C H A P T E R ~ 2

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You awoke with a loud bang on your door. You jolted up in your new bed sweating. You got up and unlocked your door which caused it to fly upward unexpectedly fast. This blew you backwards but you still had good footing. A familiar trooper appeared at your door. You jumped on him and hugged him.

"Nines! I've missed you, ya sarcastic bum" You said as he hugged you back.

"Enough reunion time. Its 6:30. You were supposed to be at training 30 minutes ago. Kylo. Is. Infuriated." He spoke way to fast to comprehend. 

"Nines... Listen I'll be fine. Look I'm on my way down right now" you said as you closed your door and walked down the hall without looking back. As soon as you turned a corner you dashed down multiple hallways constantly almost running into every trooper. You finally reached the Training room and you dashed in with regret. You saw Kylo staring at the window with his lightsaber in hand. It wasn't ignited but it still looked threatening. The door whizzed closed behind you causing it to close quietly. Maybe he wont notice. 

"You're late. I do notice it." He turned around. How could he know what the hell you were thinking.

"I'm gifted with the force RN. Something you would be able to do if you weren't late!" He screamed igniting his lightsaber as he screamed 'Late'. He started to charge at you, making your body tense up and freeze. You saw a light saber sitting on the table. That was your answer. You moved your hand up hoping to draw the lightsaber to you. As soon as the lightsaber flew to your hand it ignited, blocking Kylo's attack last second.

"You could've killed me!" You screamed in his face.
"But I didn't." He responded. His face was so close your nose's were touching. He removed his lightsaber and rapidly swung at you. You blocked all his attacks like you were meant to fight with a  saber.  
"Wha. How am I doing this?" You asked starting to get a bit concerned.
"This is why I was so enraged young one. You... A female.. Are strong with the force" he said as his lightsaber clashed onto yours, holding it in that position while explaining the force to you.
"This is why you are here, well supposed to be here, at 6 sharp. I want a full day of training with you so I can understand exactly how strong you are." He finished turning off his saber and walking back towards the window.  There was an awkward silence until Nines walked into the room. 

"You uh, You requested me sir?" He shivered.

"Yes, I understand you and RN are close friends. So, please have a seat right here and do not do anything she tells you, or I will execute you" He spit through his mask. You shivered at the thought. 

"Now tell him to do something. Anything" He ordered to you. You walked in front of nines and stared in his eyes through his mask. 

"Stand up" You said shakily. 
"Not like that you... Move" he pushed you away.

"You will stand up and aim your weapon at Y/N" He ordered.

"I will stand up and aim my weapon at Y/N" He stood aiming his blaster at you. Kylo snapped his finger and Nines shook his head instantly putting his weapon back down and taking another seat. you guessed he's done this before.

"My turn" you grinned at Kylo. He walked next to you and let you do your work.

"You will stand up and aim your blaster at Kylo Ren" You demanded. He didn't listen.
"You will stand up and aim your blaster at Master Kylo Ren" You said more sternly. Nines stood up and aimed his blaster at Kylo.

"Nice Jo..." he was interrupted by your command.

"Fire." You heard the blaster fire and out of instinct again you raised your hand. Kylo was cowardly raising his arm in front of his face. You made the blaster bullet hit the wall. Nines snapped to reality and ran out of the room.

"What. What do you think you are doing?!" He screamed

"Definitely not cowering away from fatality." You slurred at him.
"Don't worry I would never hurt you" You sighed reassuring him.

"Maybe, but i'll hurt you" he said fiercely raising his hand. You felt your throat swell up as your feet lifted from the ground. You let your arms hang instead of clenching your throat. You closed your eyes subtly allowing death to enter your body. The darkness from the closure of your eyes turned into white spots, then it hit you. You opened your eyes and you were on the floor. The cold metal against your face made you realized you almost died. Kylo came over and picked you up himself putting you back on your feet. You stared at him ashamed. He grasped both sides of his helmet * Click * *Tssss* He removed his helmet. You couldn't believe your eyes. He was only about 24-26. He had chocolate brown eyes and brownish black hair that laid a mess on top of his broad shoulders. 

"Why?" He said so weakly that it was barely audible. You tilted your head in confusion.

"Why did you allow it, why didn't you fight back?" He said sounding like he was mocking me, but in reality was concerned.

"I.. I don't know...." You responded looking down at your feet feeling like you committed a crime. You could hear the footsteps across the metal floor getting closer but ever so slowly. He finally was in front of you, but you refused to stop concentrating on your feet. His gloved hand reached for your chin pulling your face upward forcing eye contact.  5 minutes of silence had passed until you realized.

"Stop reading my thoughts!" You pushed him backwards, tears welding up in your eyes. You turned and ran out the door back to your room. You locked your door making sure it wouldn't allow any access to anyone. You grabbed a few clothes from your dresser and ran into the bathroom. You turned on the shower and hopped in. The warmth of the shower began to fade into a steamy shower, which then led to a burning sensation down your back. This level of hot water instinctively made you think that you should turn of the shower, but you didn't. You embraced it. You looked down at your bare arms, they were as red as planet Genosis. You saw the blue veins begin to pop out and flow through your arms and thighs. Soon enough your hands went numb along with your face and legs. You heard a bang from the main bedroom then you fell into a trance of nothingness. 

You awoke in a light grey room. You immediately sat up and examined your body and surroundings. You were in the outfit you picked out before your shower, your hair was still wet with what looked like red highlights. You ran your hand through your tangled hair and the red highlights rubbed off onto your hand introducing you to blood. You reached for your forehead and you felt the fabric of a bandage wrapped around your head. You looked around and no one was to be found but a medical bot. What seemed to be hours later the door swished open and Kylo stepped in, his mask was on again, but his hood was down. He nodded his head at the med bot signalling it as dismissed. He sat down next to you calmly. Sure enough rage filled him and he slammed his fist on the table that was sheltering medicine.  

"Why!?" He screamed standing up, once again filling the room with a familiar aura of death and despair.  He stared you down until he removed his mask and threw it at the door. You flinched curling into fetal position, trying to refrain from crying but failing. He turned around and noticed you had infrequent tears streaming down your face. He sat back down next to you placing a gentle hand on your arm that was holding your legs. You slowly let go and sat in a normal position again. Kylo released his hand.

"Why did you let it burn you?" He questioned

"I don't know, it felt relieving"  You shrugged. You honestly didn't know why you were allowing so much death into your body.

"It wasn't relieving, I felt your presence, it was calling for help."

"But Kylo." 

"No!.... No more of this. I read your thoughts. Which obviously made you angry, but I saw things." He looked down.

"What type of things??"

"Your childhood Y/N"

"My.. Childhood? Can you show me!?" You exclaimed.

"No. No I cannot, but I can tell you it pushed you into a depression that you fought away during trooper training, I'm beginning to think it's coming back to haunt you."

"Are you calling me weak!?" You retorted ignoring the depression factor of the vision.

"No! I'm saying I need you safe. I'm just worried I'm going to.. Never mind. I'll see you at training tomorrow. Don't be late this time." He sighed as he walked out.

_-_Time Skip to when you finally get back to your room _-_

The door to your room flew upward allowing you to enter your room. You limped into your room jumping onto your bed and knocking out in an instant. 

The morning seem to have come faster than light speed. You hopped out of bed and threw on your combat boots. You grabbed your lightsaber and tucked it into your belt. The door opened and you made your way happily to the training room. Surprisingly Kylo wasn't here yet. You took a seat at the table and thought about everything that happened or that is happening. Your thoughts were interrupted by the slam of a fist on the table.

"Wake up" Kylo remarked at your daydreaming.

"I was awake, I was here early too" You said maybe too cocky.

"Today is force training, you're pretty good at dueling but not good enough so don't think we won't be working on that tomorrow." He nodded towards you signally you to get up.

"You can do pretty much everything already but there's one thing I want to teach you..." He sighs

"Since you get so mad when I read your thoughts, I'll teach you how to read mine, and better yet, how to stop someone from reading your thoughts." You stood up eagerly ready to learn. 

"Today's going to be a hard day isn't it?" You sighed in defeat.

"We haven't even started yet, but yes it will be..... difficult" He smiled. 
"More time together than yesterday." You and Kylo exchanged smirks.

~*Side Note*~
Ayee. Look at that! Two chapters in one night!!  I might post another one, or save it for tomorrow. Who knows? cx 

Don't be afraid to criticize or leave suggestions as to what may happen next.

Thanks for reading!

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