Reach! Chapter 5

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(A/N) Sorry this took so long. please comment and vote.


I unlocked the door and opened it. I can't wait to tell Jasmine about this. Oh wait, Jasmine isn't my friend anymore. Who should I tell about this?!

I lazily walked to the kitchen thinking about the depressing day I had. Well only the first half was depressing by watching my best friend since grade 1, backstab me.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Trent with two slices of burnt toast I his hands.

"Where were you?!" He shouted when he saw me.

"Um... the mall, remember?"

"What took you so long?!" He shouted again.

I looked at the clock. It was 7:40.

"I'm sorry I lost track of"

"Don't make excuses!" He cut me off.

"I'm starving! And you're on dinner duty! Man shall not live by bread alone!" He started shaking his burnt toast in my face.

"Don't quote the bible at me" I replied with attitude.

"That was the bible?" He looked so dumb right now.

I started laughing.

"Shut up and cook." He said before throwing his toast in the bin angrily and walking off to his room.

"That was weird." I laughed to myself.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs then suddenly I saw Trent walk into the kitchen and straight to the pantry. He got out a box of cereal and poured it in a bowl and added milk and sugar. He got out a spoon from the drawer without a single word.

I gave him a questioning look.

He just shrugged.

"What? I'm hungry. Don't give me that look." he carried the bowl and stomped back into his room.

"Correction, THAT was weird." I said to myself with emphasis on the word that.

After dinner I went straight up to my room and laid on my bed for a while just thinking. About what you may ask. I have no idea myself. I just let my mind wander.

It was around 10 o'clock when Trent stormed into my room and threw the home phone at me. It landed five inches away from me.

"It's for you" He said before closing the door and walking back downstairs.

"Hello?" I wondered who it could be.

"Hey Nicole" replied the voice I never wanted to hear again.

"Oh, Jasmine" Was all I could say.

"Where were you at recess? I was waiting for you and I was so bored." She complained.

"You didn't look bored" The bad side of me was coming out now.

Calm down Nicole. I inhaled deeply and released.


"When you were with Brad at recess you didn't look bored." I replied sounding bored.

"What?" She replied

Was she playing dumb with me? Oh hell no!

"Don't play dumb with me Jasmine. Oh wait you don't play dumb it just comes natural on you doesn't it? Like just how dumb you are to mess with me." I said with so much anger and venom in my voice.

"I don't know what you're talking about Nikki." She tried to sound all innocent but I could still pick up the attitude in her voice.

"Oh, you know exactly what I'm talking about." I was getting so pissed.

"Nope, I don't" She chirped.

"Hold on I'll put you on loud speaker" She sounded so girly.

"Go on" She sounded excited.

"I saw you flirting with Brad! That wasn't part of the deal! And you asked him out somewhere which was also breaking the rules!" I informed her with attitude.

"What was the deal again?"

"You are stupid aren't you" I gritted my teeth.

"Actually I'm very smart" She defended herself.

"Well then you should remember the deal. You know the one where none of us can flirt or ask Brad out somewhere until Saturday 11:59. Pretty much midnight to be exact and whoever he talks to the most and stuff wins." That speech took a whole lot of breath out of me.

"What do we win? You forgot to mention that." She tried to sound innocent again.

"One of us wins Brad and the other one has to back off, remember?!" I yelled into the phone.

"Nope" She popped the p.

"Well now it's no use. Never talk to me again Jasmine!"

"You're fighting with Jasmine over me? Seriously?" Asked a very familiar voice.

"Brad?" I asked at the verge of tears.

"I really thought you were better than this Nicole. I don't know what's more disappointing, the fact that you're breaking up a ten year friendship over a guy or that you put me in the middle of some ridiculous deal." Silent tears streamed down my face.

"To me it seems like you're turning into Carly." He really sounded so disappointed.

"I'm not turning into Carly" I defended myself.

Carly was like the school prostitute. I'm not like Carly!

"That's what you may think"

With that he hung up.

I can't believe Jasmine did that to me. I was furious and I was also cut really deep.

I cried myself to sleep that night and never wanted to wake up.

I woke up an hour earlier than I was supposed to in the morning. I tried to fall back asleep but I just couldn't.

Sadly we got to school early because Trent wanted to meet up early with his little crew of friends. I on the other hand have no friends.

School was hell, literally. Brad didn't even want to look at me or talk to me for that matter. I'm guessing Jasmine spread the word of our conversation because everyone was gossiping about me and no one wanted to sit next to me in class.

Jasmine always tried to make me look bad by pretending I said something hurtful to her every time she walked up to me while the truth is she actually threatened me all those times I said something 'hurtful'. To be honest I never even said a single word to her.

It was even bad on the drive home because Trent had also heard about the news but I told him I didn't want to talk about it so he just left me alone.

When I got home I ran up to my room and dives onto my bed.

"Worst Thursday ever" I said to myself.

Thursday is my favourite school day but today showed me any school day could turn bad.

My phone started ringing. Do I really want to answer it? Well I picked it up anyway.

"Hello?" I probably sounded tired.

"Hey cousin!" A chirpy girl yelled from the other side.


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