C H A P T E R ~ 1 7

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"Kylo?"  You mumbled. You felt numb and lost. Everything around you was white. You looked down to see if you could see your body but nothing could be seen.

"Kylo." You mumbled again. you felt a warmth against what seemed to be your hand. 

"Is that you, Kylo?" You mumbled once more. The warmth from your hand disappeared. Suddenly you felt a stream of warmth caress your cheek then disappear as well. 

"Kylo.... I love you." You mumbled feeling yourself grow weak. A familiar darkness settled in. This time you opened your eyes rather quickly. Everything was back to normal. You were in the medical room you practically lived in. You sat up only to be thrown back down against the table.

"Ah!" You screeched. 

"Oh right... Shot in the stoma-" Your sentenced was interrupted by a thick cough. Blood dripped down your mouth. 

"I should be renamed 'Target' or 'Accident'" You giggled to yourself. You looked over towards the door and saw no one. Not even a medical bot was to be found. You sighed and started to feel tired. You began to cough even harder feeling blood accumulate in your throat causing you to choke. Soon, that same annoying darkness took you. You felt a shock of lightning through your body. Your eyes jolted open and you began coughing.

This is going to be the death of me. If this doesn't kill me I will... You thought to yourself. You looked around and you saw 3 medical bots, General Hux and Kylo.

"H...Hu.." You tried to speak. Hux rushed over to you and put his hand on your shoulder. 

"Hush.. Don't speak until you are told to do so." He said with sorrow and worry in his eyes.

"I....I nee..." You began to cough again. You felt a warm substance fill your stomach.

"The wound has re-opened. You might want to hold her hand." The medbot informed us. I felt a cloth wrap around my mouth. I looked up at Hux and back over at Kylo. Hux turned and nodded to Kylo, he pinned down my shoulders and Kylo grabbed my hand. What felt like a knife pinched through my skin leaving a stringy trail. I screeched with pain. The process repeated until the blood had stopped. By the time it was over I felt like passing out again. Passing out and dying becomes annoying and repetitive. 

"I need to die.." You whispered. Hux stared at you and looked back at Kylo. Kylo was distracted by the medical bot informing him on progress. Hux returned his eyes to you and shook his head in disagreement. 

"Not on my watch." He said almost too loud. Kylo walked over and dismissed Hux. 

"What did you say to him." Kylo hissed through his mask. You could tell he was infuriated behind that metal protection.  

"Y/N.... What.. Did you.. say to him." He growled at you.

"I... I need to die." You grabbed his arm and coughed more.  Kylo turned around and shooed everyone in the room. Once the room was clear Kylo took off his mask and set it on the table next to you. He pulled a chair up next to the table you laid on. You stared at his beautiful face. This was the man you wanted to be with forever. You stared into his eyes and watched the water drip from them.

"Don't cry... My love." You whispered. You moved your hand to his face and caressed it. You wiped the tears from his cheeks and laid your hand back on the bed. 

"You aren't going to die...." He mumbled. 

"Who... Who did it?" You asked. His eyes widened.


"Kylo.. Who did this." You said raising your voice as much as you could.

"Luke." He whispered.

"L..Luke Skywalker.. Sh..Shot me?" You stuttered.

"No.. He.. He was there. He had his saber then all of a sudden there was a bright red light coming toward us. It might have been a wounded trooper." He sighed.


"Kylo...?" You called for him.

"Yes darling." He grabbed your hand.

"If you're Leia's son.. and i'm related to Obi wan..." You spoke.

"Hush.. We don't know that much yet. We only know you have his blood." He giggled and placed a hand on your forehead. He pushed his hand back grazing your hair. You grabbed his arm.

"But what if. What if I turn.. I can't even last 5 hours without you, what am I going to do about a lifetime." Tears glossed your eyes.

"Your eyes are very pretty darling." You smiled at this compliment.

"This is taking forever!" Kylo screamed spinning is his chair.

"Okay, okay pushy boy. How old are you, 3?" You laughed and propped yourself up slightly. You spun your hands in a circle motion above your stomach. The white particles appeared and surrounded you. You closed your eyes and stopped moving your hands. You felt warmth flow through your body. You opened your eyes and you were healed.

"One more close call like this and you're letting me die." You said pointing to him. He laughed and picked you up bridal style. You started coughing causing Kylo to get worried. 

"Don't worry i'm fine. Haven't had the full effects yet." You smiled. He smiled back and carried you to the control room. You nuzzled your face into Kylo's chest.

"General, Y/N is healed and should be on her feet within two days." He spoke. You smiled at this and squirmed for him to let go. He released you and you stood up. 

"Hey Huxxy, look i'm okay." You said as you spread your arms out. The blood stain were still there making Hux confused.

"Oh, sorry." You apologized and pulled up your shirt showing your stomach. 

"How is this possible?" Hux questioned.

"Y/N is re-"

"I guess it's just how amazing these medbots are." You interrupted Kylo and nudged him in the stomach with your elbow. Hux chuckled and went back to work. You grabbed Kylo's hand and dragged him back to his room.

"What was that?!" You exclaimed.

"I thought it would be okay to let the General know of your bloodline,excuse me!" Kylo fought back.

"Obviously not, considering I just might turn to the lightside" 

" You're not turning to the lightside, I won't let you. Beside that wouldn't matter if you actually loved me!" Silence filled the room after that remark.

"I.. I do love you Kylo.."  You spoke softly.

"Liar!" Kylo ignited his lightsaber. He began slashing at his wall.

"Kylo. Kylo stop it." You requested.

"No! You don't love me do you?!" He screamed turning around.

"Kylo." You whimpered. He started marching towards you fiercely. You began to back up faster and faster until you slammed into a wall.

"Kylo Ren.. I do love you." You whispered. He raised his hand and began to choke you. You raised your hand and tried your hardest to grab the hand he was choking you with. You were too weak to grasp it. You heard his door open and saw Hux. Hux ran towards Kylo and tackled him.

"Y/N back to your room at once." You immediately ran back to your room and locked yourself in the bathroom. You slid down the wall and began to cry. 

~*Side Note*~

You know it's almost the end when it's getting juicy.... Or is it the beginning? 

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