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~Y/N's POV~

-After the little fight about lying to Snoke-

I stormed off to my room knowing Kylo was right. I took about an hour nap which made me finally realize I need to confess to Snoke. I walked out of my room and down to Snoke's meeting room. His hologram was already there.

"I lied" You mumbled bowing your head in shame.

"I know. You are young. You are wise." Your eyes widened. 

"Sir, I am not wise if I lied to the Supreme Leader" You apologetically explained.

"You confessed. Master Y/N You have a future ahead of you, I sense it, I.. Feel it" He took a breath.
"You, You will rule and you will make me proud" You smiled at this compliment. Supreme leader was like a father to you.

"Now leave and actually acquire the information" He demanded. You chuckled as you walked out and went to Kylo's room. He wasn't in his room. You got curious as to where he could've gone. You ran to the control room since that where everyone always was. No one was there. You took a tour around the room examining it. You tripped over thin are and hurt your arm. You stood up to see what you tripped on while rubbing your arm. You spotted Hux's body propped against one of the control panels. You slid next to him on your knees.

"Hux. Hux are you okay" You whispered shaking him slightly. No reply.

"Hux I will pour ice cold water on you if you don't wake up" You joked. Nothing.

"Hux!" You screamed in his ear shaking the life out of him. 

"You!" You pointed at a trooper gaining his attention

"Get me a cup of water. Make it cold, now!" You demanded, he nodded and ran out the room. Moments later he returned with your water. You took a sip and it was colder than you requested. You tilted the cup allowing all the water to exit the cup onto Hux's head. He shook his head and jumped up in reaction. 

"What the fuck Y/N" He said wiping his head off.

"Watch the profanity, and you wouldn't wake up so you know.. Water" You giggled.

"Yeah, well next time take into consideration how cold you make the water" 

"Hey, that was all on the trooper. I just did the pouring" You laughed even harder
"Anyway, why were you on the floor" You questioned in all seriousness. 

"None of your business" He choked. 

"Oh, Okay." You smiled and walked out of the room. You decided to take a walk to the food court to see if you could find some of your friends there. After walking through hallway after hallway you finally made it to the food court. You stood at the door glancing at all the troopers until you spotted one trooper that was throwing food at his friends. You smirked and marched over to the group of troopers. You stood behind the misbehaved trooper and all of his friends went silent and bent there heads over intimidated. You cleared your throat making him turn around. The trooper stood up and hugged you making his friends gasp. You hugged him back and took off his helmet. 

"What's up nines" You grabbed his hand and attempted your secret handshake.

"You know how it is in the food court with me, Wild and fun" He laughed.

"I miss those days" You sighed and waved to the other troopers

"Hey guys" You smiled

"Hey" The all said in unison.

"Well, I best be on my way. Kylo and I got into a fight and now I can't seem to find him."

"Kylo just took off in a TIE fighter? What do you mean you can't find him" He laughed.

"He took off in a WHAT!? When?" You were shocked.

"A TIE fighter, and maybe two to three hours ago" He said confused. You rubbed his hair with your knuckle.

"Thanks nines" You gave him back his helmet and went to Kylo's room. His side table was destroyed. There was a dent in the wall from him throwing something. 

These weren't here this morning. He must be back  You thought to yourself. You turned and ran through the hallways. He wasn't in a single room. You then remembered there a was a Janitor Closet on east wing that no one goes in, he could be in there. You ran as fast as you could to the closet.

"No wonder no one uses this closet, you need a fucking key" You sighed and focused trying to use the force. It wouldn't work. You smashed it with your hand causing it to send sparks everywhere. You then tried to use the force again to open the door. The door opened and revealed a pitch black room.  You lit your lightsaber and held it up using it as a light. 

"Kylo?" You screamed slowly squeezing through the room of supplies. The room was completely empty so you decided to leave. When you exited the room you ran into Kylo causing your lightsaber to fly out of your hand. You watched it fly in slow motion. You quickly pushed off of him and attempted to catch it.

"Y/N don't it will hur-" He was interrupted by a piercing scream from your mouth. The saber went straight through your hand into the floor.

"Kylo! Kylo? Ky. . Ky" You said slowly loosing consciousness. You saw a blurry Kylo come over to you. His words were muffled but you felt the vibration of his voice. He put his arm on your shoulder and pulled the lightsaber out of your hand. You felt a scream rise from your throat then a familiar darkness over took you.

-Kylo's POV-

I was walking down the east wing back to my room when all of a sudden Y/N slammed into me and her lightsaber flew out of her hands. She watched it fly as she tried to catch it. 

"Y/N don't it will hur-" I was interrupted by a piercing scream coming from her. I quickly ran to her and saw that the lightsaber went straight through her hand and into the floor.

"Kylo! Kylo? Ky.. Ky" She said. She started to loose consciousness. 

"This is going to hurt, but I love you. Don't kill me" I sighed. I put my arm on her shoulder getting a good grip and quickly yanked the lightsaber out of her hand hoping no pain would strike her. She screamed causing me to flinch back. When I looked back at her, her eyes were closed, I felt like I just lost something. I picked her up and carried her to the medical room. I've been doing this a lot lately. I entered the room and placed her on the table. I grabbed some of this acid stuff that always worked on me and poured it on her hand. It didn't work and it just poured through her hand. I clicked the red button on the wall calling for an emergency bot. The emergency bot slid in the room and saw the girl laying on the table. The bot made a few beeps and grabbed a lot of stuff off the wall and sat next to the table. 

"Alone time" The bot mumbled. I nodded and left the room. I sat outside the door for what seemed to be hours until I saw the medical bot leave. I got up and went into the room seeing Y/N asleep with her hand wrapped. I picked her up and carried her to my room laying her down on my bed. I quickly hopped in the shower and changed my clothes. By the time I was down she was sitting up staring at her hand. I walked over to her. 

"You're an idiot you know" I said smiling and chuckling. She shook her head and smiled. She quickly replaced the smile with a frown. Her eyes began to widen as she looked at me.

"Where's my lightsaber" My eyes got bigger as well. 

"I'll be right back" She laughed as I ran out the room back to the east wing. I found her lightsaber and picked it up trying to ignite it. It was broken. I sighed and ran back to Y/N.

"It's broke" I told her.

"That's okay, I'm handy" She said running back to her room. I sighed and sat on my bed. She was so perfect. I laughed at the thought. She came back hours later and ignited her saber in her non injured hand.

"Tadaa" She said holding up her saber and doing tricks with it. I began to giggle while applauding her.

"Now turn it off and come to bed" I held out my arms for her. She turned off her lightsaber and threw it on my dresser. She walked toward me and fell into my arms. I held her and rolled over into bed cuddling,

"I love you" I whispered kissing her ear. She giggled.

"I love you too" She rolled over facing me and kissed me. She then fell asleep staring at me. I chuckled.

"You fall asleep way too fast" I rolled my eyes and kissed her head then fell asleep myself.

~*Side Note*~

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