.

"But I have Kenobi 'blood' in me."

"I see.." She replied.

"Sit." She gestured toward a chair.

"You see. Your grandfather is.. Obi Wan. But you've spent your years with Luke." Your eyes widened at the thought.

"Missed me?" A manly voice spoke.

"Luke." You hissed.

"Care taker." He corrected you once more.

"I know this, It was in my records, But you.. You left me. I was alone for how many years until Phasma rescued me. This is your fault. Also, because of this foolish action Kylo and I will rule the galaxy." You turned to him. "And you can't do ANYTHING about it." You hissed.

"Y/N Listen.."

"No, last time I listened mother died." You retorted bringing up treacherous memories.

"I had to, I just, I changed." He stuttered.

"Save your sob story." You said putting your hand on your lightsaber ready to draw it.

"Kylo changed me." He specified. You lowered your hand.

"He was in training and I was his personal teacher. During training he went sith and killed tons of people."


"So, he ran away and created the First Order in memory of Darth Vader."

"His grandfather." You informed.

"Yes, so I've been hiding all this time."

"Like a coward. I am no coward. My care taker shouldn't be one. You are a disappointment." You retorted.

"Attitude of your mothers." He chuckled.
"Here, look at this." He tossed a hologram pod. You clicked it on and Anakin popped up.

"Luke, my death is to come. I sense it. Be strong. My legacy must live on but so shall you." You watched as Anakin freaked out then turned off the hologram recording.

"Anakin...." You whispered.

"Feel better?" Luke asked. You stared at the blank hologram pod.

"Y/N?" Organa questioned.

"His legacy.. Will live on." You mumbled.

"Boys! Grab her!" Organa shouted. Poe and Finn grabbed your arms and pinned them behind your back.

"Organa. Let me go." You whispered.
"I will do no harm...." You spoke softly. General Organa nodded and Finn let go.

"Poe." You demanded.

"I got her Leia." Poe said as he pulled you outside the room. He started snapping in front of your face.

"Hey, You okay?" Poe asked.

"Yeah, do you think Luke will let me keep this?" You said as you held up the hologram pod.

"Maybe. That's his father's." You sighed and walked back into the room. You stared at your care takers rugged face. You hugged him.

"May I keep this..." You asked softly. He nodded approving your request. You hugged him again.

"I'll be back Leia, with Kylo." You smirked running outside back into your TIE fighter.

Kylo, Kylo I need you You thought repetitively.

What is it? Where do you need me?

About that.... I need you to come to the resistance base. Don't be hostile either. You ran back into the base and alerted General that Kylo was coming. Within a few hours Kylo landed and hopped out of his ship. You called off all the soldiers and told them he wasn't here to hurt anyone. You ran up to him and hugged him.

"Thank you for coming. I got you a present." You smiled.

"Oh my." He replied.
"What am I doing here?" He asked. 

"Well first you're taking off that mask." You giggled. He took off the mask and General Organa walked up next to you.

"My son? My son Ben?" Tears began to form in her eyes. 

"Second you are going to tell her about this." You held up the hand with the ring on it. 

"She already told me Ben."

"Kylo.." You and Kylo both corrected her at the same time. Luke walked up behind you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders.

"Back off of her." Kylo hissed.

"Less intimidating without that clump of metal." Luke laughed. You threw his arm off of you.

"That was uncalled for." You hissed as you ignited your lightsaber.

"He's a sith. What do you expect from a jedi."

"A little respect. I'm a sith aswell." You informed him. His eyes grew large as he ignited his saber. Kylo pulled you back but  you pushed him off and charged at Luke. Luke swung the string of green light fiercely at you. You blocked each swing watching the lightsaber combine into a yellow spark. Luke lifted his foot and kicked you in the stomach blowing you back. You struggled to stand up. You whipped your light saber around causing him to block it. He whipped his lightsaber behind yours and cut your cheek. This blew you backwards causing you to do a 180 spin. You landed on your stomach and you stared at the ground. You watched the blood drip down your chin onto the cement. You rolled over onto your back.

"End me just like mom." You hissed and spit blood at him. He lifted his lightsaber above his head and let out a type of battle cry. You closed your eyes and covered your face with your arm. You heard the lightsaber clash, but not into you. You slowly lowered your arm and you saw Kylo's lightsaber inches above your chest blocking the green light. You gulped and began to shake.

"Kylo.. It's time." You whispered staring at his lightsaber . You looked up at him and he had put his mask back on.

"Never!" He cried. He pushed Luke back and began fighting him.

"What is she talking about?" General Organa shouted to Kylo.

"She wants to die!" Kylo replied. This stopped Luke mid-swing. Kylo stared at him while their lightsabers rested on each others. Luke turned his off along with Kylo.

"So when I want to die no one grants it? What the fuck was that about 'care taker'" You hissed at Luke.

"Enough, Luke report back to my office at once. As for you Ben, I think it's best you return to your base." Leia commanded.

"But, it's boring there." You whined as you stood up.

"Shut up and go home." Kylo demanded.

"What happened to you."  Kylo gave you a death stare.

"You. That's what happened." He rolled his eyes breaking the stare.

"Excuse me. I don't want to hear it."

"You brought me here. You charged at Luke. You asked him to kill you." He exclaimed, pointing at you every time he yelled 'you'. You heard a lightsaber ignite behind you.

"Y/N!!" General Organa yelled for you. You turned around to meet Luke's lightsaber. The touch of it against your skin felt like it was 300 degrees. You heard a metallic 'No' scream from Kylo's mask. 

~*Side Note*~
Hey. Not sorry for this chapter. You died. SIKEEE I have another chapter ready and im so pumpeddd!

Should I end this at 20 or keep it going? I could do either one for next chappy.

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