You're Not My Type - Chapter Thirty

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A/N: I am well aware that Nick Jonas sings this song, but for the sake of the fanfic, please humour me :D Thank you! Enjoy!

Mia's POV.

Sitting down in my usual spot in between Luke and Michael, I pulled out my book and pencil case, setting them down at the end of my desk for more space. Today was the day that Luke and I had to present our song to the class. To say I was nervous was an understatement, I felt like I was going to be sick any minute now. I have never performed in front of anyone before and the only person who has ever truly heard me sing was Michael.

Luke was his same confident self he always is. He knows he has a good voice, so he doesn't need to panic about people judging him. When we practiced the song the other day, I realised that Luke's voice was literally a gift from the Gods above. I remember everytime he hit a particularly high note, his voice would crack and my legs would go just that little bit weaker. To make it worse, he said he wasn't trying that hard, which made me even more apprehensive for our performance today.

The professor told us that each group would sing and then, as a class, we would be trying to guess that emotion they were trying to get though to us. I think mine and Luke's was going to be easy due to the fact that it actually says the emotion in it about a million times, but at least we did it. Michael was refusing to let us know what his song was about no matter how hard I tried.

Luckily, we weren't up first so I had some more time to try and calm myself. Luke must have noticed my worrisome expression because he placed his hand on my thigh and gave it a small squeeze. I turned to him, expecting to see a smirk gracing his face; however I was surprised to see that he actually held a reassuring smile. "You'll be fine." He reassured me.

In that moment, I couldn't be more grateful for Luke. He may not be my favourite person at the minute, but his simple gesture distracted my mind from my upcoming performance. I gave him a small smile in return, focusing back on the group in front of us.

I subconsciously reached my hands down under my desk and started playing with Luke's fingers that still rested against my thigh. It was oddly comforting to feel his presence around me, even though I wanted to punch him sometimes. I hoped that focusing on Luke's hands would keep my mind from wondering back to me singing in front of about forty people.

Unfortunately, I knew that the time would come soon enough, so when it did, I shot a nervous glance to Luke, who gave me an excited grin in return, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of my seat. I let Luke walk up to the front of the room, whilst I grabbed out backing track from my music folder.

I slowly walked to the front, meeting Luke in the centre of the makeshift stage. I shakily passed the CD to our professor and Luke grabbed a guitar that was resting against a piano, just in case people wanted to use it for their performance.

The music played out into the room and Luke began so softly strum his guitar, while I nervously fiddled with the end of my frayed shorts. I was relieved to remember that Luke sang the first verse so I had time to adjust.

I don't like the way he's looking at you

I'm starting to think you want him, too

Am I crazy? Have I lost ya?

Even though I know you like me, can't help it.

Luke's beautiful voice floated gracefully across the room, capturing everyone's attention with his relatable lyrics. Within an instant, the nervous knot in my stomach had disappeared and was replaced with a warm, fluttery feeling. His angelic voice had my eyes focused on him and only him instead of the expectant crowd in front of us. The music picked up in pace when Luke sang the pre-chorus.

You're Not My Type // Punk Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now