Reach! Chapter 1

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"Nikki! Nikki! Nikki" The huge crowd screamed. I was waiting backstage for the music to start playing while the makeup assistant powdered my nose lightly. The music came on and it was my time to shine. I ran up onto the stage and the crowd went wild.

"How's everybody tonight?" I asked the crowd. They screamed in response.

"I said, how's everybody tonight?!" I shouted into the microphone. The crowd burst out with deafening screams and yelling 'I love you Nikki!' at the top of their lungs. I giggled at the sight of all the people going crazy.

"Do you guys want to hear my brand new song?!" I shouted to them. The screams grew louder.

"Hit it" I told the band.

"This is called Fly away with me."

'You know sometimes it gets hard to breathe,

And you want to go and just forget your dreams.

Hmmmm, but baby soon in this life you'll see,

That all your dreams could be your destiny.

So just say a little prayer, and your dreams will take you there.

Up in the sky you'll fly away.

Maybe someday I will be there,

Maybe some times I will be scared.

But don't look back just spread your wings and soar.

Maybe these times are hard to bare,

Just know I will be there.

Waiting for you, baby take my hand

And fly away with me.'

"Nikki! Nikki! Nikki! Nikki" I heard a whisper in my ear. It grew louder every time my name was called.

"Nicole Smith, what did I say about day dreaming in my class!?" Mr Peters shouted to me.

"Um..." I replied not knowing what to say.

"What a loser" I heard one of the boys in my class say. Everyone was laughing at me.

The bell rang and everybody walked out the classroom just before the teardrops could escape from my eyes.

I walked down the hallway with my best friend Jasmine to our next class.

"It seems like every day you get farther away from reality. I called your name like a billion times and you didn't realise." Jasmine shouted at me.

"Didn't you call my name four times?"

"So you did here me. Then why didn't you answer!?" she attacked me again.

"I thought I was still daydreaming" I said shamefully.

I could tell she wanted to slap me but all she did was grunt. We walked in silence next to each other in the crowded hallway. People were moving to their classes of going to their lockers. I was about to start day dreaming again until I saw Brad Davis. Everything always slows down when Brad is around. All the girls stared as he walked past and even some of their jaws dropped. He walked right past me and his arm bumped mine.

He turned "Sorry" he said with his eyes looking into mine. I couldn't speak.

"" was all I could get out of me. He turned back around and kept on walking without looking back.

"Gosh I'm so stupid. He talked to me and all I could say was um."

"Yes you are stupid and all he said was sorry. He says it to everyone he bumps into. Don't go thinking he likes you just because he said sorry." Jasmine crushed my spirit.

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