C H A P T E R ~ 1 6

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You stormed over to your bed and glanced at the outfit displayed on your bed. It was a creamish white long sleeve shirt with a black vest. Underneath that was dark tan leggings. You looked around your new room for footwear and you couldn't seem to find any. You looked down at your black velvet booties and shrugged. 

"It'll do." You mumbled to yourself. You took off your shoes and quickly changed your pants. You struggled to fit in them. You took off your shirt and threw it in the pile of 'Dark clothing'. You struggled to get the vest off the long sleeve shirt. 

"Ah ha!" You said finally removing it. You tossed it aside to another part of the bed and slowly struggled into the shirt. 

"Y/N General.. Woah. I didn't see anything." Poe screamed covering his eyes.

"Relax, you're not 4. I'm sure you've seen this before. Plus i'm all changed." Poe put down his hands and you flashed a thumbs up. You turned to your mirror and looked at yourself.

"Somethings missing." You whispered.

"Here." Poe walked over to you and braided the sides of your hair and put it in a bun.

"Better?" He asked.

"Better." You smiled and turned toward him. Poe stared at you. 

"What?" You laughed. He leaned in and kissed you. You pushed him off of you.

"Sorry buddy. I got a boyfriend. First order remember?" You chuckled. He just stared at you biting his lip.

"So General Woah needed me." You chuckled, mocking him.

"Shut up and let's go." He blushed. He turned and walked out of the room. As you began to walk you started to feel nauseous. You gripped your stomach and ran to the bathroom.

"I'll catch up with you." You yelled at Poe. You stared at yourself in the mirror. 

Kylo... I need Kylo. Where is he.  You thought to yourself. You watched as tears began to form in your eyes. You walked backwards bumping into the wall. You slid down the wall and shoved your face in your knees. You began to cry and whimper.

Shh. Darling what's wrong. You heard Kylo's voice in your head.

I don't feel good. You began to cry harder.

Don't cry. I hate sensing it. You're just homesick darling. Have you thrown up?

No... Not yet at least.
 Your cries slowly turned into a sniffle.

Good girl. Now, get up and stay beautiful my empress. You can do this. I will be here when you come back. It hasn't even been a day yet.

That's the thing Kylo.... I can't even last 5 hours here let alone a day.

Yes you can, I told you I am always here. I sense you. I know how you feel every minute of every day. When you need something just do what you just did. Now, get back out there I love you. You smiled at those three words.

I love you too. You stood up and marched out of the bathroom to General Organa. You tapped her shoulder.

"General. What do you need me for?" She turned around and examined your outfit.

"You were meant for the light side." Those words stung like a bullet. You gulped. 
No you weren't. Pure evil.  Kylo's words made you feel better. 

"Sure... What do you want." You changed the topic.

"Well, we need you to tell us about Ben-"

"Kylo" You interjected. 

"Sure, Kylo."

"He.. He's wonderful. He is a great teacher. The best I ever had. No offence Phasma." You giggled. General tilted her head in confusion.

"I was a stormtrooper until Kylo found me and trained me to the sith I am today." You smiled.

"He is powerful." She whispered with fear.

"Y..Yes?" You questioned.

"Any good leader, teacher, any sith is powerful. What did you expect?" You started getting an attitude. She looked at you.

"You don't have light in you." She said.

"I...How would you know." You replied not accepting nor denying it.

"The way you protect him. I want him back here. I miss my son. My husband is out there somewhere fighting, he could be dead for all I know, and I miss having someone there for me." She said with a raspy voice.

"You have these people here for you. They are technically your family ma'am." You supported her. She sighed and looked around. You saw a smile crack on her face.

"But none of them are my son, you see." She gestured her hand around the room.

"I'm sorry, but your son isn't coming back. He has goals and plans."  You said.

"There you go again protecting him." She started to get annoyed.

"I'm sorry but maybe I'm protecting him because I love him." You slammed your fist down on the hologram projector.

"You have his anger." She smiled.

"Tantrums?" You giggled.

"Tantrums." She nodded.

"General Organa!" You heard a female shout behind you.

"Back.. Away." General stepped to her side.

"Rey... She's with us now. Poe got her." She smiled. You turned around to see the girl Kylo intimidated.

"Rey? That is your name?" You questioned.

"Yes..." She spit angrily.

"I'm sorry... Can I speak to you privately.." She just stared at you.

"Please." You walked toward her. She sighed and walked away from all the people.

"Did he have compassion?" You asked.

"What?" She replied clueless.

"Kylo. Ren. The man who kept you locked up. Did he have compassion?"

"Look, he read my mind, I read his, we fought, he ran out the room." She explained vaguely.

"Words.. I need words." You giggled.

"He told me to give him the map, he tried to read my mind. He said 'Don't be afraid I feel it too' then I fought back and read his mind." She went into more depth. You nodded and thanked her. You walked back to General Organa.

"What did you need me for?" You asked.

"You are done for now. You may return to your room. Rest up." She smiled. You nodded and slowly walked away. 

"General, be careful. I don't trust her." Rey whispered. 

"It's not trust darling, its believing her."

"But Gener-" 

"Enough Rey. Back to the mission." You ran back to your room after that. You opened and closed your door. You ran and jumped onto your bed feeling the soft blankets absorb you. You passed out as soon as your head touched the pillow.

"Y/N...Y/N.. Wake up." You jumped and looked at who was shaking you.

"Oh, what do you want Poe." Poes eyes widened.

"It wasn't me." He pointed to someone next to him.

"R...Rey?" You asked.

"Yeah... Sorry. I couldn't help it. When I walked passed your door you were whimpering and screaming no. I thought someone was hurting you." She turned and glared at Poe.

"Oh come on." We all laughed at Poe. 

"Yeah, sorry just another bad dream." You chuckled.

"Alright, well it's morning so you have about 15 minutes to get ready. Meet us in the control room." Rey said as she walked out with Poe. After fixing your hair and changing your outfit you went to your dresser and grabbed the lightsaber Kylo gave you on your first training day and tucked it in your belt. All of a sudden green alarms went off everywhere.

"I'm guessing someone blew something up." You giggled. 

"First Order Invasion!" You heard one of the commanders scream outside of your door.

"They're going to hurt Kylo.... General wouldn't let them." You ran out of your room to see them firing at Kylo. He was blocking every shot. Rey came behind you.

"Back in black?" She giggled.

"Very funny." You took out your lightsaber and ignited it. 

"So you actually are on the light side." You gulped.

"Look, I don't want to hurt you so please." You examined the room.

"Go over there." You pointed to a wall that could protect her. She obeyed.

"Hold your fire." They wouldn't listen. You turned and looked at Kylo. He was starting to get stressed.

"AH." You heard a scream. Kylo was holding his side. All sorts of anger ran through you. 

"Enough!" You screamed and slammed both of your hands down causing a force to flow through the room. Resistance soldiers flew backwards. You gulped and picked up your lightsaber turning it off.  You tucked it away and ran to Kylo.

"You're hurt." You whispered. You put your hand on top of his to help cover the wound. 

"You're okay." He smiled. You turned back to look for General Organa.

"Let's go home." You whispered. He shook his head in disagreement. Just then you heard a gun go off. You felt adrenaline run through your body. Your arms fell to your side and you look to the pain in your stomach. There was a hole. You looked up at Kylo and smiled. You began to cough up blood as darkness over took you. You heard a loud cry then felt nothing.

~*Side Note*~

Oops. What have I done... Oh my.

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